Posted May 30, 201212 yr OK. I just got my first bike. Its a virago xv1100. I have a few queastions 1) guy i got it from said its a 1987 frame but a 1997 engine. This is the numbers on the engine. 1te-003563 where do i find out info on the motor to see what year and full specs on it? 2) I dont have a instrument Panel and all i have is just speedometer. Bought the bike like that. I want to buy a Tachometer but the one from yamaha for my bike runs 400 bucks. Thats outragout. I noticed all the tachometers i see on ebay ony have 2 wires. Is that all my bikes needs? does it just ground on the coil and only needs one power supply for everything else? I know cars u have usually a red and blue that go to the ignition, then a ground and a green that goes to the negitive terminal on the coil. is possible to use the Car tachometers from advanced auto parts? i found a nice chrome one that looks nice. Will it show the proper RPM? I know a car is 4 stroke and so is my motorcycle. I dont care if the tach doesnt show me me max rps in the red at 10k or 13 k. Does my Motorcycle red line at 8k RPMs? If so i guess thats all i need for it to show 3) My friend just ruined his motorcycle. He never adjusted his valves( or lifters not sure which one he was talking about) he said and it was suppose to be done eery 15000 miles or someting like that. A friend told me that on my motor there hydrollic or there are oil that goes to my heads so i never have to worry about ajusting my valves(or lifters)/
May 30, 201212 yr Hi, Might be an idea to get hold of a manual for it BEFORE you attach anything to the electrics, tachos are usually vehicle specific, so just bunging on the first shiny bit you like might be a bit of a mistake. check twice fit once is a good way to go. Oh and please do an intro (see above) it's just polite to say Hi first so we know who were talking to. Other than that Welcome to the YOC it's always nice to meet new people.
May 30, 201212 yr Author I have a Digital manual, Wiring schimatics also. I already rewired the entire front end because i got it without a instrument panel that originally came with it and the bike wasnt working. I also already added neons on the side of the endgine ect... Looking at the wiring schimatics all its showing from the tachometer ( to the left) is wiring for 1) Ignition/key on battery feed 2)Ground 3)ignition coil/Tach Signal
May 31, 201212 yr Your right of course that the wiring diagram only shows the 3 connectors and it probably will not matter what you use as long as it has the same voltage, but what happened to the original one? and why was it removed? Was it just to tidy up the front end that it was removed or some thing else? It might be an idea to look for an original part from a breaker near your self or even evilbay has some good bit's and bob's now and then that might fit, or better still if the originals are so expensive why not try one off a different Yammie that is cheaper, if your not concerned about looks then it should be an easy fix but if you want the bling factor then the more shiny it is the more it will cost. I see in your original post that it costs 400 dollars for the proper one that it should have so one off of any cheap yamm will almost certainly fit and work it's just as you say the red line warning that you will have to keep an eye on when riding. Take a photo of the instrument area and post it up, it might be that theres a bolt on cheap part that will drop straight in! What is the fixing for the present part ie does it sit on a mounting or is it just bolted to some where for convenience? Sorry to be so long winded about this but without a picture it's difficult to get a handle on what might work.
June 1, 201212 yr Author well the original one that was there the former owners wife put a hammer to the entire instrument panel breaking it and the tachometer. What i did is i took the original speedometer and put it on the bolt that holds on to my left blinker.
June 1, 201212 yr Ok I see what you mean now, I would suggest that you look for a second hand cluster or as I said before look for some thing off of another bike, if you go for another bike cluster you can make up a bracket to fit and then mount the new one onto the bracket that shoulkd give you loads of room to find one you like rather than pay 400 bills for something that is right but expensive. I would phone round your local breakers or use the net to see what's out there, I happen to have a full set of clocks for an XJ900 in my garage but as we are 3000 miles apart not a lot of good to you. So to recap make up a bracket that spans across the original holes/mounting points that has a 90 degree bend in it so you can drill it to fit anything you like the look of, then go find said clocks and connect them up. It might be an idea to ask your local Yammie dealer/mechanic what he/she would suggest as an alternative to the originals, he/she has probably seem all sorts of horrors that people have done to their bike and might be able to suggest an alternative, one thing you need to do is make sure the speedo cable thread that goes to the clocks will tighten up ie it has the same thread, as theres nothing worse than getting it all fitted to find that that damn things have different fittings. Hope some of that helps mate and perhaps you would let me know how you get on as it's always nice to find out if your ideas are great or total crap, ride safe. P.S. DON'T forget to do an intro, some will not talk to you till you do, they like to know who they are talking to.
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