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Well i just watched the film The worlds fastest indian

and thought it was great, my mate let me borrow it and told me it would inspire me and it did, but not in the way he was expecting maybe as in i think he meant the need for speed but instead i just want to take a bike trip meet new people and tell them of my tales about my bike and sleep wi strange women just like the old guy in the film did lol


I agree, its a fantastic film/tribute to Burt Monro's life and how he made the journy from Invicargil (written with one L to save ink lol) all the way to the Salt flats. If i was a single man and wasn't blessed with my Daughter i would most def have a plot of land with just a garage to tinker on bikes!

Burt was and still is a legend a guy who made the phrase "couse we can" a fact.......Why did he make his indian go 200MPH?........ cause he can!

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the only bad bit if there was one in the film was Hopkins American/australian/anglo kinda accent :eusa_whistle:

yeah great film one of my favourites,hey NOISE hows yeovil these days my first posting was houndstone camp i hear its gone now and its an industrial site? many a hangover on the scrumpy.

hayup paul, hows it goin.

hayup paul, hows it goin.

hi kev, had a lot of health problems so was unable to make the weekend at squires but came up on the sunday to ride back with you lot but when i got there you had all left ah well,still riding just problems with walking far.glad to see you got mellow yellow up and running and had a good time maybe see you at rivi barn still go up there on a sunday if the weathers right,bye for now

thats good , that you get to the barn , if it's dry this sunday i,ll be up their myself this sunday , around twelve , to about half one ish.

so if your their look out for me, you could even buy me a pint (kidding).

the poor health comes with age unfortunatly.

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