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in manchester a few weeks ago when an R1 a CBR600 and a CBR1000RR were stolen from a dealership the police were called but were ordred not to pursue because the thieves were not wearing helmets

Its the same lad OT 24yo a career criminal.

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are we any better than he is , for wishing him dead ,he hasn't even stolen from you or i.yet your all happy that that it ended in tradgedy without knowing the facts.with people like us as judge and jury,yes i do feel sympathy for this poor unfotunate lad for reasons unknown to us had to resort to taking property not belonging to him.

are we any better than he is , for wishing him dead ,he hasn't even stolen from you or i.yet your all happy that that it ended in tradgedy without knowing the facts.with people like us as judge and jury,yes i do feel sympathy for this poor unfotunate lad for reasons unknown to us had to resort to taking property not belonging to him.

He didn't have to resort to stealing someones bike, he chose to do it. A bike is not something we need to survive.

The only thing i can possibly understand needing to resort to stealing for, is food for yourself/family.

He didn't have to resort to stealing someones bike, he chose to do it. A bike is not something we need to survive.

The only thing i can possibly understand needing to resort to stealing for, is food for yourself/family.

who knows,he may have sold the bike to buy food with.

>are we any better than he is , for wishing him dead ,he hasn't even stolen from you or i.

We're not wishing him dead. He IS dead!!

>yet your all happy that that it ended in tradgedy without knowing the facts.

More along the lines of 'we don't care' that he died.

Do you think the gazelle cares if the lion doesn't catch him and starves to death as a result?

>with people like us as judge and jury

FATE is the judge, jury and executioner (literally) in this instance.

There is no arguing with that, because Fate is always right. The concept of God being a woman cannot even begin to compare.

>for reasons unknown to us had to resort to taking property not belonging to him.

For reasons unknown, poor Jack The Ripper had to resort to killing and butchering five women. Poor Jack, eh...

>yes i do feel sympathy for this poor unfotunate lad

He had his chances and made his choices.

He chose poorly and fecked it up.

Game over, man... Game over.

But did he die because he stole the bike or because when he saw the blues and heard the twos behind him he chose to try and outrun them? Me personally and the vast majority of people would have stopped, is this because as law abiding people we would not have stolen in the first place? If I had stolen something there comes a point where I would put my hands up and stop because my life is worth than trying to out run the police. My choice/his choice. He chose wrong.

I'm in agreement with the vast majority of replies. We all have to make numerous choices each day and we have to live with the consequences. Most of us are able to make the correct (or least wrong) choice most of the time. When we make a bad choice we manage to live with the consequences. For most of us, the wrong choice will not cost us our life, but it may cost us money or impact our job or personal relationship.

Some people habitually make the wrong choices. We all know a few of them. Most of them blame everything or everyone except themselves. I hate to see someone loose their life over the theft of a bike, a car or whatever they stole. But the fact remains they deliberately made three wrong choices...they stole a bike... they decided to ride it without a helmet...and they chose to ride it at a speed that exceeded there skill level.

Perhaps they should have stolen a helmet first.

Western societies are so screwed up now a days. The courts and a significant portion of the population are simpathetic to the criminal. They try to find excuses and give lawbreakers the benifit of the doubt for their actions instead of recognizing that some people are just bad people. If you give them a light sentence they leave the court room laughing and they will steal or murder as soon as they get out. If you give them a tough sentence they will also steal or murder when they get out but at least they will not be laughing when they leave the court room.

The guy who owned the stolen bike is lucky that some bleeding heart judge didn't charge with manslaughter for failing to leave his helmut with the bike!

To bad he died...but the good news is I don't have to worry about him stealing my bike now!


are we any better than he is , for wishing him dead ,he hasn't even stolen from you or i.yet your all happy that that it ended in tradgedy without knowing the facts.with people like us as judge and jury,yes i do feel sympathy for this poor unfotunate lad for reasons unknown to us had to resort to taking property not belonging to him.

Wishing him dead and not giving a shit they he did die is completely different. And even in the extreme case that someone might see the chase and hope he dies, its more than likely that they are wiahing he killed himself rather than some innocent person. If he gets caught and put in prison then our taxes have to pay for him to watch sky TV, become a hardened criminal and actually get paid to be in there. It's hard enough to get a job outside of prison where i live! Christ!

It's completely irrelevant as to whom he steals from. He could have stolen it from an mp who paid for it using money they claimed during the expenses scandals, i dont care. HE HAS STOLEN IT! The fact that it might be my own bike would only annoy me further because of my personal loss if that makes sense.

