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Mark Talbot (TarkMalbot) raced with Coyote Racing in the first two rounds of the KRC Endurance Championship. As the youngest rider (ever, I think), he did an amazing job on the Yamaha R1 and helped bring the the highest results we've ever had.

Unfortunately, Mark was unable to do the last 2 due to finance and as we speak he cannot finish the season at Donington for the same reason.

Coyote Racing would love to have Mark do the last race of the season with us as he started the season with us and we have missed having him. It will also be nice to end the season with a full Adopt a Racer team again. You can find out more about Coyote Racing at http://www.coyote-racing.co.uk.

So, I have a big and very humble request. To enter Donington, we need to find Mark his share of the ride, which amounts of £750. Donington is an expensive one with an entry fee of £975, 2 sets of tyres, fuel, practice, transport and so on.

Can anyone here help? If a whole load of people just gave a tenner each, for example, it would help. If we raise more, that will go to Mark's solo racing. Anyone donating will be welcome to come along on the day to watch him race and meet the team.

All who donate will be listed as Supporters on Mark's Adopt a Racer pages as well as the main AaR site. If you have stickers or anything, send them to the address below and we'll plaster the bike with them for the last race!

We need to do this fairly quickly as the race is September 5th. Mike and I will start it off by putting £50 towards the cause. Wish it could be more, Mark, but hopefully it's a start.

If you can help, please contact Kailah on [email protected] or send your donations made payable to Adopt a Racer with Reference B20/Mark Talbot/Coyote to:

Adopt a Racer

43 Campers Avenue

Letchworth, Herts SG6 3SP

Also you can donate through Pay Pal. The Paypal address is

[email protected].

If you want my mobile number, PM me and I'll send it to you.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Kailah Eglington

I would love to race with the team again but just thought it would be impossible without funding!

Any Help would be great!



Soory but if I could afford to send someone racing it would have to be my old man. Anything that gets him out from under my feet is worth it! :lol:

  • Moderator

Soory but if I could afford to send someone racing it would have to be my old man. Anything that gets him out from under my feet is worth it! :lol:

i'll send him, if u let me get under ya sheets...sorry feet :lol: :shock: lol

Soory but if I could afford to send someone racing it would have to be my old man.

One single person does have to be able to afford it. Thats the point of lots of people contributing a little.

I do not like asking and I dont expect anyone to want to give me money when they could use it to help themselevs.

But anyone who does will get very cheap advertising. Thats how I try and sell it.

Hey sweetie!

I'll give you £50 if I can assfuck you.  :loved

:shock: dirty toerag :lol:

Hey sweetie!

I'll give you £50 if I can assfuck you.  :loved

You've got an admirer Mark :wink:

I dunno...

But he's obviously never met me if he's calling me "pretty boy"

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