Posted April 8, 201212 yr I was debating whether or not to post this as it is embarrassing, but I thought fuck it. Since getting my bike I have fucked up a few times. I have dropped it twice, luckily no major damage was done. The worst thing I did happened the other day. I called into a Tesco to get a much and when I come out I saw a guy who I hadn't seen for ages. I got talking to him and then he went into Tesco. Anyway I started my bike and set off but, I had only set off with the fucking chain and lock around the back wheel. My heart sank when I had realised what I had done, but my initial thoughts were that no one had seen me because I felt a cunt. I took the chain off and the there was a clicking noise when the bike moved, luckily I wasn't that far from home, but I was thinking its going to cost me a bomb to repair the damage. Thank God after a quarter of a mile it sorted itself out and there seems to be no damage and the bike rides fine. I swear I can't believe how fucking dumb I was doing that. Has anyone else proper fucked up by doing similar shit?
April 8, 201212 yr Moderator I'm always leaving my keys in the ignition. went to Stafford last year and searched my pockets and could i find those keys?. Went to the bike and someone had taken them and left a note they were at the reception. So another mile trek and the knob head at reception was a smart arse asking what was the key number etc and there was a charge blah blah!. I just wanted to go home not be some butt of this person's smug joke. got them in the end, but was not happy!
April 8, 201212 yr Was on the Viking way, ended out chugging a long in the muddy wheel tracks left by the 4x4 brigade suddenly both my foot pegs wedged in either side, hey presto did a superman over the bars, Must of looked a proper idiot, still if I had of got it on camera could of got £250, No damage, so lesson learned.
April 9, 201212 yr I think youve got to try an make light of these things at the time. I remember when I took my test, I thought id probably done ok, completed the swerve and pulled up but cuaght my foot on the footrest as i went to put it down, fell off to the side. I lay there for a while looking up at the lovely clear blue sky thinking "what a twat", then after perhaps 10 seconds or so the testers face disturbed the view. "are you all right sir" to which I replied enthusiastically "have I passed then"
April 10, 201212 yr Forgot to turn the petrol on on my Dt in the early days, rode up the rode and it died. Walked it back before realising. Thought id killed it. Also another lack of petrol one where it was set to on and i gauged my fuel level by how many miles id done. Usually got about 115 before it needed to go to reserve. I was on about 80miles coming down a dual carriage way and it died. Pulled over thinking id killed it because i'd been ragging the tits off it. Turned out if i spend all the time in the powerbands i get less fuel efficiency! Who would have thought it! felt like a right rodney! My Bro has ridden off a couple of times with the disc lock still on thr front on his SR125, that was funny!
January 5, 201312 yr I've dropped my sr125 twice and ran out of petrol and started pushing it back home before I remembered about the fuel reserve! Completely slipped my mind :')
January 6, 201312 yr 2 stroke warning light bulb....... If you know. You know. Um, yeah...but back in the day on my then-new 81 IT175. It was February in Mississippi, which means floods and chilly weather. Was out riding in the soggy bottoms of a local bog with 2 magicians in from of me, 1st one on an RM125, 2nd one on a big KX. They must have been magicians because somehow they made it all the way down the flooded dirt road, a distance of around 100 feet, water flying off the rear wheels like a racing boat. Well, can't very well go around, can I? The gauntlet has been thrown down! What a Weasley I'd be to wave off. So into 1st we go and blast into the torrent. Couldn't be that deep if the Cojones Brothers made it through. Weeeeellll...the Cojones Brothers dug a right deep trench in the deepest part of the stream, and guess who buried, er sank, their nearly-new IT up to the seat? It was around 45*F that day, man was I cold. But the worst was the popping and pinging coming up through the water from the engine. When it started to bog i killed it right away, jumped off and started trying to pry the rear wheel out of the muck to try and get it pushed out of the water. Cojones Brothers? Gone, ne'er to return. So was on my own. Figured the bike was done for. Pulled the air filter out, drained the water from the airbox, wrung out the filter, then cleaned evrything as best I could with rags my riding buddy had, once he found me. Put it back together, expecting to have to push it 2 miles out of the bog to where my truck was parked, but gave it a kick anyway. Fired right up! Unbelievable. What a bike, I loved that thing. Rode back to the truck, loaded up and went home for a thorough cleaning, lube, and oil change. Yet another item I wish I still had, what a fun bike that was!
