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Hi everyone,

I use mineral oil in my dt125 , i am hearing mixed reports on this over a synthetic, what is everyones opinion of it and how strongly ?

Also i am looking to do some touch ups on the silver swing arm and black frame but for the life of me i cant find any paint codes or places that sell it. Preferably id like paint on paint :eusa_shifty: , rather than spray cause its just touching up.

Anyone know where or how i can get these?

Two-stroke, has a base oil, & additives, [ one or two components] or multiple components, depending on the demand of the oil,, [ hi temp ,race,]

theres 3 kinds of base, synthetic/ mineral/ vegitable. synthetic are petroleum based,

V,I. [ viscosity index] is measure of thikening at low temp. higher the number the less likely to change at exterme temps.

Low-ash, is detergents added, to stop hydrocarbons build up. [ a must for power valve engines,,]

any oil with code,, API- TC. Is fine you"l find this on back of bottle ..

Some oils [ thick] like Castrol R40 & Shell SX [mineral] are for pre- mix ,,

Simples eh,,, :eusa_whistle:

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V,I. [ viscosity index] is measure of thikening at low temp. higher the number the less likely to change at exterme temps.

This oils number is 10.4 - which is higher than its semi synthetic counterpart, is that bad then ?

Low-ash, is detergents added, to stop hydrocarbons build up. [ a must for power valve engines,,]

any oil with code,, API- TC. Is fine you"l find this on back of bottle ..

which it has, good good :D

Some oils [ thick] like Castrol R40 & Shell SX [mineral] are for pre- mix ,,

This is mine , just got it from the local garage, http://www.commaoil.com/productsguide/view/6/267

its in the autolube system, which i assume is ok ?

Simples eh,,, :eusa_whistle:

maybe..... with time lol :eusa_shifty:

Yip gaz" it tick all the boxes , comma is the cheapest out there, bar Tesco,, witch is bottle by Carlube,,,[ lancashire]

Speed-boat hIgh performance engines is the only non compatable use for most ATI-PC,,, oils :shakeno:

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