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Hello there. My nickname is Chappers. I'm 35, 6ft 2" married and I have been riding now for about 4 years.

Started off on a Speedflight then took my geared CBT. After passing I traded in to get my first proper bike. A brand spanking new Yamaha YZF-125R in midnight black. *sigh* I loved this bike looked like a stealth fighter! I rode it for 2 years and what a joy it was to ride. Then 3 months ago I got bad news from the doc. I've got sciatica anyway and he went on to explain that the riding position was adding to my pain and problems. Mornfully I explained this to my wife, so we started looking for a replacement that had a better posture for me to ride on. Thanks to a financial change in fortune I was able to buy a new Honda XL125 Varadero. I'll say it now, other than the fact its very comfortable I HATE IT! Unbeknown to us at the time we actually ended up with money left over so my wife suggested I take my car and bike licence. Great idea, expecting this to take some time and requiring multiple lessons I started to practise.

Well I pleased to announce that I passed not only both my theories for the car and bike (one day after the other) but also my mod 1 and 2 in the space of 2 weeks! (Its here I'll explain that I took the Catagory A2 test on the Varadero which means I can ride any machine I buy as long as its restricted to 33BHP for the next 2 years.) Trust me, it still not sunk in that I passed only yesterday (22nd Nov 2011) but because of this happening I have traded the vulger Varadero in and gone big! Yamaha XVS 650A Dragstar Classic big! Hopefully looking to collect it either Friday or Saturday if its ready.

Pictures to follow once its in my posession.

Well that about explains who I am and a bit about me and what I have ridden and what I will be.

Kind Regards


Welcome to the forum Chappers :welcome:

Fantastic intro and well done for passing all your tests in so short a time.

Just be careful at this time of year as the roads are wet and slippery first thing in the mornings.

Take care


Welcome to the site man! and great intro! I too have a back problem (two slipped discs, straightend lumber spine and sciatica at the age of 23 thanks to HM forces) i have a 650 dragstar which is now a bobber!

Congratulations on your tests and hope you have many years of happy riding!

:welcome: to the site Chappers. Nice intro as it's always nice to know what sort of looney we're dealing with on here!

As mike said, beware this time of year because our two wheeled stallions do not like wet manhole covers and leaves or god forbid, a combo of the two. Oh and diesel at bus stops is always a corker to look out for :eusa_doh:

Just remember though, no matter how wet it gets, its still better to be out there on two wheels than not all all :)

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Welcome to the site man! and great intro! I too have a back problem (two slipped discs, straightend lumber spine and sciatica at the age of 23 thanks to HM forces) i have a 650 dragstar which is now a bobber!

Congratulations on your tests and hope you have many years of happy riding!

Hello Noise,

Loving what you done to your XVS, don't quiet know what a bobber is yet, but i'm sure i'll learn soon enough. I might have to pull ya ear in time to come for a few bits of advice for when I want to change a few things. Stuff like pipes and where best to purchase, plus where to start to learn how my bike works without actually pulling it apart and then not knowing how to put it back together LOL.

Look forward to speaking to ya again.


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Hi all, would just like to say thank you for the warm welcome to the site. I've been on here everyday since joining and keep my ear to the ground on anything to do with XVS's so I can gain more and more experience learning how to love my bike, look after it and when the time comes, mod it how I want.

Cheers all :)

Hello Noise,

Loving what you done to your XVS, don't quiet know what a bobber is yet, but i'm sure i'll learn soon enough. I might have to pull ya ear in time to come for a few bits of advice for when I want to change a few things. Stuff like pipes and where best to purchase, plus where to start to learn how my bike works without actually pulling it apart and then not knowing how to put it back together LOL.

Look forward to speaking to ya again.


