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Hi looking to purchase a FJR1300 A 2010/11 model.

Anything i should look out for when checking vehicle, as i have no experience on Yamaha bikes



I have a FJR also.

Other than the service history and general condition I don’t really know and have not found any inherent faults with the machine,

I have had mine from new, it is a bit clunky when selecting gear on first start up of the day, so much so that I put the bike in gear and rock it back and forth with the clutch in to free off the clutch plates before I start the bike, its not a pain just something I have gotten into the habit of doing,

Along with the bike you should get the usual tool kit, but also there should be LH/RH side boxes and also 6 little colour coded blank caps for the holes that the boxes clip into when they are not being used. (I also got two black keys and a red master key with a spare side box lock for a top box optional extra one key fits all locks.)

One of the few things that annoy me is that often I find that the sun reflects off the LCD screen and dazzles my view of the clocks, that coupled with the fact that it is deceptively fast can put you a few miles over the prescribed speed limit without realising, also I feel my bike could do with a Sixth gear not for extra speed just to make high speed riding a bit more relaxed.

I have no problems with the linked brakes and I think the ABS has come to my rescue once or twice, I don’t think it was my riding skills that saved the situations that spring to mind, My wife finds the bike comfortable the heat ducting from the engine and the heated handle grips are great but in the summer the engine can warm your legs up somewhat.

Oh and the bike is a bit heavy,

But on the whole I like it and it suits me at least I think I don’t look like an elephant riding a warthog size wise Like I do when I am riding a 916 Ducati.


  • Author

Hi Aj,

I'm looking to change my st1100 primarily because of the engine cooling in hot weather, Travelling through Italy last year and getting caught in traffic jams on the German Autobans for hours got my wind up looking at the temperature guage sitting at max.

The bikes weight and clunking 1st gear change will be home from home from the St. I travel with my wife also so comfort is a key to my travel happiness so I'm pleased your wife finds the seat comfortable.

When i come to test the bike, i'll look out for the heat transfer to my legs and the other items you mentioned.

Thank you for your input


Hello again

My bike has never overheated but if you leave it ticking over as can happen when bimbling through a busy town or in traffic the temperature will rise but the cooling fans have always brought this under control quite quickly, the heat that is ducted to your legs can be controlled slightly by opening the LH/RH faring flaps, however I keep them open all the time to allow the heat to escape from the engine more readily.

I also get less stressed when the engine runs on the cooler side of things.

Your test ride hopfully will show this up,

If you find a suitable U lock that fits the under seat storage slots post the make and model of it because the original Abus lock that was franchise sold with my old Divi don't fit so currently I am using a disc lock, for secondary security.


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Hi Aj

Brilliant, We have 6 weeks in the sun next year (Spain, France and Italy) so plenty of time to purchase a bike, but glad of your opinion so not to waste time.

It's going to be an FJR now not the GTR 1400 as previously planned. The Yamaha comes in a bit expensive but seems a bikers bike to me.

Adustable fairng flaps - now that's clever.

Thank you again


Hello SId

I wouldn’t like to say the FJR is a better bike than the GTR, as I have never ridden a GTR, But I think the build quality will be similar, Honda might have a slightly better build quality than the Yam or Kwak, the only bikes I can compare to is my old Divi which I wish I still had, but this FJR is better than that, and a BMW 1100 Rt, the only reason I didn’t a BMW was the overall cost and the insultingly low Px that was offered on the Divi. But the BMW was so easy to handle and because of this was very tempting,


  • Author

Hi Aj

GTR 1400

I know it is nuts, but i cannot get my head around the tyre pressure sensors in the wheels, checked with a Kawa dealer and they said they can break even when changing tyres, you cannot change the batteries and they cost around £160 each. Some say you can but the dealer says you can't. This is the only problem but is sticking in my throat.

Looked at the BMW but would only consider the new 1600 version but way too expensive for my budget.

No I'm going to look around for a FJR first, glad you never gave me any horror stories

Thanks Again


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