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Hi guys , haven't been on here allot recently :\ But once again I am puzzled and wondered if you guys could help me ?

I have a 2004 TZR 50 and ive been riding for a few months now ( I love it ! ) but not so much when things go wrong and i end up pushing my bike 6 miles up and down hills at 10/11 pm at night !

Okay so earlier today i got the air filter off and gave it a good thorough clean out ( it was very oily and I think it was restricting the air flow )

Now the bike ran well ( took it out for a quick 5 min run ) , and it didn't need the choke on slightly like it did previously . All seemed to be ok !

However a few hours later i was supposed to be playing Rugby so i hopped on the bike and begin the ride to where the match will be taking place ....... whilst travelling down a main road at around 60/65 mph the engine suddenly cut out and the back wheel locked up completely .

The bike wont turn over on the starter motor , as it doesn't even sound like its turning the piston over , the bike also refuses to bump start :(

I did notice however when the bike was in 1st there was very little resistance when wheeling it backwards , didn't have the clutch in of course ? ! ? usually its impossible to move !

There is oil in the reservoir and its good quality 2T oil too .....

Thanks again guys


  • Moderator

Oh dear...not good at all.

First of I dont believe in coincidences and I'm thinking you seized it and could this be possibly something to do with you working on the air filter, is it torn or not seated / secured properly.

Being able to push the bike backwards in gear without clutch pulled in...now thats an odd one I must say...best check the primary drive gear is intact

Could be an expensive fix :(

  • Author

Im hoping this isn't gonna be the sorry end to my bike :\ and biking in general .......iv'e had so many problems with this bike maybe its time I bought a car ?

Although if its just a top end failure, i can deal with that ....... oh and the bike doesnt move backwards in reverse anymore ?1 strange !

that sounds bad m8 best get yourself a Haynes manual and take a look at the engine (strip it) then you will have a better idea of how bad it is! but any seizure of an engine is bad, OG could be right and it could of had something to do with what you did with the air filter, could of freed up too much flow making it run lean.(check ur spark plug) with any luck its just the piston and rings, but its not sounding good m8.

  • Author

Ive had the top end off .... the piston appears to have "scuffs" all over the sides of the piston ..... I have a brand new top end, which already cost me £140 , i just don't want the same to happen with the new one ?!?!

  • Moderator

Oh dear...not good at all.

First of I dont believe in coincidences and I'm thinking you seized it and could this be possibly something to do with you working on the air filter, is it torn or not seated / secured properly.

Being able to push the bike backwards in gear without clutch pulled in...now thats an odd one I must say...best check the primary drive gear is intact

Could be an expensive fix :(

Ive had the top end off .... the piston appears to have "scuffs" all over the sides of the piston ..... I have a brand new top end, which already cost me £140 , i just don't want the same to happen with the new one ?!?!

so it seems you did seize it, of course you dont want it to happen again yet you have not addressed what I posted? :unsure:

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