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hi just bought a xv 125 2001 running fine, just wondering what would be the first thing you would do to make sure it didn't cut out on you on the road ? ie check spark plug



Hi Del15476. You'll want to post an intro in the new member section (). My next suggestion would be to invest in (and of course read) the manual. :)

btw - :welcome:

Don't park it in the sun apparently they have quite the history of not starting when the tank gets hot.Go to the workshop area and read all about it.

I think you should do the below....

Find the service manual and read it and come to know which is which...

Check oil level of the engine, u can also check the condition of oil and put new oil if bad

Check battery, its acid level, possible short circuits, and screws at each pole, wash away and clean any deposits

Check wire harness, check sockets, check fuses - yes both

Clean all the switches, remove any dirt residing on contact faces of switches

Check the condition of air filter..if bad put a new.

Oil the cables, make sure they are not worn away or prone to break


Check the petrol and vacuum hoses, specially vacuum hoses should not have blocking bends or fractures. If there are foldings the petrol wouldnt flow to the engine in ON position of tap. U can bypass this turning on PRI where ur engine will constantly receive fuel (not a good idea though)...carefully check the T-shaped hose starting from manifold and running to petcock and fuel pump..they should be tight and sealed, if worn replace.

Check the manifold, the rubber /aluminum tubing that feeds each engine head....see if there are cracks, u can replace it or use some glue to seal cracks.

Hint : if you have cracks in either vacuum hoses or manifold, following symptoms will come up.

01. When u start the bike, engine will try to be accelerated or high revs than normal...this will happen when u shifting gears too.

02. Engine will run normal untill all of the sudden it will go dead. Its petrol starvation. This will auto-solve in nearly 10mins (or will never) and she will start again. Sometimes removing and re-installing hose from manifold to petcock will solve this. The petcock and fuel pump both working thanks to vacuum. SO hoses and manifold pls.

You can remove the petrol line going to carb from fuel pump and hold the button outward the engine and crank the engine using motor. The line from fuel pump should pump petrol. If this isnt happening, then your vacuum is bad, replace hoses and seal it tight. If hoses ok check manifold. Both these are ok u still having issue, then pump shold have damaged.

Make sure you wouldnt let there be a petrol starvation. Check condition of plugs, wires from ignition coils etc. You can get a good picture of each bore looking at plugs.



U can overhaul the carb and clean it. All the jets should be cleaned. There is a small filter inside petrol feeder line of carb from inside. clean it well and reinstall the carb. Make sure carb breather pipe isnt blocked. Check engine breather pipe too.


Check oil level,check tappets,check timing,

Fix oil leaks.

See if engine is warming up unnecessarily.If this is the case, the engine oil pump's plastic wheel is probably worn out. replace it with a new. This is very crucial case as you will have to rebuilt the engine totally due to wearing away of piston rings, bearings etc. under no oil circulation. This happened to two of my bikes xv125.

Oil filters

There is a filter under the belly of the engine with a big bolt. Not the side one at the bottom. Remove it and clean.

At the right where u have YAMAHA on engine, open three allen-bolted cover and see oil filter condition. Put a new if bad..

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