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I know, i know, I havnt yet finished the DT200WR is what I keep saying to my family and friends but hey I'm young, theres plenty of time!

So I helped a friend get a DT125R after a few years of no bike after his last 2 were stolen in one night. It brought back the memories of my DT125RE and I always loved his blue one. I like the slighlty more square plastics and always felt they had more character than the later electric start models. That coupled with my plan to make a 33bhp DTR urged me to start sourcing parts.....and i don't do things by half!





That lot I had shipped down from Scotland on a Pallet.

I also bought the following.

Frame with numbers ( awaiting logbook from DVLA)

2 complete engines

forks with wheel and brake

swing arm

battery tray holder


5 x 3 wire PV servos

headlight surround with light




set of wheels

a few sets of powervalve housings/cables




numberplate holder

rear wheel

coolant bottle

etc etc, the list goes on. I smashed my bike funds basically but it was fun and the unused will be re sold on or used for the next DTR project.

I also ordered a full set of new plastics with stickers and a seat cover..


So I've been waiting for the logbook to come back and watching bits on ebay at the same time. Last night i spotted a DTR starting at 99p locally. I managed to secure it today for 250 quid. Again i'll be waiting for the logbook (long story) but ive got the reg and all is good on HPI etc. Photo below.






So my plan now has changed. I'll rebuild this one replacing any broken parts or parts that I have in better condition and then once the logbook comes through for the other frame, I'll start building another.

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Aye Andy, look forward to see how this project comes on mate.

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I wouldnt bother. I'll likely end up shedding it and never going near it again. I jest, this one will be a quick turn around i assure you.

These turned up today :)







And there is the tank being stripped back and the headlight surround primed.




MMMMMM spares :spin2: did this dt come with the complementary case of tourette's they usually bring on? and what a bargain for £250....

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It's not running if thats what you mean? I mainly enquired about it for the frame and logbook. I paid 110 quid for a frame with numbers but the owner couldnt find the logbook. I sent off to the DVLA under strict supervisions from someone on the phone there with the form filled out correctly but no reg number as i dont have it. She told me that would be fine as long as i wrote a cover letter with it explaining. The reply came back " not without the reg number sonny jim, we're unhelpful bastards" or words to that effect.

I mean to ring them today. Might do it now infact. "Darren" is in for for an ear bashing!

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Just spoke to lovely Darren who is an utter tool. The bike must be complete for an inspection but not mot'd or roadworthy. I'll sling a load of spares on the frame and nip it to brighton at somepoint and get it that way. I asked him why I couldnt just take the frame as all they are checking is the vin. He told me that it's because "then you could just put anything on the bike afterwards and we wouldnt know"

Oh just like i will be once I get it home? He didnt understand it the poor chap. Still shouldnt be too hard, i'll just need transport to brighton and back. I'll put and old black tank and panels on it so the V5 will say black :)

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Well, progress on the Frame front. Thanks to David I managed to get hold of a full HPI check on the 1990 Frame. I have the reg now and so can apply for the logbook but turns out is marked as scrapped by DVLA due to being a Cat C write off. I think I can stil get it re registered i'll just have to get it inspected probably. The DT200WR needs that too so will do them both at the same time if poss.

Been out stripping down the 98 today. Brakes are all seized up, engine is making a strange air noise, vid below as posted in workshop:


I put the new ignition barrel on, torques to undo it....that'll stop theives, no one has torques do they!

Anyway had a little mess around with some Peek on the dep pipe and rims. Won't be using the DEP pipe as I'm going to have a go at a standard with the plated knocked out etc. Bought a DEP silencer though and that came today so 'peeked' that too a bit.



Sold my 86 DT finally so theres more space in the shed now. Well i use the word 'space' very loosely.


  • 2 weeks later...
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So the tale so far...

I started by removing all the plastics and tank to see the damage. The most annoying of which was the tank. Someone has used far too long bolts to mount the rad scoops and has twisted them right into the tank. 3 out of 4 i think have holes. Oh well I planned not to use that tank but would have been useful for the next one.

