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I must be the only person I know that missed both Christmas Eve and New Year Eve. I can't believe I had nil, zero, zilch alcohol on these two nights.

Xmas Eve: finished work at 5.30am - went down town with her indoors to do some last minute(!) chrimbo shopping at about 9am. You know what women and shopping means - it was 2.30pm when we got home. My lad's scooter needed some work doing to it so being the wonderful caring Dad I am I fixed it for him.

I was just toddling off to bed for some much needed shut eye when some friends called round to see us. Knowing that we were going out that night I went for a bath, got changed sat down on the settee and fell asleep! My missus tried to wake me but couldn't. I woke up at 8am Xmas morning!

New Years Eve went much the same way. Finished work at 5.30am the missus had to work till 2pm and I had to look after the younger two kids (my lad was at his girlfriends). I went to bed when she came home and I think I must have died in bed because I woke up at 5am on New Years Day!

I even fell asleep at the mother in laws on Boxing Day!

I must be the only person I know that missed both Christmas Eve and New Year Eve. I can't  believe I had nil, zero, zilch alcohol on these two nights.

Xmas Eve: finished work at 5.30am - went down town with her indoors to do some last minute(!) chrimbo shopping at about 9am. You know what women and shopping means - it was 2.30pm when we got home. My lad's scooter needed some work doing to it so being the wonderful caring Dad I am I fixed it for him.

I was just toddling off to bed for some much needed shut eye when some friends called round to see us. Knowing that we were going out that night I went for a bath, got changed sat down on the settee and fell asleep! My missus tried to wake me but couldn't. I woke up at 8am Xmas morning!

New Years Eve went much the same way. Finished work at 5.30am the missus had to work till 2pm and I had to look after the younger two kids (my lad was at his girlfriends). I went to bed when she came home and I think I must have died in bed because I woke up at 5am on New Years Day!

I even fell asleep at the mother in laws on Boxing Day!

I must be the only person I know that missed both Christmas Eve and New Year Eve. I can't believe I had nil, zero, zilch alcohol on these two nights.

Xmas Eve: finished work at 5.30am - went down town with her indoors to do some last minute(!) chrimbo shopping at about 9am. You know what women and shopping means - it was 2.30pm when we got home. My lad's scooter needed some work doing to it so being the wonderful caring Dad I am I fixed it for him.

I was just toddling off to bed for some much needed shut eye when some friends called round to see us. Knowing that we were going out that night I went for a bath, got changed sat down on the settee and fell asleep! My missus tried to wake me but couldn't. I woke up at 8am Xmas morning!

Bloody hell;;;;;; I could'nt get through Crimbo wi out copioous amounts of alchohol. A just don't think its possible.

I didn't drink at all. Alcohol just gives me a migraine. It's very overated you know! B)

  • Moderator

I kept my consumption down to only a 6-pack of my fav holiday Beer. ;)

Just the right amount.....NO OverHangs to deal with & I remember Everything! :lol:

Alan you were not on your own, I have spent all crimble and new year in bed, my daughter travelled 12 miles to bring me some crimble dinner, which I hardly ate. My first full day out of bed was yesterday. Dr. came out 3 times to see me. still feel very weak. missed all the rides I would have gone on, that is the worse bit. But glad to hear you are feeling better, but I don't think we really have anything to complain about when you listen to the news, at least we are still alive. My thoughts go out to the thousands of people who watched their loved ones being swept away never to be seen again.

i didn't drink much either tbh. on christmas i had 2 glasses of wine only because i had to drive half the family home in the snow we had. then on new year i kept it to a minimum so i could go out early on new years day on the bike. pitty the weather was sh*te though

I didn't have to drink much the painkillers I'm on quadrupled the effects of the alcohol!

It was great :lol:

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