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 Ok as some of you may know i was messing about with a motor a few days ago. Well the motor was from a very rusty Powervalve Servo from a sachs xtc 125 ( Yam DTR engined). I thought i would post my findings in case it helps someone else out.

Ok so it started when i realized the Servo wasn't turning at all while the bike was running.

Upon investigation i found it to be rusty and seized solid. 


It was raining out so i thought i would entertain myself and try and fix it. 

Pulled the motor out, opened it up and coated it with WD40 in hope that would loosen it up. Well it did, but not all of it, so as I forced the motor round to free it up it went with a snap and started to move very easily  :rolleyes:.


Turns out i had snapped the windings where they connect  :(


It was at this point i probably should have given up, but as i said it was raining out, so i was bored and also don't like to be beaten.

With the help of a cordless drill and some screwdriver handles to hold the wire, the windings were removed.


Well after many hours or winding, and a some advice and humor from Barkwindjammer, finally managed to get the motor back together, soldered up and looking right again.


At this point i felt there was some hope it may work again.

So i cleaned everything up, removed all the rust the best I could and reassembled everything.

It was all going so well until it came to refit the gear on the end of the motor, which requires heating up slightly to fit it over the drive shaft.


Being too keen to get it all back together,  managed to overheat the cog and squashed it out of true while trying to get it back onto the shaft. So close yet so far .


Still, I carried on in the hope the motor would work and maybe the cog wasn't too bad. 


After reassembling it all and connecting it upto the bike electrics I was very surprised when the motor made its zweek zweek noise to do its priming thing when the ignition was turned on. So the motor was working and the effort wasn't wasted. 

But, when the servo was connected to the power valve the strain was too much for the deformed cog and it started to slip and make a horrible noise.     :banghead:

At some point I will take it apart again and see what can be done with the cog, and also get some more pics  

A pic of the circuit board from the PV in case anyone's interested.


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