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wud like to nah if anyone cud tell me the proper name for the tube that feeds me 2 stroke into the engine

  • Moderator

What a shocking illustration of modern literacy.

Its the 'pipe' that runs from the 2 stroke pump to the motor.

You can get clear stuff from e-bay for a couple of quid.

  • Moderator

What a shocking illustration of modern literacy.

Its the 'pipe' that runs from the 2 stroke pump to the motor.

You can get clear stuff from e-bay for a couple of quid.

now now, what do you know about 2 stroke oil? :lol:

  • Moderator

Aye right Drewpy, you need to nip this kind o thing in the bud.

yea yer right, me no speak no more on it :)

Aye right Drewpy, you need to nipUP this kind o thing in the bud.

aye GREAT INTRO" Best i"v heard, :blink:

now now, what do you know about 2 stroke oil?  :lol:


  • Moderator


Why thank you, i may do requests, 'worn ring', 'someone please lube my little end cos its gone dry'. 'Keep yer crank nicely oiled'.

Oh yes who could forget 'keep your sarcastic bastard biker mates within spannering distance' :D


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