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I'm new here, just had a quick look around and decided to join to get some info before i go ahead and buy a bike.

I drive a mini at the moment:



But i'm after a bike as well so i don't end up spending all my money on my car :) Plus something to get to work on that doesn't use as much fuel and will be fun in the summer.

Been sent in the direction of a DT125 SM, but i really don't no anything about them. Any info would be great, things to look out for etc.

Not looking to get a bike license for the moment so just a 125 i can run with a provisional.

you definitely, definitely, DEFINITELY, want to buy my xvs 125 from me...


You up for a project?

Really nice car btw. One problem though, IT'S A CAR!!!!

Thanks for introduction too, loadsa people atm are just joining up willy nilly and asking stupid questions without UTFSE (using the F**king search engine), so I'm sure you'll find some help now you've done so.

Anyway, have fun looking around, we're all friendly people apart from Paul. He's VERY friendly :)



yea ,pauls very friendly,he bought me a bun,,,ta again paul...oh and welcome to the madhouse that guy,,er ????jack_p92..

Saving fuel?

Honda CG125 - Their tank range is measured in whole continents, rather than miles!!

However, there are many better bikes out there!!

I'll tell you about some in a few hours time, when it's not 2am ;)

Nighty night for now...

Nope. Definitely want my beaten up dragstar.

haha, kidding. The CG is the one you do CBT on right? YBR's aren't bad options either if you like the CG - good consumption, fuel injected (STARTS on the button), BUT not too comfortable on long journeys. for the journeys you definitely want something comfy. for razzing around on Sundays in the summer you might want to look at the more sporty range of 125's if that's your thing, or, as I said, the dragstar is a nice bike (not without it's problems however).

You selling that Mini? :)


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Thanks for all the replies, seems like this is like the mini forum I use which is good.

Forgot to mention I'm only looking to spend about £1k and I'm after a sports bike/crossed.

Nope not selling my mini, still want it for keeping warm and being comphy.

  On 11/30/2010 at 10:42 AM, jack_p92 said:

I'm after a sports bike/crossed

With a Poodle maybe ?

If you're looking for a commuter, my advice (with you don't have to take off course) would be to look at something less theivable, less expensive to insure, less expensive when (yes when, it will happen) it falls over (with or without you attached!).

A SM would be a great bike, quick and very nimble in traffic, cheaper <than a sportsbike> to insure, run, service and pick up.

Of course, an XT is the best choice without a doubt.

How tall are you?

Reason I ask is that Sports bikes are quite uncomfortable for most of us long-limbed people, especially on long journeys and a 125 Sporty will be hard work.

If you're tall and/or like the idea of a crosser/off-road/tourer sort of thing, I can heartily recommend the Honda Varadero.

They do a 125 version and it's just like it's big brother!

For pure comfort, definitely a Cruiser and there's none better than Yamaha's 125 Dragstar. They have plenty of cruising speed for long journeys (I did Cornwall and back quite happily) and I used to outrun most of the big bikes when in town. They're not what you'd consider built for performance... but they will perform!!

For a grand, you are looking at a reasonable nick SR125, GC125 and bikes of similar ilk. Good all-rounders and usually the top of the board in all the bike magazine surveys and tests. Ideal for commuting and with a little bit of everything.

  On 11/30/2010 at 11:01 AM, Ttaskmaster said:

I can heartily recommend the Honda Varadero.

They do a 125 version and it's just like it's big brother!

My wife had one, one of the best sounding 125;s there is. Basically because it's a V-Twin!

They lack the grunt of a single, but are very very comfortable, and very large for a 125 (look like a 500ish )

hello and welcome to the forum! and thats not a mini......its a medium.... bmw with a mini sticker on it (im a true mini fanatic lol)

but yeah if its your 1st time on a bike id suggest not getting a "sports bike" first off as you will scratch, dent, and scar your bike, so best sticking to something comfy and with good mileage.

but anyway welcome and have fun

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Sorry didn't make it clear :) its a basterd trying to type and think when I'm on my phone haha.

