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Hi All,

Looks like a really useful forum, glad I found it.

Having just had my bike back from the Rozzers having had the joy of a 14 year old nicking it then beating it up I've decided to have a little project and making it a bit more custom.

First off is removing the sissy bar and 2nd seat and bags which were on it when I got the bike to save a little weight and probably add about 2mph to top speed if lucky!

I know its a hairdryer in a real bikes clothing but it suits the few times i get to use it, but I'd like to make it look meaner.

Thoughts so far are:

- Satin black paintjob and less plasticy chrome

- white wall tyres (maybe but not sure)

- Different handle bars

- Make it louder without failing MOT

I'd like straighter bars, but struggling to find them on the web or having looked through this forum? Any ideas?



Hi Ty, I'll give you a little advice. :(

Post an introduction in the new members and tell everybody about yourself and your bike and i'm sure the experienced members on the YOC will be more inclined to help. :)

I'm a new member myself and i have learned that there is a good bunch of lads and lassies on here, they will try their best to help out with every problem (even if they dont know what they are talking about) :lol::lol: they will point you in the right direction :D

Show them a little respect you'll get it back 10 fold.

hi Tyinthesky :) yeah its best to post a hello on the noob section... :unsure::D .... but welcome to the forum! im guessing ur wanting to get something similar to this. :P


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Thanks for the advice on the newbies bit, I will stick an intro in and my starting point pics.

My initial post was in a blaze of enthusiasm having just got my bike back from the pound, I'm not new to forums, just motorcycle ones and I will try and find my answers in older posts before I start a flurry of questions. The problem I have is that I have never even cleaned a spark plug before this project and the only tool kit I have is from a texaco for £4.99 so alot to learn!

I'm really excited about tinkering my Dragstar and there looks like theres loads of knowledgeable people on here....I'm gonna need you all!! :)

Cheers for the pic Paul, wheres all your bikes 'insides' gone?? Thats along the lines, definitely the flat handle bars, they look cool imo.

Thanks again,


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Newbie bit done... cheers!

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** If an administrator looks in here could you change the thread title to 'Dragstar 125 custom project' please...thanks **

Heres the plan, but I'm getting loads more ideas by looking around the web, but with no prior experience of tinkering with bikes I'm keeping it simple for now.

Already getting para about painting it and it coming out shite, but in for a penny!


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If anyone can help.... also posted in parts. Thanks.


you will find that there is a load of plastic covers around the engine....iv taken mine off to make way for a honda cbr 125 engine. B)

right.... :D

well to start if you want straight handlebars ur going to need risers. you can get them from ebay. but the risers will need a bigger bolt than the ones you have at the top of the yoke.

(the bars are 7/8 inch not an inch thick and search for drag bars ;) )

so what iv done is drill out the holes where the old risers went, to 12mm, then all the risers off ebay will fit.(will make more sense when you take it apart)

the second problem is the height......if you get risers smaller than 5 inch you will find that the controls hit the tank.

then you will need some big washers (the biggest you can get with a 12mm hole) to put between the yoke and risers. (otherwise they wobble)

as to the broken cover have a look on ebay

now the fender.

can you see the top of the bracket? thats how high off the wheel the fender is going to be! iv chopped my mount off at the frame but have had to weld on a support (in my case it was the sissy bar) and the fender is tie wrapped to that.

but id recommend just chopping off all the half loops and leave the 2 struts at the side!

that way you have bolt holes to mount a fender to. B)

now to the paint.... im gonna use blackboard paint and a roller for mine :blink: iv done it b4 and its turned out well! but you need to take all the original paint off 1st....but its up to you what you use! best way to learn is to have a go and practice!

oh and if you want rid of the handlebars......im looking for a set :D;)

but have you considered just pushing them up and forward bit? try it....you might like the look. B)

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Well its nearly done.

This is the bit where I pooed myself a bit having not so much as undone a nut before. I thought it was all going to go Humpty Dumpty shaped!


But all the kings horses and all the kings men (actually, me, a spanner set and a screwdriver), put Satin black dragstar together again!


Not the most dramatic change in the world, but funds are low.

Next stage is to put carbon wrap on the front and rear mudguard and flat handlebars too.

I'm considering a blue LED lighting kit, or is that seriously gay?

  • 2 weeks later...
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I must remember not to take pictures of reflective things in just my pants!!

just a quick question mate where at the end of this are you going to put the rear light and indicators? and where is the wiring going to be fed?

just a quick question mate where at the end of this are you going to put the rear light and indicators? and where is the wiring going to be fed?

and how/where are you going to attach the number plate? :blink:

looks good m8. needs the rear end droping closer to the wheel. either get some struts or sdmaller shocks. ;)

would like to see this when your done with the plate and lights on it good luck mate

Glad I came accross this,

Your first post was like you were writing what was in my brain,

I like what you've done with your bike, it's very close to what I would like to do with mine, I too am a noob when it come to tinkering and even used Youtube to findout how to change the seals in my breaks (took me 8 hours).

I'd skip the LED's personaly, the satin black is nice and understaded, anything to flashy will couter that..

what method did you go for on the paint job?

all the best

Hey bud good looking bike you have there! as for the handle bars............

i got mine off e-bay from a Norton, 7/8" bars with 3" risers

check out my intro page for pics

As for your indecators id be inclined to place them in your pillion peg bolt holes (may have to tap them out to a bigger thread)

and just get your self a side number plate holder and brake light set.

et valar


O and if you do drop the rear end as paul White sugested (good idea... i too was gunna drop mine) you may have to re-do your

chain as the angle will be different and the original chain may not cut the mustard. ;) i have looked into all of this

and you cant buy shorter shocks for this bike so they will have to be custom made for you, or just make some struts up with

some hard wearing polly bushes. ;)

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