Posted June 25, 201014 yr well at ten to three this morning i was woken by the sound of one of my bikes being moved i heard the chains rattle and my security lights come on lighting up the rear of the house like blackpool illuminations, i woke my son up and armed with baseball bats went to confront the two lads, we only made one mistake going out in our boxers and not putting our jeans on. of course they were off like a shot and only having boxers on and no shoes there was only so far i was going to chase them, the police of course were so helpful by informing me nothing was actually taken as if i didnt know that so there was little they could do (for a change i replied ) oh but one thing they were keen on was what was i intending to do with the baseball bat? well i dont think i need to tell you what i was going to do. both bikes had chains on and a third chaing them together steering locks on and immobilised and under security lighting and the garden gate is locked and chained which gives me a chance to get the scumbags as long as i put my pants on next time.
June 25, 201014 yr It pays to have a noisy security system, and the simple ones work best. About 18 months ago I had pretty much the same experience, noise, dogs going biserk, me running outside in less than you! The scumbags run away and I was just about to head off down the street when I had second thoughts... The dogs were already giving chase anyway - not that they could do much as they are only Westies, but they bark well above thier weight. I have heard, and this is could be a myth, that if you tell the police you are going to shoot them (the scumbags) then you get lots of response by some really well trained officers Off course when they arrive, you might want to put the camera down to avoid being 'shot' yourself'
June 25, 201014 yr thieving bus wankers hope they dont return and pay attention to anyone outside your property.
June 25, 201014 yr nice amount of security m8 glad they didnt get owt! just a shame you didnt get them, but you never know they might be back, there stupid enough to try and nick it with all that security in the 1st place! id recommend using something else than a baseball bat though something like a wooden spoon or a plate would be acceptable in the police eyes lmfao! oh and dont use that gun idea, it works but the last person to try it got locked up so probably not the best thing to do id suggest getting some trellis to put up on the fence but cut every slat half way at an angle so when weight is applied it snaps off to a sharp point .
July 5, 201014 yr Quote: Mr White [ id suggest getting some trellis to put up on the fence but cut every slat half way at an angle so when weight is applied it snaps off to a sharp point ] Hmmm! i like that idea i`m off to B&Q tomorrow, to get me some trellis
July 6, 201014 yr oh and dont use that gun idea, it works but the last person to try it got locked up so probably not the best thing to do Ah, you see, that's where you have fallen, and made assumptions that you shouldn't - I said shoot, never mentioned a gun... Camera ? Snooker? Penalty? But I agree, it's a high risk strategy! id suggest getting some trellis to put up on the fence but cut every slat half way at an angle so when weight is applied it snaps off to a sharp point . I have a similar defence at the bottom of the garden, but I just bought the cheapest trellis out there (£10 a go from B&Q), it looks nice as it's all curvy, but will snap under any weight. Not good to make it into points, if the scumbags get hurt themselves, they'll look to you for compensation - It's a bloody stupid state of affairs. Devils Thorn bushes are great but look awfull, the thorns are about an inch long and hurt like hell.....
July 6, 201014 yr soz i thought you were talkin about that war veteran bloke who phoned the police 5 times cause some youths were in his shed pinchin, but all he got was "im sorry but all our units are unavailable" so when he phoned up for the 6th time he said that the youths were in his shed nicking stuff and that he had a gun and was going to shoot them, then 3min after he put the phone down 2 riot vans, armed police and a couple of dog units showed up. but he got done for waisting police time. yeah i see where ur coming from, if you "booby trap" your fence then you will get bent over by the police if someone gets hurt. i still like the electric fence idea you know the ones you see in a field to keep horses in. they come keen!!! and mix that with a trellis, put some signs up and ul b fine
July 7, 201014 yr Author well paulwhite you were right they were stupid enough to try again this time i phoned the police straight away whilst putting on my jeans at the same time difficult in the dark but did not want to alert them. the police said we have a unit 5minutes away,mean while following gas ups advice i shot them three times they were on there toes,the police were here within 4 mins and set off after them, 10 minutes later three police units turned up that had been looking for them but no luck finding them one of them put the kettle on to make us all a brew while the others took a statement from me when i told them what i had done they were very excited now when i said i had shot them i had but with a camera. camera connected to the computer we all awaited to see the three photos i had taken,it was then the laughter started, oh shit what a stupid school boy error i had made the three photos were black i had not taken the lens cap off. ten minutes before i had been feeling very pleased with myself 3 photos of the scumbags get out of that you little bastards,but at least i was able to give them a good description of them and something i did not tell the police one of them i thought i recognised a young biker who rides a 125 sports bike i have seen in the area,next time i see him his reg number will be taken and he will be dealt with and no witnnesses, of course i will have a witness two of them my rather handy sons.
July 7, 201014 yr thought they would, now they know whats there. its good that the police were only 5 min away normally they take up to half an hour and by that time there no use at all! dont suppose you saw where they got in? could do with making it harder for the little ba****ds to get in, or better yet out! id suggest setting up an infa red night camera inside the garage/shed where ur bikes are that way you defiantly know that youl get a good picture lol either that or take the lens cap off next time (lets hope there isnt a next time!) but yeah if you defiantly know that its that lad then hope you give him the blocking of his life but make sure its him cause you dont want to get the wrong person.
July 7, 201014 yr Author they got over a six foot fence as the only way in or out of the garden is a side gate locked and bolted as well as two chains connected to two wheelie bins if they had got the four chains off the bikes they are immobilised so how thewy would have got the bikes out god knows the police could not get over the amont of chains and security lights even with the keys it took me 5 minutes to show the police round the back police said they could see why it woke me and that the lights were brilliant. as for the lad paul i will make sure its him first,but i dont fear what will happen if i am caught i am quite prepared to take the punishment it will be a pleasure as long as the scum gets the message.
July 7, 201014 yr lol well just goes to show how stupid they are ! even if they did manage to get the chains off the bikes how would they get them out of the garden???? ask superman to throw them over the fence for them? lol but yeah glad to know they will get whats coming to them (just try not to get urself into too much trouble m8 ) if it was me id grab him tie him up shove him in the back of the car and go for a long drive to the middle of nowhere and drop him off. let him think about what he has done whilst he is trying to find his way home
July 9, 201014 yr Asshats. That's why I have a security system on my Triumph, can't even breath on it without all hell braking loose in the garage, and on the keyfob control. The XS400 will soon have a lock, as the battery won't handle much of a security system. The padlock on the garage door isn't much a a deterrent.
August 19, 201014 yr Asshats. That's why I have a security system on my Triumph, can't even breath on it without all hell braking loose in the garage, and on the keyfob control. The XS400 will soon have a lock, as the battery won't handle much of a security system. The padlock on the garage door isn't much a a deterrent. You`re in America...... Why dont you just shoot any scummers that try to nick your bike?
August 30, 201014 yr I remember reading in Performance Bikes ooooh, about 8-10 years ago about a group that would 'leave' a bike in a prominent place at night then park close by in a transit.... when a scroat would try to nick the bike they'd dive out all masked up, take him in the van and advise him nicely on how he really should change his ways. Doesn't sound so bad an idea to me.
August 30, 201014 yr You`re in America...... Why dont you just shoot any scummers that try to nick your bike? True, but I don't have a gun. Besides, I find a knife to be a little more personal, which I do have, and would use without hesitation. It's a proper one, a type that the military use and it has a Tanto blade, for proper stabbing. Infact here's the one I have:
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