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Can any one tell me how to find and adjust the carb as I think she is running to rich . I had to replace the carb and now I have a nice loud popping sound when she starts up and runs and then when she idles she does the same even though its not to loud its should not be. Because its a trike the Yamaha dealer wont touch it so I am on my own (they wont touch trikes even though its not been modified much and I only want the engine looked at )I have a xv750 virago . thanks

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Can any one tell me how to find and adjust the carb as I think she is running to rich . I had to replace the carb and now I have a nice loud popping sound when she starts up and runs and then when she idles she does the same even though its not to loud its should not be. Because its a trike the Yamaha dealer wont touch it so I am on my own (they wont touch trikes even though its not been modified much and I only want the engine looked at )I have a xv750 virago . thanks

have you downloaded a service manual? not sure on your carbs so that would be the best place to start

Send us a few pics of the carb. Is it that you dont know where the adjustment screws are ?

It does sound as though its running rich,,,,,,,,,,popping and the like.

Have you pulled the plugs for a look ?


You could have an air leak in the rubber intake boot between the carb and the cylinder or need to replace the O ring in the boot.

I had a similar noise problem last summer. We spent a lot of time screwing around with the carb and that was not the problem. The O ring had failed.

See my comments under the current post topic "Tap tap tap".


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