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I think they are being a bit 'generic' saying VM24 - 44, the carbs are made specially for yamaha model specific, i'd buy the next one bigger...than?

did you try raising the needle yet?

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Puh-LEEZ! Just walked in the door from Japan, I'm old, I gotta sleep!!!

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wow...you've got a door to Japan :hyper:

Who is this really, Lee Mack?

Item #1: Float is not even on both side, the rounder side is bent downward. Bugger.

Item #2: Needle valve has FIVE holes. Only 4 were open.

Item #3: The carb had more than a bit of rust flakes in it. Adding an in-line filter to the, ah, in-line.

Continuing the saga with, "The DT Strikes Back". A dilligaf mo MAY be approaching at some point...

  • Moderator

wow...you've got a door to Japan :hyper:

Nah, i bet its one of them sliding paper things.

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Cleaned, readjusted, reassembled, went for a ride. Too scared to wind it out too much, so not sure if I started losing power toward the end or not. Also not sure about the amount of heat, it was around 22* most of the day and windy, so not too warm. Lifted the needle one notch, seems about the same. Went ahead and ordered bigger jets, I'll try that next.

  • Moderator

it was around 22* most of the day and windy, so not too warm.

Not too warm, oh i wish. Its 5 or 6deg and blowing its preverbials off around me at the moment.

The not too sure element is pretty standard for a 70's 2 stroke, i actually ride with a finger covering the clutch lever. A carry over from my teens riding some pretty ropey stuff round my cousins field, most of that siezed without any real warning.

Ideally DT's run better when they are a touch rich in my experience if you are riding at higher speeds for a while, they are aimed at trails and commute i suppose all low rpm stuff. Ultimately for mine i ended up putting a slightly smaller jet in and lifting the needle 2 points, makes her a bit faffy round town but she's safe to thrash, i mean ride with gusto on faster roads.

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The not too sure element is pretty standard for a 70's 2 stroke, i actually ride with a finger covering the clutch lever.

Thought I was the only one...

Installed the #150 main and the #27.5 pilot jets today. It will now idle decently enough, altho with the air screw between 4 and five full turns out. I can run it all the way in and it will continue to run, but you can tell it won't take much for it to die. Between 4 and 5 turns gives the most consistent idle. Even took the screw completely out and she continued to run, as if to say, "so what?" :wacko:

However, she wouldn't rev over 6000, sitting or riding, and sputtered like The King's Speech. This was with the needle back to stock. With the #140 it would rev to 7500; methinks it's too rich now. So I removed the air filter element and got 7500 sitting and 7000 riding, sputtering less. I dropped the needle one notch and reinstalled the air filter; this yielded 7000 riding and almost no sputter. Went ahead and dropped the needle all the way and now have 7500 riding in the 1st three gears, somewhat less in higher gears.

That's where I am for now. I might try putting the 140 back in and readjusting the needle for the smaller jet. Cynic may be on to something about low rpm design. Everything I owned back in the day were 250s so it was never a problem doing 60-65 on the motorway.

Now, where did I leave that door to Japan, gotta go back through it tomorrow... :bawling:

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