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Hello guys,

my yamaha xj600n 1997 is give me headaches and costing me sh"t load of money at this point in time!!

the fault she will not start and its the electrical system playing up to,

she broken down before last xams when i was at work,

i think it was the battery not charging right because of the bad weather at the start all of this""

I try friend is bike mechanic he had her for 4 mounths and he replacement the wiring harness

and regulrtor/rectifier unit all the relays replacement two ignition coils and still not start

after all this work he did on her so whats is going on can yous help me with this :angry:

Not easy to diagnose over internet, saddened to hear your having long term probs with it not to mention the money your spending too, if its not electrical then maybe fueling system ? :blink:

Can you give more info as to problem??? Did it die whilst you were riding it or did it just not start from cold? Was it temperamental before dying? Does the starter motor turn it over? Can you bump start it? Your 'mechanic friend' should have been able to diagnose the fault before getting you to fork out all that money. Perhaps take it to another mechanic - although all the 'repairs' done so far could have increased your troubles. What's the mileage on the bike? Does it have an immobiliser? As much info as possible will help with diagnosis.

When you you put the key in the ignition, turn it to "on" then press the starter button what happens?

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has it had a service so all the parameters are as factory spec?

that's the first thing i do with a bike, can't start diagnosing without the basics in place.

I got a call from a friend of a friend who changed a battery on his gilera and "suddenly" there was no electrics!

he had a "mechanic" friend look it over and he could'nt fix it after a month

I went over after being pestered and i moved a wire over to earth on the battery terminals and the bike had full electrics!! B)

what am saying is, just don't over look the obvious (and don't trust well meaning self proclaimed mechanics)

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Thanks for all your comments i will do my best to answer all info!

When i first got the bike i had to change the battery as it wouldnt hold a charge. after this it was ok for a few months but then in the cold weather it wouldnt start from cold. thought it was just bad winter cos it stopped a few times but was able to get it going alright. Eventually it wouldnt start anymore. As it stands now i still cant bump start it.

When the key is in the ignition and starter button is pressed the starter motor turns over but no spark is going to coils - just makes whirring sound.

Mechanic kept trying one thing after another buying parts saying this could be the problem..... replaced wiring harness, cdi relay and other relays then rectifier unit and finally the coils - in that order. This has been over the past 4 months - he now says he doesnt know where else to look but i have a hefty bill to pay! How could the Repairs have made things worse???!! As for well meaning mechanics - i am beginning to wonder....

I don't think it has an immobiliser and as for factory spec I dont know either maybe you need to tell me more about this?

The mileage is approx 28000 but as i still dont have my bike back i cant give the exact figure!!!

Appreciate the help and advice i am out so much money at the minute i dont want to have to just scrap the bike. :(

  • 5 months later...

Hmm, I'd try a cheap analog meter (with the little needle, not digital) across the pickup coil (left side of engine, under the round cover with 4 screws), check the resistance first (ohms), you should get some continuity reading, (unplugged if course) then spin it up (starter), the needle on the meter should flicker to show you're getting signal. I've seen many vehicles (especially bikes) where this pickup coil failed causing these exact symptoms, sometimes the wires chafed or cracked and grounds the signal out too.

good luck :)

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