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as we all know the uk is a wet country so if you take your dtr 125 e on the dirt you have to get used to going through water.

if my dtr goes through a few deep puddles or tractor ruts somehow water and all sorts of crap gets into the carb and i can not for the life of me find out where :tearhair:

does anyone else have the same problem?

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no that's still in there it seems to enter after the filter

Well I guess you'll want to check the hose clip that holds the air box to carb hose in place. Anything getting in the air ox side should be stopped by the air filter. Is it getting in the float bowl or the bore of the carb? Check your fuel filter. In the tank. The later flats life carbs also had a fuel filter built into the fuel pipe where it connects to the carb. I found this the other day, unless it had been jammed in there by a previous owner, but I think I checked a spare and found the same.

The air box is built in 2 halves and there is a rubber seal that fits between the 2 halves in a recess all the way around. Might be worth a check there too. Water in your carb is a dangerous situation though. Don't want that H20 stuff in your engine!

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in the bore, i can see bits of grit blocking the small "little balls" embedded in the bottom of the bore on air intake side. i can only assume that they are jets. ive checked the rubber connections and the rubber that connects the carb to the air filter does not sit tightly to the air box so that may be the problem. has anybody considered removing the air box and making a full snorkel leading somewhere around the handlebars to an air filter?

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Just fix it, on my DT when i was using it in anger on the dirt i had all the breathers routed so they ran to the airbox with good inlet rubbers, i have run my DT through water deep enough to submerge the gearbox.

So long as you have a can of WD handy it never left me walking.

You're over complicating things. I cant picture what little balls there are in the carb but I would personaly..

have the carb off and give it a full clean, all jets etc cleaned with carb cleaner.

Replace the carb to airbox connector and the hose clip that holds it tight against the carb.

If this is loose, thats where water is getting in so make it water tight.

Yamaha designed the airbox very well so I wouldnt go messing and trying to do better just repair and replace to get back to how those clever Japanese fellows had planned it to run.

Theres definitely nothing wrong with the standard airbox, i had the whole expansion chamber sub merged going through a ford, was deeper than first thought!! Weirdest moment was you cant hear the engine or exhaust! was no crap in the carb either way.

Wow i bet that was a scary moment! You say you couldnt hear the exhuast? The silencer end couldnt have been under?

I had a dep on the bike and a lot of sound comes through the expansion chamber, basically muted the whole bike. There wasnt much sound coming from the end can tbh.

The joys of off roading in Wales!

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i have a cunning plan. first clean the carb, second attack the every single connection with silicone. that should do the trick :idea: but yeah i bet that would be pretty scary when you cant hear the engine under the water ive drowned a bike out before. you have to admit the dtr 125 can take some punishment i wonder why yamaha packed in making them?

I don't.....emissions. They we're struggling against the regulations since around the milenium. Thats why they redesigned it in 2004 and brought out the electric start. It has an exhaust full of CAT to meet the regulations. Then in around 2008 the regs were changes again and they couldnt do it anymore so jacked it in, in favour of the more eco WR125 four stroke.

Riding through deep water is a strange sensation, not only can you not sea where the front wheel is, you think your engine has packed up, due to no noise!

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it brings an end of an era when they packed in the dtr :tantrum:

i know what you mean busyeddie the first thing that i think is i hope that there is nothing sharp at the bottom.

The first thing i check is that there is a bottom!

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