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hi have xv920 1983 chopper has a clutch slip at half throttle onwards any surrgestions or help thanks

Fix it.

Seriously, fix it.

For further, bettter, more polite and helpful info, here's the best suggestion ever:

What you've just done is pretty damn rude.

When you walk into a Forum, especially a close-knit one like this, it is the equivalent of walking into a random pub. If you just stand there and make a statement, expecting assistance, no-one will even pay attention to you. Seriously, try this - Walk into a pub you've never been to, where no-one knows you. Just walk in and, in a loud voice, ask that very same question you just asked here. See what happens....

If you take the time to introduce yourself, make friends etc, then people will fall over backwards to help you.

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sorry hi everyone name is stav im 6ft9 weigh 28st am new to this fourm ride xv920 amonge others o and i dont get probs in pubs cheers

How many miles are on it? How many of those did you put on? (helpful to know maintenance history) Does this bike have a shared sump with the engine, trans. and clutch? if so, what oil has been used in it? Is there sufficient slack in the clutch cable when it is not pulled in? Has the clutch itself been adjusted recently?

It could simply be the need for a new clutch, but let's look at the simple stuff first....and Welcome!

Do we not still have a proper Intros thread any more?

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hi has been stood a few monthes but runs fine only slips if u beans it doesent slip on pullaway has had oil and filter change put 10/40 semi in the engine bike has done 4000mls in last two years thanks there is slack in cable and yes its a shared sump as far as no

Have you been using motorcycle specific oil or general auto oil?

  • Author

Have you been using motorcycle specific oil or general auto oil? rock oil semi sinthetic

  • Author

Have you been using motorcycle specific oil or general auto oil?

10/w40 rock oil semisinthetic

If rock oil is motorcycle oil and everything is in adjustment, sounds like time for a new clutch.

  • Author

If rock oil is motorcycle oil and everything is in adjustment, sounds like time for a new clutch. yes rock pil is for m/bikes thanks for addvise can u recommend where to buy clutch cheers


Breakers yards (if PartFinder doesn't help).


Any of the many online bike part finders - seriously, just Google up "motorcycle part finder". You'll get .com, .co.uk, .org, .this, .that, MCparts, Motorcycleparts, Mcycleparts and a myriad variants therein.

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