Posted December 9, 200420 yr hi all just thought i would let you know that i now have 3 points on my licence for speeding, yes i know im a prick. sods law i was out in my car yesterday morning and got pulled by a young pig in training so i had the upper hand and made out i am up on the law which as you can guess is a load of bollocks so i got away with a producer, then to make matters worse 3oclock this morning in company van i was heading out of bristol on the m32 on my way to an alarm activation at tewkesbury so i gave it abut 75 mph and bang blue lights from no where once he pulled me he tried telling me that i was doing nearly 100mph but as i tried to explain it is a peugeot 206 1.4 deisel van with a two ton key safe in the back and it struggles to top 85 mph so as you can imagine i got a bit angry with the copper and for those of you who dont know he was in a ford focus now the focuses dont have speed detecting equipment and the police have to follow you at the same speed for 3 quaters of a mile to get a accurate reading from ther speedometer well this twat just nabbed me straight so when i told him this he was a bit speechless as to how i knew well lucky for me i have connections in the police so i knew. but that was not good enough for these two twats so after i lost my rag and told them they are a pair of twats they wnated to breathalise me so i lost it then and told them straight to there faces that they are cunts and to get a proper constructive job and to levave us drivers alone and catch the rapists and murderers then he told me he was gonna let me go with a warning but now he is gonna book me for being abusive two words for coppers FUCKING WANKERS............... what more can i say. im not gonna appeal cause i cant be arsed with hassle. what do you lot reckon im the daddy for voicing my oppinion and nearly gettin nicked or should i have just accepted the bollocking and been on my way
December 9, 200420 yr I think next time you will keep your mouth shut, the cops in Bristol were real shits when I lived there, but I think you may have asked for that one. But the M32 is a nice streach to put you foot down on :roll:
December 10, 200420 yr Moderator Ya Know, they don't call 'em PIGS for nuthin'! :roll: As much as it might bug the hell outta ya, it's waaay less expensive to keep your lip buttoned & just comply with those WANKERS :cuss
December 10, 200420 yr Unmutual Wrote: It's no joke being picked up by the Fuzz!l I asked this biker chick once,if she'd ever been picked up by the fuzz. she said " No,but iv'e been swung round by the tits a couple of times." :oops: :oops: :oops: oh well,it was funny when i first heard it. Mozzy it always pays to bite your tongue.last time i got a tug i'd gone through a traffic light that had just changed to amber.didn't even notice the police car at the other light. he asked me did i know why i'd been stopped,i said "err,was it something to do with going through that traffic light on amber".he said it was red and that he was going to report it. i replied that i know the training procedures and rigorous testing that police drivers have to undergo because they put us through a similar ROSPA cause at work(only a slight porky). He seemed to soften visibly,and then i asked him would it be possible that some recent junction redesign work might have affected the timing of the lights.he hesitated and said to test them he'd have to get another cop to help him and he'd throw the book at me if they worked ok,but that in thecircumstances he'd let me off with a warning. i thanked him and off i went.Undoubtedly some cops are tw*ts but most are just doing there job.
December 11, 200420 yr Admin Know how you feel mozzy, i am banned from driving in victoria for a month for speeding. Not that it matters coz im in NSW, i was pulled over twice in an hour, have an amusing photo i will have to post up now (wishing i had brought my camera) 1st was doing 134kph, in a 110, 4 points $240 fine 2nd was doing 100kp, in an 80, 3 points and fine But the stupid thing is the road the first time was one of them infinitly long ones you see on tv, and NO other cars apart from mine and the police pulled over on the other side. The second time i had the cruise control set at a 100 as it was a 100 road, but the speed limit was reduced for about 200m where it passed a road house, which was SHUT!!! and no other traffic and was done again. If i am caught again in victoria i will face upto 3 months!!!! Luckily for me im no longer in Victoria. 22,000km and i only saw 3 police cars, and was caught by 2 of them. (well there are hundreds now im in civilisation!)
December 11, 200420 yr Moderator thats what i like to hear Mozzy, as the forum enforcer you need to keep the dirty harry attitude up :twisted:
December 11, 200420 yr Pussies... ! The lot of you.. I've been banned twice - 2 x 6 monthers... all for excessive speeding. I go fast at night, usually after 2am when there's not much about so real speed isn't too difficult. The first ban was for 120mph (average) over a 1/4 mile in a 40 zone. Thank got the peak speed wansn't recorded as they couldn't see me but I'm sure it was around 145mph. I got nicked twice for over a ton in 50 zones in the 2 months between getting nicked and the court case so my license came back with 6 points on it. Being banned sucks but speeding (not rubbish like 45 in a 30), there's a time and a place. Daytime and anywhere urban or where a risk to other people is a big no no. The cops are there to make sure we are all relatively safe so they do a good job - lets not forget that. After all, if your house gets burgled, who do you call - apart from the 'boys'. ? J
December 11, 200420 yr jmw you are a wanker, even though its night time those speeds were extremely excessive, and there is nothing 'cool' about getting banned. riders like you should be banned for life mate...
December 11, 200420 yr Moderator jmw you are a wanker, even though its night time those speeds were extremely excessive, and there is nothing 'cool' about getting banned. riders like you should be banned for life mate... nowt like holding back skyline
December 11, 200420 yr Author the safes in the back are fixed in the van and are fully loaded with keys there are about 800 sets all in all they are for a few of my beat visits and and the rest of them are for alarm activations ie hsbc bank a set of keys for every branch in the south west same with post offices etc i work for group4securicor or yamahead you may no them as wackenhut as they are in the us we are the biggest security company with over three hundred and 89 thousand people working for us its a job i love and wont give it up for anything... unless i lose my licence .
December 11, 200420 yr Moderator I have heard of Wackenhut Mozz. :wink: There's definitely something to be said for really liking your job...... It makes life so much easier to deal with. 8)
December 12, 200420 yr not to be to harsh or anything because i dont exactly post that much myself, but i always read whats put and either he chats a whole load of shit or he does some damn stupid stuff...
December 12, 200420 yr Moderator not to be to harsh or anything because i dont exactly post that much myself, but i always read whats put and either he chats a whole load of shit or he does some damn stupid stuff... who does Sky?
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