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be carefull out there peeps, this guy was lucky, :o

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Edited by drewpy

God dam assholes, and where was that van gona go, all that just so the van could move up one place in the line of traffic, some people are just so so so so so stupid. mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

We have a description of that type of road in the IAM (and so do the police)

Three Lanes;



and Suicide.

The van driver could probably see more of what was going on ahead than the cage drivers (and there is a strong posibility they were all too close together anyway to see) could. At first I though the bikes relative speed was a bit high but on watching it again it was probably borderline. It's not about right and wrong but life and death. In slow traffic people drivers just don't seam to expect others to be passing, and there is a huge misconception about these three lane roads with the single white line, lots of drivers assume the (in this case) uphill traffic has some priority, truth is no-one does (yes there is a suggestion that downhill driver should give way to uphill, but it's not statue)

It could happen on any piece of road, but in slow moving stuff drivers think even less than normal. Right and wrong aside, if the traffic is slow, then keep your speed down, it's only going to delay you a short time.

Still, lucky for the rider, he walked away, and it's all on film so no debate realy.

I admire the Bikers apparent patience, cos if that had been me knocked off, white van man would have been eating my helmet. Fucking tosser

  • Author

When the biker gets up I cant make my mind up whether he's taking a bow, or checking to see if he still has legs :mellow:

some lucky! could of been allot worse!

but saying that isnt it a solid white line? so therefore you shouldnt overtake in the 1st place?

if im right then both the van driver and the poor bloke on the bike were in the wrong.

more so the van driver for not doing what he should be doing ( mirror, signal, maneuver! )

but yeah some lucky bloke!

some lucky! could of been allot worse!

but saying that isnt it a solid white line? so therefore you shouldnt overtake in the 1st place?

if im right then both the van driver and the poor bloke on the bike were in the wrong.

more so the van driver for not doing what he should be doing ( mirror, signal, maneuver! )

but yeah some lucky bloke!

Look again, there is a broken line on the left-hand lane, so overtaking is allowed.

  • Moderator

Look again, there is a broken line on the left-hand lane, so overtaking is allowed.

Yep i agree, the 2 lanes are on the opposite side so that is technically dual carriageway,overtake at your liesure/discretion the other is a broken white line on the left of the centre so acting like a normal centre lane with overtaking permitted if the other carriageway is clear.

Personally i think they are both in the wrong. I have come close to that type of accident myself once or twice and now make a point of being certain of the other vehicle movements. Personally i think he was not riding defensively enough for the situation.

The motorcyclist had escape room, he should have been treating each vehicle as a hazard rather than the colum of vehicles as an inconvenience. He had relaxed and assumed everybody would tow the line like sheep. He was totally unprepared for the van or any of the vehicles to do something stupid.

In my opinion that is his primary error.

All through my HGV training the cantankerous old bugger that gave me lessons kept on about expecting the unexpected and what if. I used to say no body would be that stupid. After 10 years of trucks i know different, the only thing you can be certain of is that someone will be that stupid. So you have to drive expecting it.

yeah soz didnt notice the split white line lol but yeah ur right about the bloke on the bike not driving defensively enough looks like he had the whole carriageway to himself. just a poor judgment on his part that luckily only cost him his bike.

  • Moderator

yeah soz didnt notice the split white line lol but yeah ur right about the bloke on the bike not driving defensively enough looks like he had the whole carriageway to himself. just a poor judgment on his part that luckily only cost him his bike.

Yeah, i'm not saying the van driver wasn't to blame. The actual accident was entirely his fault, for all we know there is an accident up ahead and it could have been an ambulance that got hit. The trouble is the van driver just has to fill in a form, he may get a minor bolloking for due care and attention and a couple of points but thats it, its not even his van. The rider has a smashed bike, smashed kit and some bumps and bruises to boot.

Thing is if you watch the video the guy on the bike clocks the van moving (around 14 sec), brakes but doesent really brake hard or change direction. Classic case of target fixation. I've done it and i'm sure many others have. There are lots of if's and buts here. Ultimately it needn't have happend. One mirror check from the van and a little more experience on the riders part and it would just have been the rider giving the van the bird for being a twat. Normal day then :P

  • 1 month later...

why was the van being filmed in the first place?

Who drives along with a video camera reccording, and if it was unmarked plod why didnt they get out to help??

  • 2 months later...

This happened to me when I was 17... 4 days later I was released from hospital...

Though I dont remember actually doing it, apparently I punched the driver as he came to see if I was ok..

Deserved it..

be carefull out there peeps, this guy was lucky, :o

Same sort of thing here

wtf ,,,speechless ?

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