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I've been knocked off twice in 10 months by hit and run drivers, one in England the other in Portugal. Same old shit all over the world. :madflame:

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SMIDYS are bad enough, but the one that fetched me off made eye contact, decided he could make it before I got to him, then decided to stop, filling the road and leaving me no where to go except the side of his car, the impact was enough to launch me over the top of his boot. What gets me is how many bikers have tales like this either regular near misses or account 's of how they have been fetched off.

Seems to me the only way to stop this is to make drivers go through a compulsory bike riding course before their allowed anywhere near the controls of a car. In my dreams!

T-junction, Bromley, an hour ago. I've stopped and waiting for a gap in the cars coming from my right, so I can turn left. Utter fuckhead in Focus behind me tries to squeeze past thinking he's seen a gap in traffic (he hasn't - there's just a car with his lights off), doesn't see my panniers, nearly nudges me off the bike. He stops, I try to right the bike, his bumber is preventing me. "BACK UP!" I scream at him. "Really sorry mate, didn't see that bit of your bike...". No damage, except to my nerves. "Even if the panniers weren' there, you were too fucking close in any case mate, be more careful or you're gonna kill someone". Utter, utter wankerfatsarflondontwat!

Now that the winter is pretty much here, what is it with cage drivers driving round with there front fog lights on? not only are some still going round with full beam on (even though its light enough not to need full beam on) but they think thats its just as good to blind every one with there fog lights!?

O and the fact that this week end i spotted 7 folks on their mobiles and half of pissing somerset not needing their indicators!!!! :wank4az:

And this my friends is why we wear armoured gauntlets and car wing mirrors stick out.they seem to be no use so we should remove them...........

i had a black merc pull out in front of me on the way out of bolton (it seems to be the only place i have problems with other drivers), after a ratehr good emergency stop (considering i'd only been riding a month), i moved on, only to do it again for a white van doing the same thing 200 yards later on

ive not broken a wing mirror yet, but i've nearly punched a young teenage boy... is that road rage? or is it just getting annoyed by the idiots out there?

it's life son. :shakeno:

i think they should remove seatbelts and airbags from cars.

they have belts and airbags and a giant steel cocoon around them, This makes them feel invulnerable so they tend to drive like idiots.

re move most of the saftey devices Maybe line the dashboard with knives and im sure they will start to pay attention to whats going on around them.

having said that you always get the odd idiot.

i was on my way to a city near me the other day. and was a biket just infront of me. he turned up to go to halfords and then some idiot in a car was coming down to the junction on the wrong side.

there was no way either the car or the biker could have seen eachother before they both arrived at the same spot. Luckily the biker had gone really close to the cerb so they did not collide.

if the biker had been in the center of his side of the road it would have been ugly. or if the car had been closer to the cerb.

I saw an altercation begin and felt like going over to help the biker, but the car driver seemed to realize he was actually on the wrong side of the road.

Thats purley a terrible driver and nothing to do with not seeing any one.

And no matter how you anticipate what these idiots will do. you really cant expect to see one coming down the wrong side of the road on a junction on a blind corner..

A small part of me wanted the biker to have been a car and then there would have been a collision and the idiot driver on the wrong side of the road would have had a LOT of explaning to do. and with any luck been taken off the road.

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it's life son. :shakeno:

that's Bolton for ya :D

I've had peeps drive at me on the wrong side of the road (normally female ethnics) whodon't even bother to knowledge the situation

  • 2 weeks later...

that's Bolton for ya :D

I've had peeps drive at me on the wrong side of the road (normally female ethnics) whodon't even bother to knowledge the situation

in bolton? ive nto had that yet... perhaps id better keep an eye out

  • 2 weeks later...

its always been that way and will stay that way, those in cars think they own the road because they have 4 wheels and dont give a monkeys about bikes unless themselves are bikers or a family member rides a bike, HATE it when they pull out on you or clip you and they pipe up accusing you of being dangerous on a bike! :eusa_snooty:

Well last night i had a very very close shave with a BMW driver. just riding home after 3 hours of Karate so i was taking it easy. riding down the road and my house is now only 400yards away, to my right is a junction but im on the main road so have the right of way.

