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Hi Everybody

I´m new in this foro and My nick is ExciterSpain.I´m from Spain but I havent got an Exciter.Here, in Spain, this motorbike is called Special.There are some diferences but, in esence, it´s the same.I light custom.I´m very happy whith my bike.Practice to park in towm and you can go for a ride out, not very fast, it´s true, but enought for me.It´s easy to fix and very, very strong.Here, it was very popular between urban deliverys in towns like Madrid or Barcelona for this caracteristics and fuel economy.

Nothing else,.I hope to learn a lot about this great bike and the biggest sisters.


Ola Hughs, welcome to the internationaly renowned Y-O-C B)

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Ola Hughs, welcome to the internationaly renowned Y-O-C B)

Thankx Barkwindjammmer.I´m sorry for my bad english.I´ll try to explain better in the future.


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