Hey Chappers,

Not a problem at all, im more than happy to share what i know about the XVS (i dont know EVERY thing but there are more people on here that will be happy to fill in the blanks) a bobber is a stripped down bike that came before the Chopper basically guys that come back from Vietnam had there bikes and wanted them to go faster and being that the best and cheapest way to make this happen is to remover all the useless crap that wasnt needed thus creates a bobber (a basic version any ways)If you have a basic knoledge with tools and the workings of things and your armed with a Haynes manwell then you are more than qualifided to tinker on your two wheeled lover.

All the best


Welcome chappers" you"l love the step up to bigger machine,,, go easy on these winter roads, , the sun is so low at this time of year also,, gives the cage driver another exuse " never seen him,, :shakeno:

One thing to be aware of on the roads, apart from the obvious at this time of the year. i.e. wet leaves, mud, black ice. frost and snow.

Is after a long hot dry spell in the summer when it rains the roads are very slippery due to all the tyre dust deposited on the tarmac.

I bet a lot of people didn't know that :eusa_doh:

Okay Paul & Paul I know you know :rolleyes:

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Thank you guys for the input, 4 years worth of experience in all conditions is nothing really, I have had my odd little fright, of front wheels going from under me and just grabbing back, but this new bike is something else. I'm very careful, and more than anything because I'm totally in love with my dragstar already, I wouldn't want to damage her in anyway. So i'm very VERY careful when I'm riding.

On a lighter note, took my first victim on the back today, it went very well and my mate really enjoyed it. I'm still getting over the fact that I passed my test, let along been able to purchase this amazing bike. I have serious plans for her. My pockets will have to be a little deep, but I have time to save whilst I'm still on the restriction.

Your Sincerely


Welcome to the forum Chappers! Check out the Customs section and Gallery for some of our latest adventures in aftermarket pipes and other bits and bobs. Enjoy!

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Hi all again, Finally been able to get out in some fresh fine weather and give the bike a througher clean and polish.







I have to say, I so totally proud to own such a wonderful machine.

Your Sincerely


Fantastic pics Chappers, although not my type of bike.

Beautiful bike and well done for showing yourself without a helmet in the first photo. :)

One thing we have in common is I wear the same fingerless gloves when I'm on my forklift truck at work :lol:

  • Author

Fantastic pics Chappers, although not my type of bike.

Beautiful bike and well done for showing yourself without a helmet in the first photo. :)

One thing we have in common is I wear the same fingerless gloves when I'm on my forklift truck at work :lol:

Yes mate, I wore them when I was out there this afternoon polishing it. But if I was totally honest with ya, it is bloody cold here on the east coast. However I feel the cold at the best of time. Yes i'm admitting i'm a wuss with the cold!

Yeah wanted to show a picture of what looney I was munis the lid, though I could do with a hair cut!...... oh and a face transplant lol!

kind regards


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not really my bike either but it sure looks good chappers, now dont be getting any salt on her eh...

I shit you not mate, been made aware only to well about salt and water. So i'm well prepared and on the defence already having given the beauty a good wash, polished the paintwork, and as of tomorrow doing the chrome. Further to that some ACR 50 has been flashed around for good measure :)

Yeah salt!..... fock off! :D

Yours kindly


Nice bike Chappers,,, not my style either though,,,,, good pics there.

I would not be able to clean all that chrome.

Best of luck with her,,,,,,keep her tyres planted on da road

Aye nice cruiser " i had a ride on a similar bike this year[ honda] , i was surprised how comfy it was,, :icon_biggrin: fine in a straight line anyway,,, didn"t like roundabouts ,or corners,

felt a bit like a boat,, :bath:

Aye nice cruiser " i had a ride on a similar bike this year[ honda] , i was surprised how comfy it was,, :icon_biggrin: fine in a straight line anyway,,, didn"t like roundabouts ,or corners,

felt a bit like a boat,, :bath:

Aye, but the draggie has better handling than anyhting else in its class. I find my custom is fairly planted on the road most of the time, but yes, roundabouts cannot be taken at silly speeds with yer knee down!

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