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bike that is! are you a sunday rider, an all year round commuter, fairweather rider or what? myself, i ride to work every day and try to get a decent run each weekend, bikes are my hobby, transport and anything else inbetween. tell us about what you use yours for...

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What I do with mine is............Nunya............Nunya Damn Bizness!! :lol:

Actually I too, am one of those Crazy Die-Hard SOB's :crazy: that rides @ least 5 days a week, year-round........been doin' that for 20 years now........wouldn't have it any other way. ;)

Bottom Line: Live To Ride......Ride To Live! :thumb:

Same here, 5 days a week at least, havent been out for a "Joy ride" for a while tho the roads seem to have been wet for the last 2 months and i don't trust my tyres :mellow:

when it warms up a touch i will :ph34r:

just got my bike back on the road today :D :D :D dont think i will be an everyday rider anymore though, ive had to move the bike to a friends house and it has to be back there for 9 each night cus they have kids :/ then i gotta jump in me car and drive home lol. ill certainly be riding more than just the weekends though!

It's my Birthday today, (25th) .. So i took mon/tues off work, so thought i'd make the most of it and have a Bday ride, it was only a 45mile trip but it was still good, and it's the first time i have riden at speed for ages, it scared the shit outta me :unsure: on the first few long roads :D but i got back in to the swing of it soon enough, mind you trying to hold a decent riding line was a joke, I was all over the place :o .. I must get out for more joy rides, and if the weather stays like this that won't be a problem.

have fun peeps

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Me & the little lad were out for a spin yesterday on the XT......Beautiful Day!........Great Fun with a few wheelies as well. B)

  • Author

sounds great guys B) happy birthday btw mark :)

You're 25 Mark! So am I!  :unsure:

no no, mark was 25 today, not 25 years ago... :P

happy bday m8!

Thanks peeps :D

no no, mark was 25 today, not 25 years ago... :P

Stupid Boy!

I'm going to tell your parents about you still riding your bike. You're a juvenile delinquent you are! :lol:

  • Moderator

You're a juvenile delinquent you are!  :lol:

Takes one to KNOW one, eh Pete? :D

  • Admin

Well before i came away being a freelance designer, i ended up spending more days off then i should have. I would ride my bike at least 2 hours a day everyday of the week. And go out all weekend. As much as i love my bike if i hadnt have spend so long riding the dam thing i wouldnt be in as much debt as i am now :blink:

But my poor bike hasnt been out the garage for about 7 months now, the nearest i get to my bike is reminding my dad to turn the front wheel, as i forgot to get a front stand :angry:

  • Moderator

the nearest i get to my bike is reminding my dad to turn the front wheel, as i forgot to get a front stand  :angry:

That sounds just like the scenario I have with my RD.......after a few more "Honey-Do" weekends :rolleyes: ......I'll be getting after it to put it back on the road. ;)

After a bad crash in the summer of 2003 I was unable to race till now. We start in a few months and I'm getting a "chubby" just thinking about it. My RD350 LC is in need of a rebuild but that should be sorted in a month or so.

I'll also be racing a YSR50 this year. Picked it up for $900.00 (Cnd) with all the papers, etc. I plan to throw plates on it as well and blast around town. Should be a lot of fun.

Still kept my hand in throughout the recovery though by blasting around town on my wifes BWS 50. Man that thing is way too much fun to ride. "Full out" all the time and the Cops don't even look at you twice. Add that it's cheap on gas and insurance and I start to wonder why more people don't have them. And after the race pipe went on it now sound way to cool for words.

Got to love those Yamaha bikes!

I've got to admit I don't ride mine all year round - getting too old for that - but it's ridden hard and fast when I do take it out!

  • Moderator

I've got to admit I don't ride mine all year round - getting too old for that - but it's ridden hard and fast when I do take it out!

Bottom Line: You're NEVER too Old to Ride year-round!.......I've been doing it for 20 years now!......Just think of all the FUN you're missing? ;):D

Bottom Line: You're NEVER too Old to Ride year-round!.......I've been doing it for 20 years now!......Just think of all the FUN you're missing? ;)  :D

If you mean fun like freezing your b*ll*cks off and getting piss wet through - I've been there and got the f**king T shirt. I've had my fill of falling off in the wet and, after 28 years, getting cold and wet no longer appeals. Don't get me wrong if it rains while I'm out well tough shit I've got to ride BUT I can't see the point of taking 15 minutes to get me bike out and get all me gear on to go 10 minutes to work!

As i live in England and the weather is mostly s**t and I think my '' Old Nail '' is worth more £££$$$$ than I have at the moment if I was to drop it and as I have 2 kids and as the wife has job after job after job on the DIY front lined up for me ................. I only ride it when I have time and must admit try to get out when the sun shines I do get caught in the rain sometimes .... also seem to keep of the roads when the gritters start dumping '' Salt '' everwere ......

I must be one of those '' Fair Weather '' bikers :D:P:D

This is the first year I've been able to ride all year round, and it won't be the last. I can't drive so me bike is me only transport. I've got a '01 DT125R for commuting/mule/wobbling around off-road and a '97 SZR660 that's in bits being, ahem, cleaned*.

So, five (sometimes 6) days a week to work and back, and the odd weekend blast when I'm not busy in the garage.


*Changed beyond recognition, just don't tell the missus :D

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