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woman. enough said.

Yeah, I'm glad the NHS is free, i cannot imagine the ridiculum in America due to 100% privatised healthcare.

I had a very interesting discussion with a physio in the hospital though, she was saying that the UK is getting more and more privatised in it's healthcare.

It's still amazing though, I can get picked up off the street, in an ambulance, into cast, into theatre, and looked after in a ward (i had my own room (possibly due to my boss buying all the nurses pizza one night) for a week, walk out with meds, crutches, and papers, with NO BILL. I feel so sorry for you guys in the US, insurance and money must be the last thing on your mind that you would want to worry about - not least when you're in a lot of pain.

The pizzas were not delivered. They were given to the guys who stored the bike behind their flat overnight. When my boss arrived - he complained that I made the coke "a bit fizzy" for the customer. HAHA

I don't think it's one you can dispute. I wasn't speeding, she was at a side road, i tried to evade her when she pulled out, and in swerving round to the right (in front of her) got caught by her bonnet as she booted out. If she had have looked, she wouldn't have pulled out. Obviously driving without "due care and attention" - as they say...

Obviously it's caused me significant distress. I've missed on of my A level modules as of it, and don't feel too keen to do another coming up on Wednesday. I wont be walking for a few months, I'm off the bike for a week or so ( :P ) and won't be able to work for a while. My boots and leathers had to be cut off at the roadside, my helmet (obviously) needs replacing, gloves went missing (probably left at the crash scene), and my jacket's a bit scuffed up. All the stuff about the bike can be left to my boss - i don't care about that. I have to pay up-front for the leathers, and keep the receipt for the claim. Therefore, if any1 has any good praise or shame for any gear, please let me know. As I'm not paying, prices aren't so much of an obstacle. But, to avoid 'taking the piss', I want to avoid paying over £200 for any garment (albeit helmet, trousers, or jacket).

Also, any estimate as to the usual compensation for an RTC with broken leg and a week in hospital?

Loss of earnings for, say 4 months, amounts to about two grand (£500 a month)

So - I think i can file quite a healthy arse-raping on her insurance company :P


woman. enough said.

Yeah, I'm glad the NHS is free, i cannot imagine the ridiculum in America due to 100% privatised healthcare.

I had a very interesting discussion with a physio in the hospital though, she was saying that the UK is getting more and more privatised in it's healthcare.

It's still amazing though, I can get picked up off the street, in an ambulance, into cast, into theatre, and looked after in a ward (i had my own room (possibly due to my boss buying all the nurses pizza one night) for a week, walk out with meds, crutches, and papers, with NO BILL. I feel so sorry for you guys in the US, insurance and money must be the last thing on your mind that you would want to worry about - not least when you're in a lot of pain.

The pizzas were not delivered. They were given to the guys who stored the bike behind their flat overnight. When my boss arrived - he complained that I made the coke "a bit fizzy" for the customer. HAHA

I don't think it's one you can dispute. I wasn't speeding, she was at a side road, i tried to evade her when she pulled out, and in swerving round to the right (in front of her) got caught by her bonnet as she booted out. If she had have looked, she wouldn't have pulled out. Obviously driving without "due care and attention" - as they say...

Obviously it's caused me significant distress. I've missed on of my A level modules as of it, and don't feel too keen to do another coming up on Wednesday. I wont be walking for a few months, I'm off the bike for a week or so ( :P ) and won't be able to work for a while. My boots and leathers had to be cut off at the roadside, my helmet (obviously) needs replacing, gloves went missing (probably left at the crash scene), and my jacket's a bit scuffed up. All the stuff about the bike can be left to my boss - i don't care about that. I have to pay up-front for the leathers, and keep the receipt for the claim. Therefore, if any1 has any good praise or shame for any gear, please let me know. As I'm not paying, prices aren't so much of an obstacle. But, to avoid 'taking the piss', I want to avoid paying over £200 for any garment (albeit helmet, trousers, or jacket).

Also, any estimate as to the usual compensation for an RTC with broken leg and a week in hospital?

Loss of earnings for, say 4 months, amounts to about two grand (£500 a month)

So - I think i can file quite a healthy arse-raping on her insurance company :P


See, here I was about to feel bad about assuming it was a woman, and you tell me I was right. I immediately think it's a woman for an accident like this, especially in the U.S. However, I was thinking of giving the benefit of the doubt because I know U.K. traffic exams are much more difficult than here. I mean here, you practically get a license just for turning 16.

