Posted August 8, 201212 yr Ive done them on my old yamaha r1. Then again it was a light bike and very easy to do. Now i want to do it on my 1987 yamaha virago(frame). But the engine is a 1997 yamaha Virago xv1100.(thats what the person i got it from told me) The engine number is 1te-003563 cant find anywhere to see what year or information on that engine. Never done one on a cruiser so i need some tips I want to try to a small wheelie(maybe a few inches off the ground) until i get use to the weight of the bike to go higher. 1) Do i have to actually attempt to life the bike with my arms or should it lift on its own 2) what gear do i get the most torque from ( assuming this is where i need to do it) 3) Do i need to POP the cluch fast while reving or can i do what i did on my r1 and just change gear first then REV HARD 4) how fast should i be going when i start the wheelie Most important (5) I dont have a Tacho. So i ride my bike by sound. How fast should i be going in what gear before i start the wheelie? i want to be able to do it at a really slow speed as in just taking off from a stop.
August 8, 201212 yr I do not think that this can be done. Cruisers are much heavy and had bigger distance between front and rear wheel - gravity center is lower and harder is to pop up. All you can get is smoke from rear tire and that is it.
August 8, 201212 yr Go to your nearest Mc Donalds, look out for a very large Mc Donalds eater and get them to sit on the back, might help.
August 8, 201212 yr I do not think that this can be done. Cruisers are much heavy and had bigger distance between front and rear wheel - gravity center is lower and harder is to pop up. All you can get is smoke from rear tire and that is it. Sorry but if you can wheelie this thing then i think any thing is possible. 320kg of bike on the back wheel...............hmmm yer i think your little virago can do a wheelie. lol
August 8, 201212 yr Sorry but if you can wheelie this thing then i think any thing is possible. 320kg of bike on the back wheel...............hmmm yer i think your little virago can do a wheelie. lol Yes, but take a look how much rear end is unstable while is "dragging" trough corners... very easy can go out of track, or fail from motorcycle.
August 8, 201212 yr You'd need to be going pretty fast, clutch in, stab the front brake and as it recoils back, dump the clutch and pop it up on the back wheel. Quite easy with something like a Rocket III, near impossible on a 320kg bike with, at most, only 60HP. I'm sure it's been done, but their bike would likely be fucked afterward. Besides, the only reason other bikes pull wheelies is to show off. The only reason they show off is because their bikes are otherwise generic pieces of ugly crap. Nothing looks good when all you see is a blur and hear a HOOOOOONNNnnnnnnn as it goes past. People just say, "What was that? Oh, just a bike". No idea what it was and not a care. That's why cruisers go slow - So people can actually SEE how awesome they are and get a good long look at it. I've been parked up and had random girls come up ask for their photo with me and my bike!
August 8, 201212 yr How can i do a stoppy with a 180 spin on my dragstar? i think that would look awesome! lol again gotta agree with good old Tasky, sports bikes and the like are good for wheelies and other stunts to make up for the fact you may have a small pecker but with the cruisers there is no need for stunts..........just park up and just watch the looks it gets
August 8, 201212 yr Author Go to your nearest Mc Donalds, look out for a very large Mc Donalds eater and get them to sit on the back, might help. 4 thats Fkin Hallariuos yea. Was just a thought. Thanks for the input guys. i mean this bike i feel tremendous torque so it was an idea lol. The guy that had it before me said he used it as a drag bike.
August 8, 201212 yr i mean this bike i feel tremendous torque so it was an idea lol. The guy that had it before me said he used it as a drag bike. It's got, what... 60HP? The sort of people who pull stunts do so on machines with up to 190HP... That's more than THREE TIMES what you have and they usually have about half to a third of the weight. All you usually have to do to wheelie is whazz the throttle wide open and dump the clutch in 1st, 2nd or 3rd gear, no training required - the power-weight ratio just does it for you! This is also why many of them kill themselves, including some twat here in Reading the other year! Again, I'm not saying it's impossible... just highly unlikely. Also... a Drag bike? Maybe against other similar types of bike, but 60HP isn't very much to be drag-racing with. Perhaps he meant he felt like it was dragging itself along compared to the rest of the traffic? How can i do a stoppy with a 180 spin on my dragstar? i think that would look awesome! lol Start by beefing up your front brake. Use double-double-quadruple sintered pads and bed them in over a good 500 miles. Then bleed the brakes and build the pressure up so much that braking feels solid as concrete under even the slightest pressure. Then, get riding and go really, really, REALLY fast, as fast as it will go... I mean a whole 90mph at least! If you can make 108mph, then you've broken my speed record! Once at this speed, make sure you're perfectly upright and level, then STAB on the front brake. Drag the lever back so far you're crushing it into the handgrip and do it so fast that you almost (but not quite) snap the lever off. If you're very lucky, the bike will stand up. Be ready for the up-stand, because the instant it raises above 60º, you need to start slackening off on the front brake, else you'll head-plant the road in an Undertaker piledriver fashion. Don't slacken off so much that you start coming back down, though. This part will need lots of practice. You want to be able to hold the stoppie until the bike has almost stopped moving. Now, while you're up there, pull the clutch in and click all the way down into 1st gear. You'll need this later. Just before the bike comes to a stop and falls back down, you need to kinda sorta twist your lower body around and thus flip the bike within the 'rolling' plane. Kinda hard to explain, but anyone who's ever owned a BMX should be able to explain it for you. This basically is your 180º twist at the end, so as you come down you should be in 1st and can gun the throttle just before you touch down. The end result should be a nice quick wheelspin with some 1970s cop show tyre-squeal, before you take off and speed away looking like the coolest thing since Steve McQueen... but alive, as well. For best results, perform liberally in front of your local Rozzers and finish with a backward two-finger salute as you blaze off, while having a friend video the whole thing and posting it on YouTube with your name and address. Next week on "Tasky's Cunning Stunts": The impossible under-truck slide from the opening sequence of the film Hooper, starring Bert Reynolds and Jan-Michael Vincent!