After looking at a few "sports bikes" I thought they looked abit stupid with tiny engines.

Plus I'm 6ft2 so not exactly short.

I'm not really into the drag/cruiser type, prefer more modern style. So think crosser is the best option, plus it won't look as bad with scratches from when I fall off as it kind of suits them haha.

  On 11/30/2010 at 11:15 AM, jack_p92 said:

I'm 6ft2 so not exactly short.



and it's on 0% for a new one.....

The WR is fairly awesome but a tad expensive and requires frequent servicing

i would imagine you would be paying above £1000 for a trial/crosser type...

hi mate welcome.

Get a dt125r 2000-2002 in black (looks best imo) they are amazing bikes great fun. fast for a 125, simple to maintain. obviously you can get the sm versions but the dtr is just amazing fun turn off in to a field straight back to road. they are bomb proof aswell. mine got crashed, ran over by my gfs car, kicked over by a horse. picked it up starts first time :).

i have a xt125x atm its a great commuter. fun to ride, comfy, managed 70 on it. but it lacks that ooomph and the fun factor of a dtr.

i would highly recommend either.

dtr - quick, wheelies easy, easy to maintain/mod, you can actually over take people on it. 0-60 in under 8

xt125 - great for commuting, goes 100+miles on a tank, 0-60 in like 14seconds+++ lol :(, looks nice. Con would be doesnt feel as sturdy at the dtr and is 4stroke so sensible :)

oh forgot to mention. you can lean over alot on the xt125x so it is fun but just not mental like the dtr. they are completely different riding experiences.

  • Author

Seems like the dt is the best option for me then.

Is the only differece with the sm one the tyres? Or is it the wheels aswell, or more?

Also are there different models of it? Sorry for all the stupid questions haha.

mini hijack - for winter, and for the rainy summer day, if you're commuting - you want to get something RIDGID and designed for it, so yeah the DT is a good option.

I was riding home from work tonight, and my back wheel was going walkies in the wet/snow/ice. So if you're a die hard rider, get something made for the job :)



Ive got one and i go every where on it.not as clean as this yet though



For a none sports 125 its fairly quick 90+ with scope for more if you got the money

Great in taffic Great riding postion and great over distance

Cheap too

Another owners review here


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Right, ive got my heart set on a DT125, really would like the super moto version but ill have to see what comes up really.

Started saving now, and as soon as the snows cleared im going get selling the massive collection of mini parts i have laying about which should bring me close to being able to afford it.

Anyone got anymore info on DT125's then, different specs/models/changes over the years, would like to get as much info about them really. Found out the hard way that mini one/cooper gearboxes are SHIT, and after my gearbox breaking for the second time just decided to shell out to buy a cooper s gearbox and some bits and bobs to make it fit.

Don't want this to happen with the bike. Although top end rebuilds aren't really a problem if the parts aren't too dear as the guys at work are all bikers so they can do it for me :)

This is what made me want a bike:

guy at works Z1000, sounds much nicer than this in person.

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If you keep it serviced you will not break a DT gearbox, fact! so long as there is oil in it. They are built from granite, must be.

The rest of the bike is pretty good too, been making them since the early seventies with 5 basic marques.

Mk1 Twin shock till 76ish

Mk2 Monoshock till 84ish

Mk3 went from aircooled to liquid cooled till 88/89 nineties

Mk4 got the powervalve motor.

MK5 around 02 there was an overall makeover you have to look to spot it though.

There have been changes all the way through but none have been massive just for emmitions etc. As far as performance goes i think the early powervalves were the best but others will know better than me on that.

Just check VERY carefully whatever you look at isn't nicked the TWOC's love them.

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  On 11/30/2010 at 10:49 PM, CBD said:


Ive got one and i go every where on it.not as clean as this yet though


Thats only because the paint keeps melting off of yours dropping out of warp speed.

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