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Hi Guys

My first post! - I recently bought a brand new Yamaha YBR 125 from my local dealership.

After about 150 miles the gear lever became "loose". I was a bit concerned that it had loosened so quickly and was worried about overtightening the bolt and screwing up my warranty,so I took it in to the dealership today.

They have tightened up the bolt and there is less play but the shaft that the lever sits on still feels loose to me, ie, I can push the shaft in and out by millimetres with finger pressure.

I sadly know nothing about motorbikes so don't want to p*ss the guys at the dealership off with my amateur suspicions so I am looking for some advice - should the lever and shaft sit rigidly or is a certain amount of play to be expected?

I am a new rider and struggling with shifting down the gears (almost impossible getting down to 1st) and I seem to be able to find neutral better when riding (when I don't want it to) than when I am stopped.

Give it to me straight, am I an over worrying beginner or should I persue Yamaha to look at the gears?

I have done a little video to explain:




Do you mean the actual actual gear lever is loose on the gearchange shaft ? If so then it should be tight on the shaft. You could try tightening it slightly to see if this reduces the play but DON'T go mad or you will strip or break the bolt. The manual for the 2005 YBR125 says tighten bolt to 10Nm or 7.2 ft-ilb so if you know someone with a torque wrench that goes that low get them to check it. Does a 10mm spanner fit the head of the bolt ? if so it is only a 6mm thread so don't go any higher then this. Tony

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Hi YPVS TONE, thanks I will check on size tomorrow, I have added a video since you replied so if you get a chance let me know what you think.

And thanks oldgitonabike, I am slowly getting there with the gears but just a bit worried the gear lever is not helping.

Regards and thanks for the speedy replies, everyone I know drives tin tops so your advice is appreciated.



It does look a little loose on the shaft in the video. In the long term that can wear the splines so it should be tight. You could expect a little play in the up and down shifting movement though from the shaft.

Either way I wouldn't hesitate to take it back to the dealer you bought it from to have it sorted and its in their interest to keep the customers happy when they come in with genuine concerns. Given you noticed it becoming looser at 150 miles I reckon that's fair enough.


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Thought it only fair to update this thread.

I contacted my local dealer today and told them of my concern about the movement at the shaft of the gear lever. They reassured me that a few millimeteres of play is to be expected. I explained the play at the other end of the lever (where the foot moves the lever) is more than a few millimetres, again I was told this is to be expected.

The guys at the dealership seem to be helpful enough so I will take a leap of faith and just keep an eye on it for now. If anyone has experience of this on the YBR125 then let me know.

Thanks for the help everyone, nice to know Yamaha has a thriving and helpful user community.

Just seen this thread,,,,

I just checked my DT125 for ya and yes there is a slight movement of about 1mill in and out on the gear shaft.

There is also about the same on the leaver for changing gears,,,,,the leaver does not slip on the splines of the shaft but the shaft its-self rotates about 1mill before starting to change gear. Althougt my bike is 9 years old i'd say this is pritty normal for any bike. It would be pritty much impossible to have everything in the gearbox so finely turned/milled so that everything is nice and tight, afterall there's loads of cogs and leavers and plates in there.

I'd say your grand going on what i can see in the vid.

Check out another YBR in a shop to see if its the same as yours.

Keep an eye on it,,,,,,dont be over worrying about everything,,,,,,relax and enjoy your new bike !


Hmm i just checked by gear lever ybr125 08 and the level is solid on the shaft no movement at all the lever does move in and out by a mm or 2 but thats just the imput shaft moving back and forth..

If i was you i would have the lever off the shaft and check lever and shaft for worn splines incase the loose lever has worn some , even so it should be able to be tightened down more id get a spanner and tighten it up some more after checking nothing is damaged..

Hmm i just checked by gear lever ybr125 08 and the level is solid on the shaft no movement at all the lever does move in and out by a mm or 2 but thats just the imput shaft moving back and forth..

If i was you i would have the lever off the shaft and check lever and shaft for worn splines incase the loose lever has worn some , even so it should be able to be tightened down more id get a spanner and tighten it up some more after checking nothing is damaged..

Take it back to the shop - it is under warranty

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