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So i emailed the ebay member about that powervalve set with cables etc that was posted and they assured me it was a 3 wire version. This is what turned up. Is this not a 5 wire version?

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????? IM SCARED!

Unless my schooling let me down big time its a 5 wire servo :huh:

Funny, before i scrolled down to the text, my first thought on seeing the pic was "that looks SCARY" 

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Unless my schooling let me down big time its a 5 wire servo :huh:

Funny, before i scrolled down to the text, my first thought on seeing the pic was "that looks SCARY"

Thought as much. **** sakes. Any idea what the pulley and cables are worth so i know if its worth me getting a refund?

As long as you have a copy of the email confirming they said it was 3 wire - you should (if they refuse) go through paypal for a refund minus delivery charge.

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As long as you have a copy of the email confirming they said it was 3 wire - you should (if they refuse) go through paypal for a refund minus delivery charge.

Yeah, thats the thing. Somehow it was £7 postage and packing. Unfair if you ask me. Think it said 2quid on the label with a box full of newspaper cuttings. So i'll be losing £10. Maybe its worth selling the powervalve servo on and buying another 3 wire. Keeping the cables etc. Just wanna know how much it would cost to buy the cables, puylley and housing. Paid 35+7postage for the lot.

And with nasty car type connectors that aren't really designed for life on a motorcycle.

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Yeah, thats the thing. Somehow it was £7 postage and packing. Unfair if you ask me. Think it said 2quid on the label with a box full of newspaper cuttings. So i'll be losing £10. Maybe its worth selling the powervalve servo on and buying another 3 wire. Keeping the cables etc. Just wanna know how much it would cost to buy the cables, puylley and housing. Paid 35+7postage for the lot.

No you will get a full refund including postage (Item not as described) Have you asked the seller for a full refund? if he does not co-operate the open a dispute. ;)

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No you will get a full refund including postage (Item not as described) Have you asked the seller for a full refund? if he does not co-operate the open a dispute. ;)

Problem is they didnt describe the wire type in the description. Just when i emailed them? This should be ok right? I'll just have to pay the postage on the return journey? I mentioned to them that cables and pulley are still useful to me if they would rather just refund me some of the money through paypal and i send bakc the servo motor, to save feedback. See how much they offer. If its not worth it i'll just send the lot back and think about it more when i have the time to. Just hope my brother doesnt sit in the powerbands constantly and blow it before then. I know they are pretty tough bikes but it'd be a shame to have to spend a hundred on a rebore and piston kit if i dont need to.

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He still insists thgt its a 3 wire version. Are there 3 wires that go to the CDI then 2 wires that go somewhere else? Im really confused now. Does anyone have a photo of the 3 wire?

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Eh? you have a servo with 5 wires from it...yes?

Well then thats a 5 wire servo in my book!

Yeah, but the ones ive seen on ebay that claim to be 3 wires have a kind of clip connector along with another wire. These connnectors seem to be different. Oh well i think ill get a refund, and think about it again once i have the time.

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