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Hi Guys,

My '89 DT125R has been standing for about 4 years before I got it. I have cleaned the carb fully and also cleaned the air filter. There is a bolt which wont come out on my DEP exhaust end so cant check whether the exhaust is coked up. Is it worth getting some de-coke solution to try and clean her out a bit, atm she doesn't run very well past 7k rpm and im thinking maybe she all gummed up insdie (oo-err).

If they are worth trying can someone recommend a good de-coking solution to try?

Is this stuff any good? :http://www.ecotek.eu/PowerBoost.htm

Cheers in advance :)

IMO those things never work,for the price they cost your better of doing the old school method and set fire to it,

Take the silencer off and get a soft faced hammer DONT USE A METAL ON.and gently tap around the silencer body this will remove the loose carbon.and then poor a small amount of petrol or paraffin, down the silencer, then set fire to it, don't go mad with the fuel just do small amounts at a time,also you will want a one of those BBQ lighter one of those long reach ones,,also u might want some gloves can get a bit messy,also don't look down either end of the silencer wen your burning the coke out.and it will get hot.hope this helps.

Back when I were a lad, we'd bung half a spud in the end of the pipe and fill it up with Caustic Soda. Leave it standing overnight, maybe longer, empty out the contents (in an environmentally-friendly way naturally) and flush through with a hosepipe. Nail it back on the bike then thrash the tits off it for as long as it took to stop steaming/smoking.

Or .... stick a blowtorch in one end and let rip until (i) the smoke stops or (ii) the neighbours get the Fire Brigade out.

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IMO those things never work,for the price they cost your better of doing the old school method and set fire to it,

Take the silencer off and get a soft faced hammer DONT USE A METAL ON.and gently tap around the silencer body this will remove the loose carbon.and then poor a small amount of petrol or paraffin, down the silencer, then set fire to it, don't go mad with the fuel just do small amounts at a time,also you will want a one of those BBQ lighter one of those long reach ones,,also u might want some gloves can get a bit messy,also don't look down either end of the silencer wen your burning the coke out.and it will get hot.hope this helps.

By Silencer do you mean the end pipe or the on which comes out of the engine? is this not full of fibreglass? will it melt?

Sorry the one that comes of the engine,

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I use the stuff that goes in the bag for cleaning the cooker, just don't use the bag just pour the goo in the pipe block one end and give it a shake every once in a while. Be clean as a wistle in 24 hours.

Carefull with it though, and remember the trees when you chuck it out.

I use the stuff that goes in the bag for cleaning the cooker, just don't use the bag just pour the goo in the pipe block one end and give it a shake every once in a while. Be clean as a wistle in 24 hours.

Carefull with it though, and remember the trees when you chuck it out.

That's basically Caustic Soda - Clicky link for much cheapness - damn good stuff but wear thick Marigolds and watch the disposal - chucking it down the drain in the road outside your house will have the council Elfin Safety and Environment Officer all over you like a rash, so chuck it down the drain outside your neighbour's house!

caustic soda for me too,

then use sylkolin oil, as mine never gets carbon build up anymore.i use comp t2 off road oil.

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Excellent thanks peeps :)

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Anyone ever used Seafoam? I see some on ebay LINKY, i wonder whether this will assist with cleaning my engine carb etc?

I have bought some Caustic Soda to do the silencer, but wanted to give the engine a proper going over as its been stood for so long.

What do you rekon?

  • Moderator

take great care with the caustic mate, gloves goggles and common sense are the order of the day and do not use it on anything other than steel parts it will eat aluminium and zinc for breakfast

Caustic soda can ruin metals, I run Redlines SI-1 Complete fuel system cleaner.

I've found some are crap and some are good, SI-1 is one of the good ones, its not just naptha and shit in a tub, its actually high temp detergents that slowly take the soot layers off, for bad engines I normally use two bottles in one tank.

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take great care with the caustic mate, gloves goggles and common sense are the order of the day and do not use it on anything other than steel parts it will eat aluminium and zinc for breakfast

Thanks for the advice Airhead...

My DEP pipe is shiny im assuming its stainless steel (or am i wrong?)

What is the process for cleaning with Caustic Soda, do i pour the pearls in and add hot water or premix it and pour it in? Im obviously going to be wearing thick gloves and minding my eyes etc :)


Premix - add the pearls/crystals/whatever to water, NOT the other way round - it's an exothermic (heat generating) reaction, so you want a large body of water to soak up the heat created. Don't they teach chemistry at schools these days?

The pipe will be OK - it's either mild or stainless steel so will be unaffected by the caustic.

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Premix - add the pearls/crystals/whatever to water, NOT the other way round - it's an exothermic (heat generating) reaction, so you want a large body of water to soak up the heat created. Don't they teach chemistry at schools these days?

The pipe will be OK - it's either mild or stainless steel so will be unaffected by the caustic.

Cheers bud...im sure they did teach me chemistry but i wasn't there for most of it :D

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