July 22, 201014 yr Summer i wear, Bash-hat Scarf Y-fronts Fluffy socks Winter i wear, Bash-hat 2 Scarf's Long-john's (with willy warmer underneeth) 2 Fluffy socks He he, na----- I have 2 sets of gear 1 is textile jacket + trousers + boots other is full leather jacket + trousers + boots very rarely go on bike without my gear on------dont want any birds flying away with bits of my skin that they picked up off the road. if ya've been in a crash ya will allways suit up
July 23, 201014 yr Lots of gear as I commute every day.. HJC CL-ST lid 2 pairs of blue Hood K7 jeans. 1 pair of smart black Hood H2 jeans. Spada Textile jacket, MTech leather jacket. Thin leather bike gloves for summer (unknown make) heavy textile gloves for winter Non biker but very tough leather hiking boots. Couldn't recommend Hood jeans enough, great protection, and comfy and smart enough for office use. I never go out without gear on, not worth the risk.
July 23, 201014 yr Lots of gear as I commute every day.. HJC CL-ST lid 2 pairs of blue Hood K7 jeans. 1 pair of smart black Hood H2 jeans. Spada Textile jacket, MTech leather jacket. Thin leather bike gloves for summer (unknown make) heavy textile gloves for winter Non biker but very tough leather hiking boots. Couldn't recommend Hood jeans enough, great protection, and comfy and smart enough for office use. I never go out without gear on, not worth the risk. Blimey you must look like Michelin Man with all that gear on Agree with you about Hood jeans though
July 23, 201014 yr Summer i wear, Bash-hat Scarf Y-fronts Fluffy socks Winter i wear, Bash-hat 2 Scarf's Long-john's (with willy warmer underneeth) 2 Fluffy socks if ya've been in a crash ya will allways suit up  Can never understand these people that go out in shorts and the like
July 23, 201014 yr i know im 44 but i fell off my skate board last month at about 5mph and tore a lump out of my elbow that took 3 weeks to heal. yet you still see people on bikes with a t shirt on and no gloves. must be lovely putting your bare hands down to break your fall at anything over 20mph. i always wear my alpine stars leather jacket. alpine stars leather gloves. i own frank thomas racing boots and leather dungarees but only wear them if i am going for a long ride, although i will one day regret this laziness no doubt.
August 10, 201014 yr i know im 44 but i fell off my skate board last month at about 5mph and tore a lump out of my elbow Hmmm! at 44 years of age, I thought you would of got the hang of skateboarding by now? ..... have you still got your BMX
August 10, 201014 yr i know im 44 but i fell off my skate board last month at about 5mph and tore a lump out of my elbow that took 3 weeks to heal. yet you still see people on bikes with a t shirt on and no gloves. must be lovely putting your bare hands down to break your fall at anything over 20mph. i always wear my alpine stars leather jacket. alpine stars leather gloves. i own frank thomas racing boots and leather dungarees but only wear them if i am going for a long ride, although i will one day regret this laziness no doubt. Pictures/video or it didn't happen
August 11, 201014 yr I wear a Scorpion EXO helmet, and Cortech GX Sport jacket. They're hand me downs I picked up on ebay for $66 shipped. Too good of a deal to pass up and they suit me just fine
August 11, 201014 yr From the top down: Warm(ish) & dry(ish) weather: Caberg Justissimo flippy lid Rayven leather jacket Frank Thomas unlined gloves Draggin' Jeans Altberg Hogg Boots (highly recommended, very comfy) Plus a one-piece Lidl wet weather romper suit in the topbox to go on top if it rains while I'm out. Cold(er) & wet(ter): Same lid Frank Thomas textile jacket (plus inner liner if really cold) Spada something-or-other lined gloves Lidl's finest padded troos Same boots Works for me .....
August 11, 201014 yr as im new to biking, not the best gear, Ixon waterproof textile trousers, alpinestars jacket and some cheap name gloves which are pretty good.
August 12, 201014 yr mid life crisis isn't restricted to super bikes and fast cars it also includes skateboards(really painful ones)
August 14, 201014 yr Author as im new to biking, not the best gear, Ixon waterproof textile trousers, alpinestars jacket and some cheap name gloves which are pretty good. Sounds fine to me at least your not doing the old t-shirt, sandals and shorts method that is all too common mid life crisis isn't restricted to super bikes and fast cars it also includes skateboards(really painful ones) And I bet replacing the skateboards costs more than the work done on the bikes and cars?
August 14, 201014 yr Sounds fine to me at least your not doing the old t-shirt, sandals and shorts method that is all too common And I bet replacing the skateboards costs more than the work done on the bikes and cars? your not kidding i have 1977 70mm red kryptonics on a early 80s blind deck, the wheels cost £28 in 1977 so out of my league back then at age 11, now second hand off ebay they still fetch nearly £100. 33 year old wheels but still the best(until you fall off)
August 14, 201014 yr Just bought new boots today. Gore-tex, tcx, £100, shop wanted £115 but i wouldnt give it to him, haha,,,,he finally backed down after a bit of haggeling ! Got them for the winter----there supposed to be water-proof,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,time will tell. Have to brake the dam things in now !!!
August 15, 201014 yr Ashman jacket Blue jeans combat boots immortal gloves KBC helmet And a huge smile rain or shine
August 19, 201014 yr KBC VR1 X helmet Knox Aegis back protector and then its like im sponsored by BKS cos i got the gloves free with my leathers so i thought stuff it might as well get the matching boots So i have; BKS Silverstone 2 piece leathers now with added james toseland signiture Really comfy and stood up impeccably to a low speed low side, BKS Quantum boots BKS Silverstone stingray gloves. Kind of over kill considering its a 125 that i have at the moment but the leathers will last me for yeeeears and an 80mph crash is and 80mph crash whatever you ride. Had some dickhead giving me shit about having full leathers on on a yzfr125 and he was wearing the oh so proctective hoody and jeans combo on a cbr 600rr. really hope hes had need of a skin graft since then oh also have a set of RST gloves. The BKS gloves have started to disintergrate now (dont think they fared as well on the lowside). Might get a set of knox handroid ones to replace em
August 22, 201014 yr I only just got my bike and gear but thought I'd join in: Marushin c139 3/4 helmet Held textile cruiser jacket Hood ND4 jeans with armour inserts Highway No 1 short biker boots And some bog standard leather gloves... And a balaclava and some waterproofs for when it's cold or wet. Might be overkill for a bike that tops out at 28mph but better safe than sorry
September 11, 201014 yr Spring/summer/fall HJC full face helmut with built in sun shade Joe Rocket textile jacket with removeable liner for spring and fall riding Rock hard armoured gantlets Winter No one rides in winter in northern BC Also started wearing a high viz lime green and red fluorescent safety vest over my jacket after almost being wiped out by a pickup. Looks ugly but everone can see you!! RM
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