Yeah, the one time I had to go to hospital in Scotland amazed me, walked in, saw a doctor, walked out. No paperwork or anything, fantastic.

If you don't have insurance and you get the same treatment you got for the wreck, someone would be looking at many thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars in debt. And seeing as how the majority of people without insurance don't have it because they cannot afford it, they'll be taking out a loan...if they can get one...and pay for it over the course of many years.

We are trying to change this, but the Republicans take issue with any form of government incursion into the private sector. Which is why you here them throwing words like socialist and communist around to insight the ignorant. But I digress...

I hope you get all the money you need from her insurance, fault seems cut and dry to me.

Sorry to hear about your crash chris , so make a speedy recovery mate,


Yeah, I'm glad the NHS is free, i cannot imagine the ridiculum in America due to 100% privatised healthcare.

It's still amazing though, I can get picked up off the street, in an ambulance, into cast, into theatre, and looked after in a ward (i had my own room, possibly due to my boss buying all the nurses pizza one night) for a week, walk out with meds, crutches, and papers, with NO BILL. I feel so sorry for you guys in the US, insurance and money must be the last thing on your mind that you would want to worry about - not least when you're in a lot of pain.

Not quite true, or at all true really. The NHS is only free at point of use. You care has been paid for many times over by all of us (including you) who pay tax and NI contributions. Personally, I have paid tax and NI since leaving school in 1981, that's 30 years for the numerically challenged, and I have always understood that NI contributions are used to pay towards the health service. I currently contribute £166.00 per month in NI and my employrer pays a similar amount on top as an Employers contribution, but just taking my payments into account......... if you times £166.00 by 12, I pay £1992.00 per year for the health service, technically as a health insurance policy. I have never been in hospital, or used the NHS for anything other than routine doctors appointments and the like, so my NHS insurance policy is very expensive for what amounts to a very budget, albeit very comprehensive, service.

If the UK were to adopt a system similar to the one in the states, I wonder whether my £1992.00 would buy me a better quailty of service, through a private insurance plan, on the few occasions that I might require it? I'm sure that a civilised society such as the USA have some sort of 'social healthcare' in place and don't just leave people dying on the streets, and those who can afford to, pay.

Question for Johnsnownw......How much money per month would an average private healthcare insurance plan run to in the US? At todays rate of exchange, my National insurance contributions of £166.00 per month equates to $263.00 US dollars. I'm just an average Joe, I drive a truck for a UK subsiduary of Walmart so I'm not on a massive income. Would that be enough for a decent insurance plan?

Hope your well as soon as possible :) Take it easy for a while and if you want to keep busy do some extra college work I know that always helps me when I'm bored(depending on what subjects you do and how much you enjoy them) if not there's always computer gaming :P learn an instrument? Learn to draw? There's many things you can do but whether you will enjoy them could be something of a dilemma.

Get well soon


Question for Johnsnownw......How much money per month would an average private healthcare insurance plan run to in the US? At todays rate of exchange, my National insurance contributions of £166.00 per month equates to $263.00 US dollars. I'm just an average Joe, I drive a truck for a UK subsiduary of Walmart so I'm not on a massive income. Would that be enough for a decent insurance plan?

I take it you mean ASDA then? That number probably isn't too far off, though it has a lot to do with what is covered and what your deductible happens to be. Also, how much your insurance is subsidized by the employer. Also, age is a factor, how high or low risk you are, pre-existing conditions, etc... Also, just because you have insurance, doesn't mean you can use it everywhere, usually you have a pool of doctors you can choose from, and if you happen to go to someone not in your pool, you pay almost double for the service. There are just too many factors for me to be able to give you a good answer, but a relatively accurate answer would be that you more than likely get a lot more benefit from your insurance costs than someone here in the U.S. would.

