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How do I attach a photo to a post?

Irish Gene
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Hi, wished to attach a photo along with a technical query posting but don't know how to do this.....I am a member of other sites such as www.russianiron.com, www.g503.com and it is very easy to add photos when posting on these.

I'm new here so I must be missing something?

Thanks everyone!

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Sign up to photobucket.com and upload your pics there (you can send them via text from your mobile) then they will come up with an image code under them when you hover your mouse over them. Copy and paste that image code into your post on here and ET VALA! picture onto yamaha owners club.

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Its the same with alot of forums. Im a member of 4 different forums n all of them need a image code to upload the picture. dont panic photobucket is free and its also a good way to store your pics off your phone and camara to free up memory space ;)

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