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We'll i'm still saving for my first bike (I hate loans). My family absloutly does not want me to get one, i've even been banned from things as soon as i get one lol.

Anyways, i did a bit of searhcing for a nice easily modifiable pic and got one. Then i took a picture from the same angle out side my house and merged the two (looks real) and sent it off via email to some and printed onto photopaper for others.

Ah the mixed responces, people believed, some were iffy, other's though i borrowed a bike (mother in law was not happy).

So i didn't have time for one of my ususal big ideas, but i did a small one that spread over a few people. Will be interesting @ christmas when people r expecting me to rock up with a bike @ a family gathering.

Small but funny. It's gonna be interesting when i do buy the bike and bring it home now.

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Get a bike worth any hassle family could through at you ;)

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Get a bike worth any hassle family could through at you  ;)

Too Right Alex! B)

When you've had your earful of sh*t from everyone.......just throw a leg over it & Ride Off into the Sunset. ;)

nicely done their mate. i only played one trick and that was at my dads work where i backed the forklift truck down the warehouse between stacks of products and pallets left it there. put another stack infront of it then covered it using a hopper cover. then disabled the battery in it !!!!!! was very funny. unfortunately though my bike is also at my dads work so i am fearing what has happened to it!!!!!!!!!

now the way i got around my family bike ban was, check the wording they use. after i fell off my bike my dad told me im never allowed to keep a working bike under his roof again, so as i was fixing it it stayed there, once fixed. moved to a mates house. and then id drive up to his house with all me gear in me car. jump on me bike, go riding, take it back there, jump in car. drive home. sorted :D

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One prolem, i dont have a car aswell lol. I'm driving his old car untill i buy a new BIKE/car.

He said it has to be parked out on the street, and when i tell him that it get's stole or runinto he says i should buy a car.

The day i bring it home u'll feel the rumble from over there lol.

I've had a lecture pretty much everyday since I got my R1. I'll quote my dad, 'Of all the stupid things you've done in your life this is the most idiotic'. I had to come back with something convincing so my reply was, 'it looks pretty though doesn't it Dad?'

He wasn't amused.

At the end of the day they are looking out for our safety when they get upset like that. The usual way they get to us is using the 'it may not be you, its the other clowns on the road', way of trying to convince us that riding a bike is bad.

However, our families have to bear in mind that we are adults and therefore capable of making our own decisions. We know we in a high-risk catagory. We get reminded everyday that there are indeed clowns on the road. I've only had my bike license about three weeks but I'm convinced bikes are invisible sometimes with the amount of people who want to pull out of junctions on me.

In getting a bike we accept these risks as it is our choice to do so. It's also up to us to exercise restraint and common sense in how we ride. These are the biggest factors in determining our life expectancy. I was given hell for passing my test and jumping on an R1 but as I pointed out, it will only go as fast as I twist my wrist. You might argue that I should of got something smaller but as my confidence and competance rise (hopefully the latter rises faster) then maybe I'll want to have a bit more fun.

Jeez I talk a lot of rubbish. Nice weather outside, I'm off to Cromer for a blast.

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There'll probably be no end to the amount of grief you'll hear from your loved ones......you almost have to turn a deaf ear to it mate ;) .......but it's all worth it in the end, when you see how much money a bike can save you, as well as putting a grin on your face everyday. :)

So when you hear other people complaining about the cost of vehicle operation these days....(fuel, insurance, etc.)......you'll have the pleasure of laughing @ 'em...... all the way to the bank! B)

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I had the same with my YZF, they soon got used to it after a few months though B)

  • Author

I used to rockclimb, and they didn't blink and eye lid when i was 20mtrs above the ground. But as soon as the word 'bike' is mentiond all hell breaks loose lol.

Get yourself a goddam motorcycle not a photo you damn spermguzzler.

blunt, funny, and true :lol::lol::lol:

  • Author

I would, but who's gonna pay for the on-going cost's while i'm at uni?

I can afford the outlay of a bike + gear but then i wont have money for the rest every week.

  • Admin

Easy.. dont eat! :)

I'm lucky because my dad has always had bikes and still does so he can't really say owt, and my bloke has a few bikes too so can't complain when I'm out on it instead of doing the washing up ;)

  • Admin

Im not that lucky.. apart from i dont do the washing up :)

  • Admin

Yeah me too, but now have to pay the bank for my holiday :angry:

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