June 20, 201212 yr Author Ok check the pump next then, best to work through logically or you get lost and miss things. Its normally something small that causes the problems. Did the bike run ok before storage? Got no idea as it was standing for 2 years before i bought it.i removed the spark plugs and squirted some petrol and it fired,so something with fuel distribution
June 21, 201212 yr Author Haven't doneanything on a bike today,but read that fuel tank breather hose IF its plugged can cause bike stalling,is it true?thanks
June 21, 201212 yr Moderator Yes but it won't be causing this as the bike hasn't run yet. It only causes issue when the fuel is drawn from the tank faster than air can replace it. Your next step is to prove the fuel pump or bypass it and use some sort of bottle with fuel in it to gravity feed the carbs. Till then we cannot move on.
June 22, 201212 yr Author Hi again.Took the fuel pump out,took it apart haven't noticed anything special although i'm not the expert.pump is run by vaccum not electric one.took the fuel hose which goes from pump to the fuel hose joint which is in the middle of 4 carbs.And noticed the plastic kind of plug,plugged in to the fuel hose joint,couldn't see how fuel would go through that plug so took it out.got bike together,started still same problem,not firing,just starter sound.so is it time for carbs to be cleaned?don't think its difficult job but will have to do it on my drive:)
June 23, 201212 yr Author Yes but it won't be causing this as the bike hasn't run yet. It only causes issue when the fuel is drawn from the tank faster than air can replace it. Your next step is to prove the fuel pump or bypass it and use some sort of bottle with fuel in it to gravity feed the carbs. Till then we cannot move on. Also if it makes any sense,there is some kind of tiny howling/whistling sound coming out of fuel tank cap now and then
June 24, 201212 yr Author Ok,if anyone reading this thread,squirted some carb cleaner in to carbs still attached.(done it lazy way).tried starting the bike,bike started and was running for about 5 seconds->stalled.tried to start it again and there was a big bang some tiny smoke was out of hole in exhaust system hole and smelt carb cleaner.touched the hole with finger and there was some carb cleaner. So i suppose during all 5 secs engine was running on carb cleaner??? So i need to do proper carb overhaul? Thanks
June 25, 201212 yr Moderator Sorry had computer issues, so its a vacume pump? Whatever if you cannot prove thepump yet then yes the carbs as already said are going to need a clean. Take your time and don't interchange parts between carbs do one at a time and have the digital camera handy and take lots of pics so you don't get lost putting it back together.
June 26, 201212 yr Author Sorry had computer issues, so its a vacume pump? Whatever if you cannot prove thepump yet then yes the carbs as already said are going to need a clean. Take your time and don't interchange parts between carbs do one at a time and have the digital camera handy and take lots of pics so you don't get lost putting it back together. Oh,no thats ok. Yes its a vacume pump and unserviceable part unfortunately.Tried cleaning the carbs,cleaned i would say just just front of carbs as couldn't unscrew back of the carbs without completely damaging the screws.So put the bike together again.At first couple attempts it was just started sound then engine was trying to sstart with sounds kind of puf puf puf at which battery started to die,so battery is fully charged today,will try again later .Thanks
June 26, 201212 yr Author Sorry had computer issues, so its a vacume pump? Whatever if you cannot prove thepump yet then yes the carbs as already said are going to need a clean. Take your time and don't interchange parts between carbs do one at a time and have the digital camera handy and take lots of pics so you don't get lost putting it back together. Tried again with fully charged battery,didn't want to fire .So tried starting it with Easy Start ,it started kind of running whilst i had Start button on with little throttle,once i released it stopped and didn't run again.Probably dirty carbs at the back need somehow take them apart completely.Any more suggestions?Thanks
June 26, 201212 yr Moderator Full clean of the carbs, simple as that. It runs with substitue fuel and nealy ran after the sort of clean. No more thinking needed, you have to strip em down and clean out the fuel residue inside.
June 27, 201212 yr Hi all may aswell put my penny in, lol. l know you said you got a new battery but have you checked to see how many volts it got, new or old it still could be bad battery. Will need the full 12volts after charging to help start it, if below ( like 10 volts) you may need more powerful battery. You said it has fired but not started is that fuel cock tap working on main and reserve tank? is fuel getting to the carbs? is the chock working aswell? . have you checked all the spark plugs for a good spark in each. If you got a good spark in each its could be fuel, if not wiring. try a volt meter and test bulb. you could also get a spark plug tester.
June 27, 201212 yr Author Hi all may aswell put my penny in, lol. l know you said you got a new battery but have you checked to see how many volts it got, new or old it still could be bad battery. Will need the full 12volts after charging to help start it, if below ( like 10 volts) you may need more powerful battery. You said it has fired but not started is that fuel cock tap working on main and reserve tank? is fuel getting to the carbs? is the chock working aswell? . have you checked all the spark plugs for a good spark in each. If you got a good spark in each its could be fuel, if not wiring. try a volt meter and test bulb. you could also get a spark plug tester. Hi Nick,thanks for reply.When i try starting the bike battery is always fully charged around 12.8 v. After all kind of checks i've done and with help of you all i thinks its either fuel not getting to carbs or most obvious carbs need proper cleaning.Kind of cleaned them other day but couldn't get to the rear of each carb as screws are dead stuck.So will give it a last go this week.Thanks
June 27, 201212 yr Well if fuel not getting to the carbs then bypass the tank with a bottle and tube into the carbs, also have you tryed putting a few drops of oil down the spark plug holes as you may not be getting full compression on start up. Wd40 on the screws and wait. If you not got a manaul for your bike any motorbike manaul would help in the back for troubleshooting. have a look at the fuel filter aswell maybe blocked.
June 29, 201212 yr any luck with this ? my fuel pump on my xj exploded yesterday . . .i have no bike :'(
July 3, 201212 yr Author Hi all,bike is up and running.All it needed carbs,fuel pump and all fuel system cleaned thoroughly.Thanks to all of you guys for help. Now trying to sort bloody brakes with pistons dead stuck in calipers,what a joke,any ideas on how to get them out?thanks
July 3, 201212 yr Moderator Must resist.............. Trying to resist............. Ahhh fuck it, "Told you so", Glad its fixed, now start a fresh thread for your brakes, get far more people looking at it then.
April 23, 201410 yr im having a simmilar issue im wondering if where its been sat perhaps the valves and valve seats have got slightly corroded and perhaps arent closing fully thus not creating enough vacuum or compression as i have fuel in getting to cylinders and have spark too im occasionally getting it to run for a second or two then nothing and sometimes (scarilly) backfires flame through the carb im debating stripping the head to re-lap the valves but without a replacement gasket set im hesistant as i cant seem to find the gasket kits anywhere
April 23, 201410 yr Now trying to sort bloody brakes with pistons dead stuck in calipers,what a joke,any ideas on how to get them out?thanks ] I know this is old,,, but just for reference , heres how , using a greaze gun,, Screw nipple in the banjo hole,,and pump,