January 6, 201312 yr Dropped my brand new ER6-n, 2 weeks after getting it Came on too heavy on the front brake coming to a stop on a slope, luckily it was at a very slow speed so all i could do was ease it down, look around and quickly get it back it. Oh, done the 'keys in the ignition' thing a couple of times
January 6, 201312 yr ive left the keys in gone shopping, ive tried to ride away with lock on the rear sprocket nearly snapping the chain, ive crashed into a hedge, ive lost it on a couple of bends, kicking it over outside the busy shpp for 10 mins to realise i hadnt turned the ignition on "COCK" ive done shit loads.... part of learning is it not? better than pulling out infront of people etc like the retards in them cars do to us ken
January 6, 201312 yr part of learning is it not? better than pulling out infront of people etc like the retards in them cars do to us ken you knows it
January 7, 201312 yr i have one to admit, changed my wheels over to the enduro but never bothered to change the kickstand. one day i pushed it out of the garden onto my road which is a pretty steep hill considering, popped it on the stand, it seamed okay i then turned around to close the gate and heard a big old bang and smash....i turned around and bike was on its side and some of the lights and bulbs had seemingly exploded on impact ....just as well i had my helmet on as my face was glowing lol
January 25, 201312 yr Author The first thing people do if they fuck up is look around to make sure no one saw them haha, today I was out and although all the main roads are clear, a few side and backstreet's are just slush and I lost control about 5 times today but luckily every time I regained it. That snow-slush shit is lethal.
January 25, 201312 yr Well, the other weekend when I was moving the bikes around in the garage so I could get some work done I tipped hubby's bike. I didn't actually drop it, but once it got past a certain point, I knew there was no getting it back up... so I lightly set it down, and had to come in and beg him not to kill me! Obviously he didn't, but now I don't trust myself to move his bike again. I think I'll stick with the bikes I can pick up by myself.
January 25, 201312 yr I had gone to a friends, took the key out the ignition and put it in my pocket... only i missed my pocket and the key stayed on the floor right next to my bike all night long and all of the next day that i was at uni... Couple days ago i slipped on the ice too, going slightly too quickly most likely but it was my first time on snow and i was growing in confidence as you do! It was OK on the snowy bits but as soon as i hit the compacted snow/ice the front just went completely. New handle bars on it but they are too small by about 5 cm width and again the same in height!
February 22, 201311 yr Hey, I was seventeen driving a 125 super dream. Typical learner bike, NO maintenance nothing, The chain and sprockets were so fucked that i was going to work one morning in Greenock when approaching the bullring roundabout the chain came of, wrapped itself round the sprocket/wheel and I went flying over the bars for what seemed like a 100 yards or so and ended up scraping my face up the tarmac. It was so embarrassing and guess what? All the car drivers sat staring at me. Not one of them asked if I needed any help. I did so much shit like that when young and stupid. Part of learning I suppose but back then I was invincible?..... Still am though... Davie
February 22, 201311 yr Author Nobody gives a fuck about anyone apart from themselves in society. I saw a kid come of his ped and no one stopped to see of he was ok apart from me.
February 22, 201311 yr Done a few stupid things in my time, dropped the bike off the side stand on a summers day in front of a crowd at the seaside. Put diesel in the tank (I was hungover but....) & of course that hoary old chestnut, the disclock/brake caliper interface.......
February 22, 201311 yr Moderator Used to roll down my street with my XT550.....kick starting it as I rolled down to the stop sign..... NumbSkull me accidently bumped the gear lever into gear......& over the bars I went ......right in front of my neighbor!
February 22, 201311 yr Went out on the XVS1300 with the wife saying I wanted to use up some petrol so I could remove the tank, only to run out of petrol!!! Pushed the bike (310+kg) a few miles to the nearest petrol station and said to missus, not putting too much in as am taking the tank off when I get home. Unfortunately I didn't put enough petrol in the tank to make it home & ran out again 3 miles from nearest petrol station... The wife was NOT impressed...! (still can't mention it to her today!) Never ran out of petrol since!
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