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I'm looking at purchasing a Bike on Ebay. The Bike in question has a different decal on the left fairing than the one on the right.

The seller swears that the bike came like that new from the dealer. The right decal appears to be the correct one and left appears to come from the year earlier model of the bike.

Is there any way that he's telling the truth and somehow this bike had mismatch decals on the fairings brand new from the dealer?

  • Admin

The ONLY way i can see that happening is if the bike was sold, and somehow it was damaged before the buyer took hold of it. And the buyer wanted it asap and didnt care about the details, but i very much doubt it mate

  • Admin

Why has he removed decals?

  • Admin

Most probable a panel has been replaced, and he couldnt get a decal for it, and just made do with older ones where he could.

How rude of me welcome to the forum by the way :welcome:

  • Author

Thanks for the welcome.

The guy actually emailed me after posting that they actually do match. He told me that he never noticed that they were different and swears its never been dropped or laid down.

He stated that he watched the dealer assemble the bike right of the crate and it must have came that way. Possible?

  • Admin

Well i really doubt it. Firstly who would have a bike for 2 years and never notice it, also all the staff at the garage not noticing it, and the manufactures not noticing it?

And mainly the last i knew of it the stickers are put on by hand, so surely it must be impossible for the person who puts them on at the factory to put them on wrong. As they wouldnt have a choice of old ones to hand!

Hi Redbeard

Had a quick peek at bike. There's definitely something amiss! I can't believe that the dealer or the owner wouldn't have noticed the difference in the decals if bike was fresh out of crate. Besides in the mileage the bikes done somebody should have spotted it! Maybe the owner only gets on from the right hand side?

yep i'd take what the sellers says with a pinch of salt. something's deffinately happened to that side of the bike hat he doesn't want to tell you about.... really best off to look at the bike in person if ya could. tbh i dunno if i'd buy a bike on ebay.

Yeah I suppose there is a bit of a risk buying off ebay - but I got my Exup of ebay and it was as described. BUT! All the panels etc match and ARE original and it's 14 years old. With a two year old bike like Redbeards looking at - then you would expect the panels etc to be right.

  • Author

Thanks for all the help with the bike. I wouldn't have even noticed that they didn't match if it wasn't for the guy who asked below in the questions. Its such a small difference I could have picked it up paid him and never noticed until later.

Ringer!  B)

give me her number and i will! B)

  • Moderator

:welcome: to the forum RedBeard

Definitely gotta be a scrutinizer when bidding on bikes from Ebay ;)

  • Moderator

Swinger!  B)

wrong forum Pete :blink::P

redbeard :welcome:

  • Admin

Just a thought i wonder if it was a track bike? Disconnected speedo and track fairings, original fairing may have been damaged left in the garage :blink:

  • Moderator

Good possibility there Alex ;)

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