A little better look at what your situation would like in the U.S. can be gleaned from this link, under Health Care:


for the numerically challenged, and I have always understood that NI contributions are used to pay towards the health service. I currently contribute £166.00 per month in NI and my employrer pays a similar amount on top as an Employers contribution, but just taking my payments into account......... if you times £166.00 by 12, I pay £1992.00 per year for the health service, technically as a health insurance policy. ?

yes NI contributions pay towards the national health service but only a percentage of your £166 goes towards health care, NI contributions also pay for child benifit,statutary sick pay, the state pension and unemployment benifit to name a few, it also covers not only you but your kids health care so i would imagine it would work out quite expensive to get the same cover in the states or any other country, having had an accident in germany many years ago and having had to have stitches in the usa i now realise how lucky we are,its all the other taxes in this country i have a problem with.

get better soon chris bad luck mate.


There is a lot of controversy in the US about health care. John would be able to comment on it better than I can, but I know a very large portion of US citizens do not have access to any type of medical. I also know that US style healthcare is the most expensive in the world because it is private and everyone wants to make a profit and die rich.

In Canada we have public healthcare just like the UK. It is cheap but often there are time delays for non critical surgery. There is a move by some doctors to try and change the system to a private system as in the US. There is huge public opposition to this and I doubt it will ever occur.

My healthcare is good anywhere in Canada and for short trips (less than 14 days) outside of Canada. It covers everything that could go wrong, and covers all approved medicine and appliances. It does not cover non approved medical proceedures or medicines. I buy private medical insurance for travel outside of Canada.

It does not cover dental. I buy private dental through my corporate dental plan.

My total private coverage is approximately $120/month for my wife and two kids. Dental coverage costs about the same.

The major problem with public health care is it is abused. If you go into the emergency rooms they are plugged up with people who are there for minor issues or they have not got a regular doctor. In addition, waiting times for non critical issues can be excessive. Often for some critical issues the waiting time is quite long. Critics say it is inefficient as it is the only game in town.

The good thing about public heathcare is that everyone is treated the same. All drugs are bought in bulk by the Province or by several Provinces at the same time. As a result drugs are extremely cheap...especially generic drugs. A huge number of Americans get their drugs in Canada because they are dirt cheap. Many US States would like to emulate the Canadian healthcare process. Obama has often referred to Canadian system as one that could be copied in some form as a national US system.

In Canada items such as Canada Pension Plan, Unemployment Insurance (includes maternity leave) are subject to seperate payroll deductions. In addition you can buy seperate health insurance for specific items ie dental and contribute to a private pension.

I know that I would not want to live under the US type system. This is especially true as I get older. In the US the medical premiums are much higher (if you qualify), there is a higher risk your medical condition will not be covered and unexpected medical bills could destroy your savings and leave you in poverty.

I am sure John will correct anthing I have said about the US system that is not correct.


Sorry to read about your accident Chris, hope the recovery goes well.

Looks like youve raised some points that we sometimes take for granted, the NHS.

If people can afford to pay for private care then thats ok, but the vast majority of us cant and never will be able to do that. Yes, we have to pay to support that through taxation because there is no fairer way of doing it. The privateers wish simply to make money from the misery and pain of ilness and injury, and have no other motivation than that. In some countries, Chris would simply have been dragged to the side of the road and left for a Samaritan to pick up or had to make his own way. The creation and existence of the NHS has dramaticly improved the health of the nation, and generally we all live longer too. Im sure it has its faults, but if anyone in the uk drops in the street, the process described by Chris kicks into action with absolutley no other focus than helathcare. As it looks as if that may start to change here now, perhaps we should all do what we can to make sure that the present service is maintained without the worries of whether we can afford to be well.

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Glad to have inspired some form of discussion.

I think it's amazing, enough said.

I hope to be back on the road really soon because I'm bored out of my fvcking skull!

Thanks for all the great messages.


Chris, try to make te best use of this enforced lack of things to do, it's very rare for an adult to have time on their hands these days, be a real shame to waste it.

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*not an adult till friday.

Sucks, 18 on Friday :(

Hey Chris

Does that mean you're buying the beer on Friday?

Please send mine by Loomis. :P



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Hey Chris

Does that mean you're buying the beer on Friday?

Please send mine by Loomis. :P



Fuck that, its MY birthday. Yous can all buy me one!!!! My address can be found on the members map :)


I will be wasting me time until Friday, when I will be using my time studying "implications of new world order to global politics". Until then, I'm watching bike videos and shopping for new gear :)


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