August 8, 201212 yr Moderator sports bikes and the like are good for wheelies and other stunts to make up for the fact you may have a small pecker but with the cruisers there is no need for stunts.......... So by that logic on a cruiser you don't need anything to make up for a small pecker......
August 9, 201212 yr So by that logic on a cruiser you don't need anything to make up for a small pecker...... Well, no obviously - Even on a 650, the V-Twin vibrations are more than enough to make a girl come several times an hour. Some larger Cruisers can even do it just by riding past, such are the atmospheric disruptions caused by the exhaust notes. Important to note: Harleys don't vibrate fast enough - Their sensation brings some pleasure, but it's nowhere near climax. 125cc Cruisers may bring a slight smile, but the womenfolk of those riding the 125s are rarely old enough to even know what an orgasm is, so they pretty much don't count. So no, undersized undercarriages are not a concern for us Cruiser riders. We just don't give a shit. Our womenfolk get what the're given and they'll like it. Also important to note: Having spoken with some gay Cruiser riders, it seems that the world of homosexuality is once again completely opposite to that of us Breeders - Gay Cruiser riders are typically FAR more well-endowed than almost every other kind of biker and most are considered quite a catch, but especially if they can pull off the white t-shirt look you only ever see in clothing & accessories catalogues... Although, the wearing of leather chaps is still considered poncey and fucking queer, even in Queer circles. How 'bout that!
August 9, 201212 yr Yes i may have a small pecker but i have a whole 11 stone to thump the fucker in with! Sorry but i see most sports bike riders a little like BMW drivers...........OOOO look at my power to weight ratio, n i can do 0-10000000000mph in less that 0.0005 milli seconds etc etc. (not all are like that but 89% are) Yes there is the few freshly brewed Pricks on the cruisers that think just because they have a HOG look alike they are instantly a member of a well know motorcycle group. But as the name of the bike goes, its built for cruising not for scratching round corners or performing stunts to Vicky polard down tesco's / McDonald's car parks.
August 11, 201212 yr Haters will be haters, i always find it amusing that you judge the size of each others knobs by what they ride (bit gay). Sports bikes are fun, on and off the track, theres nothing better than getting a few good bends flowing together properly and out breaking someone at the end of a straight. (Track) Also its nice to know theres a bit of power there to help get you out of trouble, you dont have to ride like a dick to have fun on a sports bike, as they say 'anyone can go fast in a straight line' but at least i can go fast round bends aswell unlike a cruiser =P
August 13, 201212 yr "Haters will be haters" Huh??!! Have I accidentally logged into Facebook here or something? Are you only 12 years old...? Haterz gunna hate, eh? Someone got the link to that "Leave Britney Alooooooooooooone" video? "i always find it amusing that you judge the size of each others knobs by what they ride (bit gay)" The size of your nob is defined by everything - How much you can drink, what size gun you have, how pretty your woman is, how big your engine is, how well you ride, how fast you ride, how many scars you have, etc etc. The more amusing part is that the larger the values of each measurement, the larger your nob, and yet at the same time, the larger the values the smaller your nob and the greater the inadequacies you're attempting to compensate for. So... you have a big engine on a big bike because you have a big nob, but also you have this because you have a small nob and are compensating. Now try wrapping your head around THAT one! And to finish off the train wreck that is human logic - You just ridiculed something by calling it gay, thus indicating that you yourself are both a manly man and at the same a closet fag with all the manliness and inadequacies associated... Welcome to the human race! "theres nothing better than getting a few good bends flowing together properly and out breaking someone at the end of a straight" Having (among other things) flown a helicopter and fired a variety of large calibre weaponry, I could quite easily argue that one as well... "Also its nice to know theres a bit of power there to help get you out of trouble" If ever you need power to get out of trouble, you have failed to plan and were not been watching the road in the first place - Quote from a Police and TVAM riding instructor. Also, I wonder how many people only got into trouble in the first place because they had that bit of power. "you dont have to ride like a dick to have fun on a sports bike" And yet so many people still do... Why is that? "at least i can go fast round bends aswell unlike a cruiser" Cruisers can go fast round corners too. But if you can corner fast on your sports bike, how come many other sporty riders cannot? Whenever you hear about some biker losing it on a twisty country road, why is it always a Sporty and never a Cruiser? End of the day, big whoop. An off-road bike can go off-road, unlike a Sports Bike. My aeroplane can fly directly from London to Paris without having to use a ferry or the Chunnel, unlike a Sports Bike. My penknife can open tin cans, bend wire, cut thread and undo screws, unlike a Sports Bike. These are all devices intended to do certain things. Arguing that someone else's cannot do something that it's not designed to do anyway is even more insane that the nob size argument. But the biggest laugh of all is that this is meant to be just a comedy thread of pure nonsense, made-up bullshit and us pissing around. People seem to be taking it far too seriously... have a beer or two then hit us up again! Now go make some funny stuff up... like how a Giraffe is the only animal tht can teabag you whilst standing up!
August 13, 201212 yr Oh, is that what she told you? Who said i used my knob? she's got a bucket so not even Arnold Schwarzenegger's bicep will touch the sides!
August 13, 201212 yr This is what happens when you let them shop in Ann Summers... Using them thar 'marital aids' does tend to loosen things up, especially if they fancy a bit fo action after reading Fifty Shades!
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