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this is drewps at the bolton fest ,DSCF1869.jpgDSCF1853.jpgDSCF1857.jpg her,s the girl with a voice like an angle DSCF1872.jpg the group DSCF1871.jpg it was nice to meet up again drewpy, awsome kids, i bet your well chuffed with the preformence.

DSCF1873.jpgDSCF1865.jpgDSCF1867.jpgDSCF1855.jpg take note all you builders out there. this is how your jeans should be worn.


  • Moderator

nice one Kev, didn't realise you'd taken them pics.

Was nice to see you mate and thanks for your support today :thumb:

I was hob nobbing with Mark Day (the guy scratching his nose with me grinning at the camera) he was the guitarist with the Happy Mondays!

happy days!

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