I then spot this said BMW pull up to the junction and stop, being as it was dark and i had my lights on etc i would have guessed he could see that there was another motorized vehicle on the road, but i spot that he has failed to activate his indicators. By this time he has pulled out and is now in the middle of the road trying to go over the middle of the speed bumps forcing me to take action, wet road and sudden braking the rear wheel locks so i eased off the rear brake but now the rear wheel is saying hello to the front wheel. thankfully i get her straight again and go in pursuit of this twatbut he speeds off nearly taking out another car.

I'm Riding my bike, your driving your car.

You see me and i see you.

I'm now in your car,

I'm on top of your wife and im touching your kids.

Maybe next time your think about using your indicators?

i don't mind the touching of wife, but hey,the other is wrong man.

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Im in london most days and everything above is just a day in the life.

They are all so obsessed with losing 2 seconds they will risk it all. I am including bikes in this. They are the worst offeders in many cases.

High and mighty we might like but the fact is that the current generation of 20/30 somethings in the main have been brought up in a system that blames somebody else.

Saw an accident today,car verses truck. Car went for a gap that wasn't there on the blind side of a truck. You can guess the result. Who was it swearing though......not the hgv. Guess who couldnt speka da lingo when the plod turned up.

Sat there for nearly an hour thanks to that impatient twat.

i don't mind the touching of wife, but hey,the other is wrong man.

LOL :biglaugha: might depend on the wife?! j/k

  • 2 weeks later...
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Jeez, is it just BMW drivers?

Following a bus this morning coming home from work, indicated to come of the dual carriageway to get onto junction M1 from the inside lane. Twat in blacked out windows big beamer cut straight across me from the outside track, between me and the bus. Obviously a late entry, then sped off down the M1

But this is the worrying bit, I DIDNT FEEL ANGRY.

Whats wrong with me?

Have I become acclimatised to stupidity?

By the way, high viz jacket was on, so thats a waste of time then

Have I become acclimatised to stupidity?

It's not stupidity. That's just what they'll claim, along with bikes being so invisible, you riding like a loony, etc..

Fact is, they will always come off betterthan you, so they really don't give a fuck if they kill you or not. Ask any woman driving her kids around in a (typically pretend) 4x4 - "So long as my beloved kids are OK...". They just about all know FULL WELL that they can get away with being cunts, because half the time YOU will not be around to argue back. Hit and run, no witnesses, no problem.

It is this exact mentality that is driving me to save up for my tank. I'm used to an environment where I speak the loudest, tread the heaviest, hit the hardest and carry by far the fuck-off-biggest stick around, so I see no reason not to carry this into the driving arena.

  • 3 months later...

There's a mini roundabout near me (used to be a T-junction) where cars coming from the left never seem to see me to the point where I pay more attention to the traffic on my left than the right.

Today I was on the roundabout and noticed the car on my left not stopping, I break to a stop and am beeping my horn but she just turns right cutting me up, completely oblivious to me with absolutely no indication she's seen me. Then I spot the mobile being held to her ear by her right shoulder so there's no way she could've even looked right to check. I was well p1$$ed off to the extent I clocked her reg and reported her to the police as she'll kill someone soon!

This mini-roundabout is a bikers nemesis as cars never look. Just before Christmas another woman drove straight across me again, this time speeding from the rate she flew passed. If I hadn't stopped I doubt I'd be here. On that occasion it just so happened she was traveling in the same direction as me so at the next set of lights I pulled up alongside her and suggested she pay more attention to what she's doing. I think she thought I might be aggressive as she knew she'd nearly killed me but I'd calmed down by then.

As I told the police today, I'm used to not being seen but the one today was completely oblivious. I'm also reporting that junction to the council again as it's near a school but cars will do 40mph down there.

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