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Okay so as some of the regulars will know I've been looking forward to some exhausts for me xvs 125 draggy-boy.

Firstly - does anyone have any cool (AND CHEAP!!!) ideas as to what to do.

Secondly - if I bought some custom slash-cuts or something (just then end cans) off ebay would I need to re-jet and, if so, how hard is that?



i KNOW it's a 125, and it will never sound like a HD Fatboy. Please, no rants about trying to make my motorbike sound big when it's not. I just hate the look of the stock mufflers.

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it's a 125, and it will never sound like a HD Fatboy. :lol:

might not need to rejet after changing exhaust

have you tried custom fasteners in wales boyo? they do custom stuff

  • Author

it's a 125, and it will never sound like a HD Fatboy. :lol:

might not need to rejet after changing exhaust

have you tried custom fasteners in wales boyo? they do custom stuff

as in get some fabricated???

hmm that could be rather 'spensive.

  • Moderator

Okay so as some of the regulars will know I've been looking forward to some exhausts for me xvs 125 draggy-boy.

Firstly - does anyone have any cool (AND CHEAP!!!) ideas as to what to do.

Secondly - if I bought some custom slash-cuts or something (just then end cans) off ebay would I need to re-jet and, if so, how hard is that?



i KNOW it's a 125, and it will never sound like a HD Fatboy. Please, no rants about trying to make my motorbike sound big when it's not. I just hate the look of the stock mufflers.

There are other pipes available ;)

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shh, don't post them. someone else might find them :P !!!!!

SHOTGUN THESE PIPES - to anyone on this forum :P

Anyway, jokes aside, these are ideal as they're made for the bikey. Would I need re-jetting? How hard is that?


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One I think.

How hard is it to find a jet?

Will I know what size is in atm?

  • Moderator

One I think.

How hard is it to find a jet?

Will I know what size is in atm?

first find out whats in it, workshop manual? Yamaha dealer? I dunno whats in it. The hard way is to take a look.

Then either get the next size from Yamaha dealer or from somewhere else but I dont know if its a mikuni, keihin, del orto so cant see where to buy other than Yamaha. Wont be expensive anyhow.

its a 90 main jet for a mikuni carb, if you stick a 95 or 97 main jet in it then it will be fine :D they can cost anywhere from £1 to £7 i generally go to the powersports near me and they charge £1 a jet, just take your main jet out and take it with you so you can be sure what your getting cause they do 2 tipes of main jets for mikuni carbs, a hexagonal and round one and you want the round one. :D plus you will see the number stamped into the top of the jet.

as to exhausts you could chop the mufflers off and put a slipon on it but you will still need a standard exhaust for the mot. and i looked into getting some custom exhausts made and it would cost anywhere between 300 and 400 quid but you can get some highway hawk slash cuts for 300!!

oh forgot to mention because the xvs dragstar engine is the same as the xv virago engine then with a little modification to the bike (the area behind the rear cylinder needs a little more room) you could stick a virago exhaust on, the only difference is the virago exhaust goes behind the cylinder and down to the bottom of the frame to then link to the side of the other exhaust, where as the dragstar's rear cylinder exhaust comes down the side of the bike to then link to the other exhaust.

but the virago exhausts are cheaper than the dragstar ones! mine cost me a grand total of £198 for everything..brand new. but would cost me £400 for a dragstar one. so worth thinking about! plus the virago exhaust is easy to turn into a straight through single muffler pipe :D i know cause iv made one :D and it is loud! i put all them hairdryers on steroids to shame! lol

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ach it always get's more complicated :P

Okay what I'm going to do is find a set on ebay...

BUT could i not just atach something like this -->


--> to each of the pipes??? Might make it look a bit better.


yeah you could do but you would need a new exhaust for the mot! plus you need to think how your going to attach them on safely.

id say just chop off the silencers so you just have the pipes left then wrap them in exhaust wrap, that way you can use the dosh you saved to get them slipons to buy a new exhaust for the mot :D

  • Author

ohh I see.

Fair play, it will still need re-jetting though?

And will that still sound good? :P

Should I wrap them over the chrome stuff, which would make them look bigger?

Also, how much is a stock set?


yeah it would need re-jetting and with the straight through pipe it will be loud!

if you stick a 95 main jet in then see if you would need a bigger one (do a plug check)

if you look on ebay for some exhaust wrap (think i got the black graphite roll) but dont use the stainless steal tie wraps as there crap youl be better off with some circlips and if you double wrap them round the chroma then it will look allot bigger! dont take the chrome covers off otherwise ul b left with a piddly bit of pipe lol.

as to how much a stock set is.....i dont know i got quoted £400 for a brand new set but this was about 4 years ago.......best bet is have a look on ebay for a decent second hand set. but check for any corrosion .


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I was bidding on some Highway Hawk ones on ebay and lost 'em.

Any ideas where I can find some other ones? These went for £80. I thought I'd buy a set BECAUSE of the MOT I'd have the old set still...

But now, seeing as I can't find any, I'm thinking of cutting off the mufflers as suggested, and putting the already posted tips on the end.


these ones, and then wrapping the downpipe and original bits left from the exhaust.... seeeee?

Or bad plan?

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try that.

If anybody could send a link to some GOOD and CHEAP exhaust tape on ebay it would be hugley appreciated. I don't know which to choose :(


you want graphite exhaust wrap think its about 20-30 quid but will help exhaust flow, and make it look mint, might want to get some high temp exhaust paint to put on the pipes b4 you wrap them to make it water proof otherwise the wrap will get soaked and will make rust on the exhaust that will eat away at it. il have a quick look for you hang on

what you need!

there you go thats the stuff i used but dont use the stainless steel ties that come with it (there crap!) best get some circlips.

oh and were long sleeve clothing and gloves (or dont and just jump in the bath afterwards) cause this stuff irritates and itches something chronic!

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Do the stock mufflers come off? I know they come off the bottom pipe but is the top one FIXED onto the small pipe (downpipe - I think it's called)??

Because if I were to remove them and put on another set of mufflers, or just remove mufflers completely, I'm not too keen on chopping the stock exhaust without having a spare one... for the MOT and that.

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