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Its not for everyone, but give it at least 2 trys and you just might get hooked

The 'Vez 20Ten' (the YOC meet at Squires) had me in North Yorkshire, I set off a day earlier than the rest of the reprobates, so on that first day on my lonesome I went 'geo-caching' :rolleyes:

Geo-caching is a worldwide game/sport/hobby/sad act, what ever way you want to look at it

but its an amazing way to get to see your area-or other areas that you would never find or see, as mostly you would just leisurely bimble past at 95mph (Lord Cardboard Dave) etc, anyhoo,-put your postcode or address into the boxes and select 5 mile radius or 10 mile radius or 270 mile radius and have a looky,

I took a 'Travelbug' which is like a numbered dog tag from a 1500 year old Broch (a stone age roundhouse) from the hills near to Stirling castle, this dog tag was inside a 'cache', I dropped it off in another 'cache' near Kippax-south west of Squires.

Its good clean fun, gets you out in the fresh air, and is good exercise (I walked 1.8 miles through stubble fields in bike boots in 20*C-not recommended) :farmerjohn:

heres the link, have a look here for your area, have a look on the main page too-happy hunting


  • Moderator

been geo-caching for years moniker? why "drewpy" of course :lol:

got a geocoin that's going round the world. its been to brownsea island then saudi now its over in spain. there's even a cache in Antartica.

It takes you to places off the beaten track and normally gives you a bit of history of the area.

good heads up BWJ

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:blink::lol: A fellow 'saddo' B)

I dont realy understand, how does it work,

Am i a bit of a dumbo !!!

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Go to the link Pat, put your address or postal code into the boxes, select a proximity of say 5 miles then select GO, you will then see a page with 'caches' in a list, at the left you will see the distance from your house to the cache, then if you click on a cache 'description' a new page opens-this page has the coordinates

i.e. N01.20,833 W03.47,828, most if not all sat-navs will allow you to input co-ordinates, also on the cache page when its open you will see a description of the cache and sometimes a 'clue' is given-there is a 'de-crypt' option written in blue-just click this and the jumbled up letters will change into proper English-need anymore help just PM me m8

Ill give it a go on me oldfellas sat-nav, see what happens !

Might pass the long winter nights eh !

  • Author

Oh, and I should point out that a sat-nav is NOT required to do this, you can 'view' a cache location with Google Earth also-this will take you to within feet of the hiding place-then just get out there and look :blink:

you can use your iphone or smart phone as well as garmin devices

Surprised you didn't mention that age old tried and tested method of finding locations via coordinates.................

The map and compass :P.

What do you tech the scouts these days, then again maybe i don't want to know the answer to that one :unsure:.

Bark, you need to be registered to see the coordinates on that site btw.

  • Moderator

Surprised you didn't mention that age old tried and tested method of finding locations via coordinates.................

The map and compass :P.

What do you tech the scouts these days,  then again maybe i don't want to know the answer to that one  :unsure:.

Bark, you need to be registered to see the coordinates on that site btw. 

it use to be like that, called letterboxing!

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You need a daft wooly hat to 'look' the part Goff-thats not really you is it :farmerjohn:

Will somebody please sign Cynic up :) , After that display on saturday,B)

it's no good to me,,,,,,,,,,,,i couldn't find me furkin car keys this afternoon.:unsure:

You need a daft wooly hat to 'look' the part Goff-thats not really you is it :farmerjohn:

Or a crash helmet to hide the blushes, B) i have put link in my favourites. Gonna read up and give it a go................ it sounds fun, some thing different to do on a sunday. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Me------i am now a fellow sado, yeha :farmerjohn:

But ive yet to go out and find one or leave one !

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Author

You need a daft wooly hat to 'look' the part Goff-thats not really you is it :farmerjohn:

Ok found a site Goff, go to daftwoolyhats.com


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