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Hello People.

Wee bit about me to begin.

My username comes from my job & uniform colour. I work for the Scottish Ambulance Service on what is called The Urgent Tier. We basically take in doctors calls that are urgent but not emergencies( although we do them as well). The colour of my uniform is blue but I work with colleagues who wear green.

Going back about 20 years my first bike was a Yamaha. A red RD125DX with chrome mudguards ! Loved that bike.

My next bike was also a Yamaha. An XS400. It was the one that had a rectangle spine frame not the tubular frame. Haven't seen another like it since. Think it may have been called an XS400 Sport or something.

Had a few other bikes since. Couple of CB125's,an RG125,MZ250ETZ Luxus,XBR500,CBX550 hardtail chop.Yamaha XJ600 was my first serious big bike.Got that after my XS400.Finally a Suzuki RF900. Got to say that was the best bike of all.

Anyway. I havent had a bike for a ouple of years now but Im soon to become the proud owner of a........................

Yamaha XJ600 ! ! !

Yes. Another XJ600. Its been sitting on a driveway under a bike cover for quite a few years but its mine if I want it. Just got to sort out getting a van to pick it up when the owners finds all the paperwork.

I will post a new thread about the bike soon. Probably asking a few obvious answer questions but I would rather be safe than sorry.

Oh & how much is the bike costing me ? ? NOTHING. except for the cost of hiring a van & fuel to get it home that is ! !

Hi and welcome you lucky sod, being given a free bike.

I had an XJ600 from new when they first came out, one of my favourites.

Again welcome to the club you lucky sob

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