Posted January 8, 200520 yr Hi All Just a quick query. I have a Thundercat that has had a exhaust problem recently. One of the flanges came away from the rest of the downpipes causing much noise and hassle. I now have another set of downpipes to go on. Can anybody tell me the torque wrench settings for the M8 studs that hold the downpipes to the engine. I don't want to over do it!!!! TA
January 8, 200520 yr Moderator I would imagine that it would be similar to a FZR600, i'm on funny shifts @ work atm so once i get to my garage and dig out my haynes i'll pass them on asap.
January 9, 200520 yr Author Thanks Beezkneez That would be most appreciated. I like the look of yer bike....nice. Cheers Matey
January 13, 200520 yr Be careful taking the old header pipes off, when I did mine on a 2yr old cat (ok it had about 27,000miles on it) 3 of the 8 (i think) nuts that hold it on at the came off with half the manifold studs. Major hassle trying to remove the remaining studs and replace with new ones. As a wise precaution I would take the manifold studs out and replace them anyway. It just depends how much hassle you want and can be bothered with. Best of luck though. You never know it might go swimmingly for you !!
January 14, 200520 yr Admin Yeah they can be a nightmare half of mine unwound with the studs, which made it easier to replace them!
January 14, 200520 yr Could have worded mine reply better. What I meant was some of my nuts (ouch!!) came off with half the manifold stud as in it sheared it off leaving half the stud still in the bleedin' engine !!!
January 15, 200520 yr If you mean the 8 ring nuts then the settings for fazer 600 are 10nm which may be the same for the cat. hope this helps. Hi All Just a quick query. I have a Thundercat that has had a exhaust problem recently. One of the flanges came away from the rest of the downpipes causing much noise and hassle. I now have another set of downpipes to go on. Can anybody tell me the torque wrench settings for the M8 studs that hold the downpipes to the engine. I don't want to over do it!!!! TA
January 15, 200520 yr Admin Oh yeah i forgot i had the dreaded snapping one too!!! Couldnt get it out with a stud remover even after heating it up so had to weld a spanner on to it!
January 16, 200520 yr Author Hello All Sorry not replying to all your posts as I am still without a phone And therefore internet. I have moved house and BT are 'p'ing me off at the mo by not gettin their arse in gear and sorting my phone Rant Rant Rant I too have the dreded snapped off manifold to head bolts. Two. I have quite a lot of the stud left sticking out so hopefully they should come out without too much hassle although when I mentioned this at my local yamaha dealers the guys behind the counter both had problems supressing their sniggers. I'm waiting for a day when I feel particularly lucky. Can anybody recommend a good aftermarket downpipe set for the cat as I was going to get some from a breakers as the Yam Originals were £280 which I thought too much as I don't find the time to ride much. I realize that a motad set of stainless is about the same money but is there anything cheaper? I rang pro bikesalvage and after saying ' Yeah mate. got a really nice set, give us 3 days and we'll send em down' then nothing. After a week I rephoned them only to be told ' Didn't we ring you? Got them off the bike but they were rotten.' So the pipes went from real nice to rotten in 3 days! Cheers Guys. Ooops Ranting again Look forward to any suggestions Thanks in Advance
January 21, 200520 yr Author Hello All Thought that somebody might have had some suggestions on the exhaust downpipes. Perhaps a new set of motad stainless steel are the best option? Does anybody know of a good yamaha breakers? Feeling quite pleased with myself as I have managed to get out the cracked off studs. Here's my opinion on the best way to get them out. What you need. 1. A nice sunny day with no hangover and lots of patients . (Do not attemt under any circumstances after arguments with wife or in bad mood!!) 2. Can of WD40 3. Hammer. 4. A drill chuck / MoleGrips. ( take apart an old drill or buy a new chuck from a electric drill spares shop. I think the drill chuck is better as it grips from 3 sides. 5. Bastard file (flat). 6. Pencil Torch. ( If you know somebody who is a plumber then get them to lend you one. It's like a small gas flame on the end of a pencil with a lead that runs back to the can. ) Method 1. Soak in WD40 for a few days every day. 2. Pick a day your feeling lucky. 3. Hit stud on the end with the hammer a few times to try and shock the stud to help it move. ( Careful not too hard and hit it straight ! ) 4. Dry the wd40 off the stud and attach the drill chuck. Do up nice and tight. Sometimes you can use molegrips but on my bike you couldn't get them in there. 5. Use the pencil torch to heat up the head not the bolt. 6. Turn the molegrips or drill chuck to remove the stud. 7. If chuck / moles slip on stud use file to flatten sides of stud to get more grip. The studs on my Thundercat were M6 ! A bit on the small side i think Mr Yamaha. I'll put this on a separate post also. cheers
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