Posted August 28, 201212 yr Hi me again I have purchesed a new engine for my XT125x only the generator looks different its defo a XT125x but not sure of the year my old engine has only one raised area on the part that spins round that is connected to the crank. The new one has lots of raised parts I think this is what makes the spark? Will it hurt just to change them round? Thanks Lukyboi
August 28, 201212 yr What was wrong with your old engine? Not all XT engines are the exactly the same.
August 28, 201212 yr Author Hi Grouch The old engine siezed and a coge came through the caseing it was not pretty
August 28, 201212 yr For it to do that, it must have been seriously neglected. XT engines are practically immortal. How long had you had the bike before it did that?
August 29, 201212 yr Author Only 1 F@ing year I think i got the drift after it went bang I should have had it checked but like I said in my introdution I am not that good when it comes to these thing I am trying to fix that now but first I got to get this engine to run so if you can help please do. I have bought some pullys but the dam thing wont come off any ideas Lukyboi
August 29, 201212 yr I only got my bike in March and I didn't have a clue about the maintenance side of things either. I didn't have any confidence either, but with a bit of help from the guys on here I have done loads of work now. I've replaced brake pads, handlebars, clutch cable, I've even replaced the rear brake caliper. Once you start doing bits and bats you'll get a taste for it and even start enjoying it. It's a big ask replacing a whole engine on your own especially if you don't have a clue what your doing. Don't you have any friends or family with any experience that can help you? Where abouts in the U.K. are you?
August 30, 201212 yr Author I have got my dad has done a bit in his time worked on engines that is we are just looking to see if it is possible to do things as we tend to think out side of the box and with no experence with yamaha we are hoping you guys would help I am now on my way to the local garage to see if they can get the generetor rotas off wish me luck. Lukyboi
August 31, 201212 yr Author 275 + VAT its a nearly new engine that could be why i am having so much trouble the guy i bought it from said it would fit and it does but there are slight diffrences that have got in the way like the generator rota. The guy who sold it to me sells lots of engines and parts thats his business I maybe should not have trusted him but sounded like he knew what he was talking about . I will get this thing going if its the last thing I do if not my dad will take this engine and stuff up his well you now. I am still waiting for the garage to get back to me about the generator rota's I hope that will sort out the starting probs the rest should be easy. Lukyboi
August 31, 201212 yr The thing with XT's is every year's model has slight alterations. When buying parts you need to make sure it is the same model as your XT. That seem's like a good price though, providing it all works. You do need to be careful with garage's and other seller's. I got ripped off big time a few months ago, the guy knew that I knew he was conning me and I couldn't do a thing about it. I learned that the hard way. That's another reason why it's a good idea to start learning basic maintenance on your machine.
August 31, 201212 yr Author Just been down to the garage and guess what there is a problem the old rota has 3 alan bolts that connects the flywheel to the starter ring so they undid them took the rota off. The new one however has three headless bolts so they have tob drilled out I dont understand it why is so difficult to exchange/replace I am begining to think that I was not ment to get this bike fixed every time a go 1 step forword I stumble 2 back. Are these engines now designed to be scrapped rather than repaired I have searched and searched for any information about the removel of the rota but I cant find anything which makes me think they are or am I the first poor sole to try this repair.
August 31, 201212 yr The thing is with XT engines, especially a 2006 model, they are very basic engines and require little or no maintenance. For an engine as modern as yours to blow it is unheard of, Yamaha engines especially are known for being bullet proof and lasting forever. For your engine to blow or whatever happened to it, the guy who had it before you must of never put oil in it or serviced it. I know it seems like everything's going wrong at the minute, but you will eventually get it all sorted and you won't look back. It will make it even more rewarding. I have had countless fuck ups as well, When I first got my bike I got ripped off by a garage, my speedo has fucked up, now I need new brake discs, I've gone through 3 sets of brake pads, a new clutch cable, chain and sprocket, bought a new battery that I didn't even need, new front tyre, and other shit I can't remember. Welcome to the world of motorbikes.
August 31, 201212 yr Author Yeh but why so difficult my dad said back in the day it was so much easyer this is ageing him I'm sure he was not this grey before we started LOL do you think the garage is right that these bolts with no heads have to be drilled out I looked at the other one and yes it was connected to the starter fly wheel but surely it should not be this hard to change a rota it does not mention drilling it in the manual I have. You say you have had trouble with yours I have also changed the rear brakes too that was easy and I had to have a new battery I left it parked in the drive when it was - 8 out side and the next day it was dead thank god for the kick start. When I bought the bike it had not been kept in a garage it was in fact left in a apartment block carpark he had not rode it for six weeks and it had not been started for a week so we was told !! it fired up first time I took it for a test ride and it was great I then rode it the 60miles home following my dad it never missed a beat and has not until the other when it went bang.
August 31, 201212 yr Author Well the garage has not phoned so it looks like they did not get it apart will have to wait till Monday oh well will let you know how I get on
August 31, 201212 yr I wouldn't advise you to keep your bike on your drive overnight, that's just asking it for it to be stolen. It sounds like the bolts have threaded or the heads on them have rounded making them unable to unscrew.
August 31, 201212 yr Author We live in a village well off the beaten track and our drive is really safe i dont normally leave it out it is kept in the garage but I forgot to put away one night, never again. Yeah but why it has never been pulled apart so they have not been rung off the only thing we can think is they are designed to break off so making it impossible or at least very difficult to change. I do hope the garage can get it off
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