What are you on about, happy it ended in tradegy. Sorry but now you are clutching at straws. The point was to explain why we should feel sorry for him, not try and make the people who don't look like monsters.

"poor unfortunate lad"? Really?

No he did not HAVE to resort to it. In third world countries, a "poor unfortunate lad" might have to sell his body to dirty old men to help pay for food for his family to survive. Someone in a country like ours, with benefit systems, job centres, the NHS to name a few, stealing a motorbike and then not stopping for the group of people who would be able to help him, is not poor and unfortunate. It is the acts of a petty criminal.

your all hard people,with no emotions,you should all reach out and give a helping hand to these people ,instead of attaking the likes of me, who can see good in everybody.he could have been given help and gone on to help others,who are going down the same path has he did,as he would have a better understanding of them.

If someone steals and dies as a result of it is sad that they lost their life due to their actions.

But if they are involved in an accident and an innocent is killed it is not a charge of man slaughter they should face it should be MURDER and they do the time.

The insurance companies should press for the full measure of the law to be applied if they walk away from the wreck and pay out the owner but seek redress on there claim.

Part of the problem in our society today is our justice system is not what it used to be, the sentance dealt out to wrong doers is dictated by the economics of the day. if we could afford to ensure the full sentance is served a lot more criminals would do there time.

We should apply the rule three strikes and you are out of society.


no sympathy from me either tbh, if a person chooses to nick a bike, thats just asking for trouble, if a person choose to ride without a helmet, thats just f*ckin stupid, but if a person chooses to do both? on their head be it,

all this health and safety and human rights stuff is getting in the way of natural selection...

your all hard people,with no emotions,you should all reach out and give a helping hand to these people ,instead of attaking the likes of me, who can see good in everybody.he could have been given help and gone on to help others,who are going down the same path has he did,as he would have a better understanding of them.

so if some one steals a bike or car and runs some one over and kills them thats all right cos he is trying to feed his famaliy dont think so i think that britain should do what they do in the middle east cut a hand of for stealing i work hard for what i got so they could do the same but they seem to choose the easy opshoin .i had my car stollen of me when i was taxing cost me a fortune the guy that stole it was a druggy so that was ok because he was feeding his adiction

steel once you get fined,

steel twice you go inside

steel third time you get hands choped off,

this one died, saved tax paying money,

im not saying it's alright, it isn't alright,it's just a shame that it happens i the first place.but when it does by just saying Fuck em doesn,t solve the issue.


im not saying it's alright, it isn't alright,it's just a shame that it happens i the first place.but when it does by just saying Fuck em doesn,t solve the issue.

dam shore its not right its not a shame it happens they are to lazy to get of there arses and work for a living like me and most pepeol .when they steal a bike thats worth say £5000 of some ones hard earned cash the owner pays in all ways he has lost his bike which mens his transport to work his insurance will go up and was not even his falt so when a person steals some thing they diserve every thing they get . does solve the proble if they steal a bike and get killed we ant got to pay for them to go to jail or there cort aperance fuck em does solve the problem as they wont do it again if one off my kids stole a bike or any thing els i would not let them get away with it

Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i still feel sorry for him,,,and your oppinions won't change that..

If someone steals and dies as a result of it is sad that they lost their life due to their actions.

But if they are involved in an accident and an innocent is killed it is not a charge of man slaughter they should face it should be MURDER and they do the time.

The insurance companies should press for the full measure of the law to be applied if they walk away from the wreck and pay out the owner but seek redress on there claim.

Part of the problem in our society today is our justice system is not what it used to be, the sentance dealt out to wrong doers is dictated by the economics of the day. if we could afford to ensure the full sentance is served a lot more criminals would do there time.

We should apply the rule three strikes and you are out of society.


i think there should be set punishments for crimes then ppl would know where they stand cause at the moment a thief can get anywhere between a fine and a few years in jail and its up to a judge to decide. if there was a set punishment say 6 months in jail with no chance of bail and then 6 months of community service that they have to do! then thieves would think twice! as it stands they just think oh well if i get caught then il only get a couple of months if that! so where is the deterrent?

Reach out your hand?

We live in a world where they will grab your hand and yank you forward onto a knife, before robbing your corpse and fucking off...

I've been down on my luck before - Dumped with no job, no money, 7K in debt and owing 3 months back rent.

I never robbed anyone, stole anything, murdered anyone, turned to drink or drugs. I took care of business and got sorted out sharpish. six years later, I am doing very well for myself - I eat well, have a roof, central heating, steady income and a proper, legal life.

They have no excuse.

They really are just taking the easy way out and no amout of "loving care" will get them back on their feet. Just the opposite in fact.

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