I removed all the plastics which i'll sell on ( if you're interested let me know)


There were a few hidden suprises in there but nothing else too major. Part of the wiring is cut coming from the tail light but i'm not yet sure what it is for but will get to the wiring later once the engine and brakes are done.


This leads me on to the engine. I was told when I bought the bike that he couldnt get it started an that was about it. I had the exhaust off and looked up the port. The piston and barrel looked scored so I decided to have the barrel off. Lucky i did:





I'm going to take the barrel up to boretech engineering tomorrow and book it in for a re bore. Re-bore and piston kit should be 100 + VAT. Bottom end looks ok so have packed it and will just leave as is in the bike for now.


I'd already had the carb out and replace with a far better condition one that I bought off ebay ages ago as a replacement for the one on my DT200WR. It's from an RE but i think they were exactly the same. I had a feeling they had 240 jets but im not sure. If anyone knows it would be useful.


Whilst the carb was off i took the inlet manifold out with the reedblock and cleaned/check those. To my suprise someone had decided to have a go at the rumoured de restriction of cutting the inlet manifold up with a stanley knife. so had to replace that. Luckily I had about 3 spares due to my pallet shipment lol!


Moving on to the brakes. They were all seized up as I said before. Now I've never done any caliper work before so i broke out the haynes manual and the expertise of a friend on the recovery from a bady ended relationship and we slowly made progress. I removed the calipers and stripped them back. I hadn't ordered any seals as It's a bit hit and miss about when I'll be doing what on the bike due to time constraints and wasnt organised enough before the weekend. Here they are in their present state.


Still unsure about what seals, circlipsc etc i need as the kits and what the parts manual says vary. Will be asking advice in the workshop section after i finish posting here if im still awake.

Looks like the fork seals need doing too as oil from them appears to be the cluprit in sticking the front caliper up.


I got myself a DEP end can and did a bit of cleaning on it. Actually I got 2 but have lent one to a friend for his 2001 DTR for the time being.


I also got myself a 3MB head and have cleaned and polished it up ready for the re build. I've ordered genuine Yamaha head and base gaskets.



The headlight surround is now laquered and is hardening. The colour match could be better but is ok and wont be too noticable i dont think.


I also managed to get hold of another Frame with numbers. I'll be applying for the log book tomorrow via post. Will have 1 complete bike with logbook, 2 frames with logbooks so the projects will continue It seems!


I'm not sure which of these boost bottle is right? Anyone know?


Thats all for now I think. If anyone has any useful info that they thik will help regarding calpier re building, fork seals or anything else really it would be greatly appreciated!


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You may want to post an introduction to the forum if you want help and advice. Even then, you don't reply to someone elses project thread. Start your own and you'll get more responses and better help.

Hay Andy,

Is it a DTR you are rebuilding ?

What year ?

Anyway, the boost bottle on the right (bigger one) is the correct one for the DTR.

My rear brake seased on a while back from lack of use, so i whipped it off. While sorting it out i didnt notice any circlip holding on the dust seal, mind you i wasnt really looking that hard at it either. Havent a clue about the front. Does it not tell ya in manual wheather there is circlip's on or not. My bike is totally origional, every single nut and bolt,,,, if i get a chance ill have a look an see.

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Hey 2Wheels. Yeah this one is a 1998 4BL version DT125R. It's the one in the first post. Black and White then. It's running the connections for a 3 wire servo which is useful as i have about 6 at present!

The manual talks about circlips but like I say the parts Manual/Diagram shows it without. I think I will purchase new pistons with the oil seal, dust seal and circlips as the front was in far better condition and that was running a dust seal with circlip. Both pistons have signs of pitting and brakes are not something I want to take a risk on. Its 50 quid for the front and rear pistons and seals. Got to be worth it.

