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hi im chris just fort i would introduce my self as people seem to get pissed off when u dont!

ive just bourght my first bike its a dtr 125 2002,it goes like a rocket. can any body suggest what oil is best, there seems to be so much choice out there.when changing the oil should i mix it with the old one or just put the new 1 in on its own? cheers look forward to hearing afew replies from u dtr nuts. chris

Hi Anley, Welcome to the forum B).

As OldGit says, any good quality 2-stroke oil is good, there isn't really a best so to speak, its a personal choice depending on what/how you use the bike. 

My preference is silkolene fully synthetic  http://www.opieoils.co.uk/p-811-silkolene-pro-2-sx-the-ultimate-full-synthetic-2-stroke-off-road-racing-engine-oil.aspx (expensive and some would say a waste in a road going bike, as its designed for competition riding). Or Semi synthetic http://www.opieoils.co.uk/p-843-silkolene-super-2-injector-semi-synthetic-2-stroke-engine-oil-for-motorcycles.aspx . works just fine, as do most other good quality 2-stroke.

As for mixing it, well if you knew what oil was in there it would be easy to answer ( Castor based, synthetic etc). But at a guess its the oil that came with the bike, so its probably best to run the tank as low as you can(feel comfortable with) and then drain the tank of the last little bit before you refill with the new. ( the oil warning light will be on for days though). 



As Vez says it all boils down to your own prefrence. My user book says yamalube semi £7pl from a yam dealer but there are better deals out there.

Unipart 500ml semi synthetic £2.25 is the best i found per liter but im just tight

Try avoid buying from petrol stations as its very pricy Halford have castrol for £8pl

Never use mineral oil ok it smells nice but its shite

Im going to be trying this at some point http://www.gofasterbits.co.uk/product_info.php?cPath=61&products_id=163

:welcome: to the forum too

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  On 10/23/2010 at 6:11 PM, Vez said:

Hi Anley, Welcome to the forum B).

As OldGit says, any good quality 2-stroke oil is good, there isn't really a best so to speak, its a personal choice depending on what/how you use the bike. 

My preference is silkolene fully synthetic  http://www.opieoils.co.uk/p-811-silkolene-pro-2-sx-the-ultimate-full-synthetic-2-stroke-off-road-racing-engine-oil.aspx (expensive and some would say a waste in a road going bike, as its designed for competition riding). Or Semi synthetic http://www.opieoils.co.uk/p-843-silkolene-super-2-injector-semi-synthetic-2-stroke-engine-oil-for-motorcycles.aspx . works just fine, as do most other good quality 2-stroke.

As for mixing it, well if you knew what oil was in there it would be easy to answer ( Castor based, synthetic etc). But at a guess its the oil that came with the bike, so its probably best to run the tank as low as you can(feel comfortable with) and then drain the tank of the last little bit before you refill with the new. ( the oil warning light will be on for days though). 



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nice 1 vez m8. the oil light came on yesterday then went off for abit, then came bk on again. there is about a quarter of the oil still left. i fort the light was cumin on for the engine on oil. what do u fink? cheers again vez

  On 10/25/2010 at 5:16 PM, anley111 said:

nice 1 vez m8. the oil light came on yesterday then went off for abit, then came bk on again. there is about a quarter of the oil still left. i fort the light was cumin on for the engine on oil. what do u fink? cheers again vez

The red light is for the 2-stroke oil tank. The light will go on and off depending if you are going up/downhill breaking/accelerating etc, until the level gets low enough so the oil doesn't slosh to  above the level of the oil level sender unit.

Personally i would run it down to about 10-15mm from the bottom of the tank (above the feed pipe) then swap it for new oil. 

The engine (gearbox oil) doesn't have a warning light, there is a window next to the rear brake pedal to monitor the level with.

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  On 10/25/2010 at 5:40 PM, Vez said:

The red light is for the 2-stroke oil tank. The light will go on and off depending if you are going up/downhill breaking/accelerating etc, until the level gets low enough so the oil doesn't slosh to  above the level of the oil level sender unit.

Personally i would run it down to about 10-15mm from the bottom of the tank (above the feed pipe) then swap it for new oil. 

The engine (gearbox oil) doesn't have a warning light, there is a window next to the rear brake pedal to monitor the level with.

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cheers again vez. just ordererd new plastics n graphics 4 her. a bort sum chrome cleaner for the dep exhaust but dint seem to bring it up gleaming like a wanted. any advice on a gud chrome polish? av also just bort a alimunium pressed reg plate with black beading round the edges that should look the part wen it arrives. been searching for afta market headlights any suggestens? cheers again vez u been really helpfull AS ALWAYS. chris

Glad you got sorted out. You going to post some pics when its done?

Chrome polish, well I hear Autosol(??) is good. I use Carr & Day & Martin metal polish wadding myself. ( can't find a link to the one i get)

As for after market headlights, i can't really be much help, like the original myself.

I have read the alien one goes on easy enough( http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/Product.do?method=view&n=460&g=1899&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Base&utm_campaign=Motorcycl ),

But i have also heard some MOT stations fail you for them.

Good luck finding one, and let us know if you go for something different ;)

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  On 10/27/2010 at 12:21 AM, Vez said:

Glad you got sorted out. You going to post some pics when its done?

Chrome polish, well I hear Autosol(??) is good. I use Carr & Day & Martin  metal polish wadding myself. ( can't find a link to the one i get)

As for after market headlights, i can't really be much help, like the original myself.

I have read the alien one goes on easy enough( http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/Product.do?method=view&n=460&g=1899&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Base&utm_campaign=Motorcycl ),

But i have also heard some MOT stations fail you for them. 

Good luck finding one, and let us know if you go for something different  ;)

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cheers vez a will definatly post sum pictures when she looks the dogs, u know wot. just guna have a look at them headlights nar pal al let ya know wot afink. cheers vez always helpful

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