Posted November 14, 200420 yr I got to bed at 7 this morning because i was riding like a twat on the icy roads and came off the bike at around 110mph :/ there was 4 of us, 1 car 1 50cc 1 125 and me, and we were going down a long dual carriage way, the car and 125 went ahead a bit but i was waiting behind the 50 for the engine to get some heat in it, once it was all warmed i opened the throttle right back and blasted it down the dual carriageway (this was at like 1:15 in the morn so nothing else on the roads basically) once i had the car and bike in sight they were side by side so i thought by the time the bike gets past the car i can go blasting past, as i was getting closer i realised the bike wasnt achully over taking the car and was just sticking at the side, still i carryed on the throttle thinking maybe i can squeeze in between but then i know the rider isnt terribly great so thought id just slow down for em, i literally touched the front brake and the bike just drops (going in a stright line this was (very fortunately!) and next thing i know im boiling hot with sparks everywhere! very lucky i was also with my mates as the car stoped and reversed down the the 50cc bike was behind me so they all came to help. ive come out of the ordeal very lucky with just a fractured knee and a few grazes but ill never ride my bike without my full gear on again as it did save me this time! my thermal trousers and ripped to shreds as are my boots and jacket but they certainly saved me! bikes a possible write off though as the quick look i had on the night the back end looked totally twisted and the left side engine casing (or could just be the altinater i think) is shattered, gear leaver gone, fairing damaged, mirror was gone as was the clutch leaver, got the bike recovered today but havent had chance to look at it yet. so just be careful on those ice roads people, as much as we moan at all the salt its there for a reason, id rather risk having a slightly corroded exhaust than slip on the ice and write the damn bike off! so just be careful while its getting icy people and always wear as much gear as youve got!
November 14, 200420 yr Shit! Glad you're OK Skyline! I've had an off at 110 and it was my wake up call. Hell of an experience isn't it? You keep wondering when you're going to stop rolling! Fair play for admitting that it was your fault though. Most people blame everybody or everything other than themselves. So they're doomed to repeat the same scenario again and again. So....learn from this, and ensure it never happens again. Just take it easy while recovering mate!
November 14, 200420 yr Moderator glad to hear your ok m8...BUT, thats what ya get for riding a gay honda :wink:
November 14, 200420 yr Moderator Definitely glad you're OK Sky! :shock: ........ Hats Off to ya though...It sometimes takes a big man to admit when he's wrong. :wink: Lesson well learned I take it.......with the right attitude, you'll be a much better rider for it. Take care & heel up soon. Bottom Line is: Protective Gear is worth every last cent you pay for 'em! :wink:
November 14, 200420 yr Glad your ok Skyline! :shock: Take a tip from me, put the bike away and get it back out in March :wink:
November 14, 200420 yr Glad your ok Skyline! :shock: Â Take a tip from me, put the bike away and get it back out in March :wink: Your letting Team Tomboy down NT! 8)
November 14, 200420 yr Moderator Take a tip from me, put the bike away and get it back out in March :wink: BullSh*t!......Sky, REAL rider's NEVER from dealing with the ever-changing adverse effects of the weather. :wink: 8)
November 14, 200420 yr Sorry what I mean't to say is put the summer bike away and get the winter bike out
November 14, 200420 yr I've done my apprenticeship in the school of winter riding and agree that it does indeed teach you alot about expecting the unexpected. I gotta say, taking the car is soooooooo much easier when it's cold, raining and blowing a gale. The fastest I've ever come off is at flat out speed on a tuned up FS1E. Racing a YB100 (and keeping with it), traffic ahead stopped suddenly, I hid the front brake (DX model) and the disc locked up which nicely bounced me down the road. Seriously glad u r ok dude, take it easy out there.
November 15, 200420 yr jeez... glad you're ok skyline!! sounds like a scary experience. atleast yer here to tell the tale mate, take it easy. safety gear really is compulsary aint it. don't be put off winter riding(i know you won't anyway) just learn from this, it'll make you all the better for it
November 15, 200420 yr Author o it certainly hasnt put me off riding...just for the next 6weeks i cant :S nor can i drive the damn car lol, and heres the worst bit, my dad wont let me keep a bike under the same roof as him :shock: so i need to find somewhere to put the damn thing when i get another :S
November 15, 200420 yr hey guys, hmm been a long time sorry to hear about that skyline, hope you recover fast and get back on your rocket defo not lookin forward to winter... :cry:
November 15, 200420 yr my dad wont let me keep a bike under the same roof as him : Difficult one for me skyline. Cos I can understand how your dad must feel....and tbh your exploits probably haven't helped your case much. As you know I've got 5 sons from 13-27....and thankfully none of them are into bikes. I have discouraged it tbh. Hypocritical? Yes it is! But I don't want my kids to see the things I've seen. And the roads are more dangerous and busier than they were when I started in 71. You know what I'd do if I was your Dad? Put a sledgehammer through it! Seriously! So think yourself lucky he only wants it out of the house! 8)
November 15, 200420 yr Skyline, if you want to hear about silly riding, go to, PM the admin guy (Andy) and ask him about JJ (me) doing over 100mph the wrong way down the fast lane of a dual carriageway back in '88. The look on the guys face in the Ford Sierra I was going past as he looked from his fast lane across the central reservation at me was sublime.....! Them was the days.....
November 15, 200420 yr Author gah just found out, apprently my front tyre is bald, i was meant to replace it at the start of this month but i forgot :s i suppose that didnt help a bit, but then again if it had tread i probebly would have been going faster....
November 15, 200420 yr got away easy on this. You've been given a BIG listen to it. A lot of people don't get the big message....they just get Game Over. I can see why your old man was so worried. Now....sort your bike out and make sure it's always roadworthy. And more importantly...sort your head out!
November 16, 200420 yr I gotta agree, getting scrubbed out over a baldrick tyre is a really bad way to go. Go carefully dude !
November 16, 200420 yr Author gah thats the thing i usually do keep it sorted :s i really dunno how i forgot about the front tyre, hell i even brought a remote start for it because i had money and couldnt think of anything else to buy for the damn thing :S well at least now ive got plently that needs buying :oops:
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