December 14, 201014 yr Aye foamy " do u not fancy the N/W200 with us , its may tho. am planning a bit of touring while there, as Sir Patrick [ 2wheels] will give us guidance , & may run south of the border Too
December 14, 201014 yr Moderator ive survived worse, but im swapping the bivvi for a compact single foamy tent, what no room for ladies?
December 14, 201014 yr Landing in Belfast puts ya in the middle of the city and takes a hour to get out of. are one or two places you don't want to wander in to if you get lost...... An hour to clear Belfast - No disrespect but thats Bollocks. You arrive on the edge of the city & can access motorways easily and get clear relatively quickly. As for the 'places you don't want to wander in to if you get lost' - thats pretty harsh. I'm certain theres the odd spot in every city that aint perfect but majority of people from NI will greet you warmly unless you're a cock. It aint fucking Beirut you know.... Foamy, for your info. Best place to sail into depends where you wanna go. Larne is handy is want to go North around the coast road. Belfast gives better access to motorways etc. Latest road improvements now mean that Dublin to Belfast takes approx 90 mins - its all dual carriageway though will need some small change for toll on the way up. Its an option. While camping is an option theres plenty of cheap B&Bs around that should be considered too.
December 15, 201014 yr An hour to clear Belfast - No disrespect but thats Bollocks. You arrive on the edge of the city & can access motorways easily and get clear relatively quickly. The same can be said for any City you know your way around - you have the advantage of being local. As for the 'places you don't want to wander in to if you get lost' - thats pretty harsh. I'm certain theres the odd spot in every city that aint perfect but majority of people from NI will greet you warmly unless you're a cock. It aint fucking Beirut you know.... I know Belfast pretty well, very well in fact, I've worked there on many occasions. So do you want to tell me that a British Serviceman geting lost in Belfast and wandering into certain places is going to get a warm welcome, sorry, but it's just not true. There is still a very small minority of morons (yes the same as any City), that are happy to drag up the past, I've seen them and overheard them in bars. Belfast has changed since I first went there, but like anything you need to be aware of the potential risks, ignoring them is just plain stupid, same as any place you visit. Just because you don't like the sound of a potential risk, doesn't mean it isn't there, nor does it mean you are going to be stripped, raped and knee-caped. But if you go prepaired you are predispossed to enjoying things more, and not see the darker side. I agree with you, the vast majority of people in Belfast are great, friendly people and you recieve a warm welcome from them. And most will, in my experience guide you to places where you will recieve a warm welcome, people are very keen to show the possitive side of the City, this if course is a good thing. When I made my comments, they were taking into account what I know of Foamy from here, and specific to his questions. It was not a general overview of the City. It aint fucking Beirut you know.... I've been to Beirut, and I felt safe there.......
December 15, 201014 yr It doesn't take local knowledge, leaving the docks & clearing Belfast is easy - you're on the edge of a motorway & it's easily signposted Agree that a serviceman could get a hostile reception in certain areas but it's not like Foamy will be wearing a sign round his neck highlighting his career choice. Young guy on a bike getting lost is unlikely to have problems. I'm not gonna argue the point - not really purpose of the thread. Everyone has their own opinions & that's fine. Anyway.... Foamy - i must dig out some local phrases to help u translate for your visit! You may like to know that Vicki Butler-Henderson (off Fifth Gear) described the Antrim coast road as one of her favourite stretches in Europe - it's even better on a bike!!
December 15, 201014 yr It doesn't take local knowledge, leaving the docks & clearing Belfast is easy - you're on the edge of a motorway & it's easily signposted Agree that a serviceman could get a hostile reception in certain areas but it's not like Foamy will be wearing a sign round his neck highlighting his career choice. Young guy on a bike getting lost is unlikely to have problems. I'm not gonna argue the point - not really purpose of the thread. Everyone has their own opinions & that's fine. Anyway.... Foamy - i must dig out some local phrases to help u translate for your visit! You may like to know that Vicki Butler-Henderson (off Fifth Gear) described the Antrim coast road as one of her favourite stretches in Europe - it's even better on a bike!! easy tip No1, if you dont understand anything thats being said just nod and take a short intake of breath (gasp) HTH
December 18, 201014 yr Author im sure that VBH would have a new favourite if she saw my stretch and as for my identity, i intend to remain anonymous in accordance with the JAP, im sure i can pass as a librarian or something, aslong as i dont get quizzed on the works of shakespear... na wait, maybe i will be a florist, that could work so if you happen to be traveling through NI early-mid 2011, and you see a spotty teenager stood in the pissing rain next to a vintage XJ loaded with luggage, spare a thought for foamy oh, and the NW200 is a no go afraid, im busy with work
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