Yeah a mate has a 2001 DTR and his runs the bigger YEIS bottle. The one I have there could well be from an earlier LC model but I'm not 100% sure.

Are you running a 3MB head?

I can't wait to get her running, MOT'd and on the road. I plan to ride it around the coast of the UK in september.

Don't worry about taking your brakes apart for me if you dont need to. I've got a few spare calipers in the shed so i might take them apart and have a look. Think i'll go with the full set anyway.

I'm taking the barrel up tomorrow i think for a re bore, turned out they were closed today so tidied the garage and then went to work to find the hospital flooded. Was on national news all day im told. worthing hospital being flooded. caused havoc!

Defo wont be takin off me calipers just to look !!

Like i said, i dont think there is circlip on the rear caliper,,,,, but i have a sneeky suspesion there is one on the front.

Thats a good deal for new piston and seals, so might as well get them.

You have an import 4BL same as mine.

Mine is origional, so no im still running the 3BN head,,,,, the one with the funny squish band.

That boost bottle goes on the bike the way it is in the picture,, the sloped pointy bit on the right, goes to the right hand side of bike.


EDIT: Where abouts is Worthing

EDIT 2: Are they the plastic's for the RE bike, looks like the front mudy is anyway

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Worthing is South Coast, 12 miles west of Brighton. The plastics are all after market from Portugal. The front mudguard is a "UFO" which is similar to the one on the RE. I quite like the styling of it compared with the original anyway and cant get hold of the original front. Could spray one up but like I say, I like this one.

hmmm... these are the options.



Think i'll go for full sets tbh.


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Gonna go to WeMoto. It's just down the road from me in southwick so will get piston and seals for both front and back. 60 quid total.

Dropped the cylinder up at Boretech Engineering today for a rebore, new piston kit. Should be about 110-115 all up he says.

Picked up fresh gaskets from keys this morning too. Am not sure whether to re build forks or not. Have a couple of sets in the shed i could look re build whilst they are off the bike. I want to put fresh gators on anyway.

. Am not sure whether to re build forks or not. Have a couple of sets in the shed i could look re build whilst they are off the bike. I want to put fresh gators on anyway.

I would only rebuild if they need it. But i would definatly upgrade to heavier fork oil, These bikes dive something else under heavy braking, and when that happens your back brake is useless, (its better not to use it at all), bike fish-tales all over the road while you try to ballance on front wheel,,,,,, you'd only be braking heavy in an emergency and you'd have enough on your mind without the added fun.

Cant mind what fork oil goes into them but i put in the next heaviest.

Andy I went from 10w to 15w fork oil, when I changed the braking to Brembos, should stiffen yours up a fair bit mate. 2wheels spot on, it feels like the springs need renewing, its really soft, and spongy on the front. The new oil will sort it out a treat.

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Ok guys cheers for the advice, I'll definitly upgrade to a heavier oil when I do the forks. I've got 2 sets off and one set on this bike. These are leaking and i suspect the spare ones I have will be too so I'll be rebuilding one set. Never re built forks before so will be a good learning curve. Any advice on that front would be useful.

I had to tidy the garage up today so my Dad can get his car back in whilst it's stopped raining for a day. Had a quick go at the rims with some peek and a toothbrush just to see if they would come up nicely. I'd planned to put the ones on I bought but might leave these on, will have to see. They came up nice though.



Then I was moving spares into my brothers old room which I'm using at storage for bike parts now and spotted the headlight surround so had a go with the stickers. I found the best technique was to line it up with the back on. Get someone to hold it still and then peel back some of the backing and cut away a bit of the back. Lay it back in place and it will be exaclty right. Then you can peel back the rest of the backing from the cut you made and begin to lay it down. As i layed it down I use my finger and went back and forth along the bit that was being stuck, pushing out the air all the way to the end. Worked pretty well. Ended with a few bubbles. All of which were from the start where I hadnt figured out that techniuque yet. Used a pin like NEV suggested to get rid of the bubbles.



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