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Hello, I’ve taken the bait and brought a 1990 (h plate) dt125r with 8k on the clock for a nominal fee. It was dry stored for 14 years and the last tax disk (still attached) was in 1996. However it needs work on it to look presentable and to go for an mot.

So far I think I need:

Front & rear tyre

Chain & sprocket


Brake pipes

Brake fluid

Probably pads - front/rear


Spark plug

Seat cover

Clutch lever

2x mirrors

Oh and a rear indicator - I snapped it pushing it into my garden - the callipers are tight.

The intention is to strip the bike and bring it back to a presentable standard but not concourse standard.

This is where I need your expert help really - what should I be looking to get before I strip it apart e.g. certain tools etc. I'm looking to buy a motocross stand so it will be easier to work on for a start and the Haynes manual as a ref point. Best place to get parts because as it’s all foreign to me and I could make costly mistakes. I'll struggle with the basics like tyres, oil etc. e.g. I was looking for a battery - the original is "fill it with acid" but are there any batteries that are maintenance free or sealed? Its looks old school to fill with acid now.

Now I’ve never worked on a bike, but for a living I repair photocopiers so I can understand wiring diagrams and how motors/gears work etc so I’m technically minded in that aspect. I've not attempted to start it in case I do some damage as its stood for so long, the fuels probably way past its life and the oil may be like glue - so I’d rather flush all of the old stuff and put brand new liquids in.

That’s why I called myself Muppet! But it was either an aprilia mx125 or the dtr and I’ve wanted a bike to mess about with for years.


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Welcome in muppet, :D

getting a few DTers here now. Lots to do, I would start with ditch the fuel and flush out the tank. and strip / clean the carb.

Failte; Mupet to the YOC cool.gif

Sounds like your gona be busy with that bike!

Start getting your hands dirty and you might find that things arent as hard as you think! (Nothing like photocopiers, i dont think blink.gif )

If you get in boather just ask and some one will help you along. biggrin.gif

welcome, good luck with your project! Post some pics if you get a chance :D

side question what oil goes in the engine :) ty

Welcome to the forum. I think you've made a good choice between the 2 there!

Yeah aside from what OG said, id also have a look at the airbox. If your arent doing any major engine work then most of the routine maintenence section of the haynes manual would be the first port of call. If you have the money obviously it would be good to buy genuine yamaha parts from your local yamaha dealer. (You'll find your nearest on google). If not then i tend to buy most of my parts on ebay. Yambits is also a useful shop. They have an ebay shop as well as a website. One point to look out for on the offroad bikes is the bushes in the rear suspension linkage. The way i check is by leaning the bike towards me on the stand and reaching over with my right hand and check for play by trying to pull the swing arm up.

As OG said there seems to be a growing number of DT fans on the forum atm so if you have any problems dont hesitate to ask as we're all always up for a bit of bike banter!

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Well thanks for the welcome - I was going to upload photos but realised you need to pay £10 a year? I was going to do the £5 but £10 a year to upload photos?

Well the first problem I’ve got is stubborn screws. 2x screws on the side panels won’t come out and 3x screws that have just snapped inside the frame when removing them. It’s off to screw fix for a screw extractor set to continue the dissection.

So far it’s been ok and I’m quite surprised at how good the bike is considering its been stood for so long - even got the original tool set untouched! The frame as revealed so far has surface rust but no holes yet.

I've removed so far:

Front mudguard



Side panels except the front pair (seized screws)

Chain guard

Headlight surround

Coolant reservoir

Air filter - not dirty just smelt of petrol and fell apart

Millions of screws

I do however need a source to replace all the nuts, screws and rubber bushings that have perished as there is no way these are going back in. Reasons - there rusty, fragile and why not replace them with new when you’re going this far?


i saw on ebay few months ago a guy who does a pack of all the screws nuts etc u need for about 30quid for the dt just have a mooch about. i just had a look but could'nt find but sure they will pop up :)

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Anyone can post pictures in the forums

If they know how ;)

come on dont tease me :)

i saw on ebay few months ago a guy who does a pack of all the screws nuts etc u need for about 30quid for the dt just have a mooch about. i just had a look but could'nt find but sure they will pop up :)

yeah i didi look on ebay - the nearest thing i saw was from a french dealer but mostly crank case stuff but i'll keep looking. Did find some prices for powder coating when its ready £80ish for the frame, wheels and forks are going to be done too and anything else :D

I think by the time i've finished it will cost me a small fortune but i could have brought a bike running but wheres the fun in that?

Off to get a motocross paddock stand and bike cover now.

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Well thanks for the welcome - I was going to upload photos but realised you need to pay £10 a year? I was going to do the £5 but £10 a year to upload photos?

Well the first problem I’ve got is stubborn screws. 2x screws on the side panels won’t come out and 3x screws that have just snapped inside the frame when removing them. It’s off to screw fix for a screw extractor set to continue the dissection.

So far it’s been ok and I’m quite surprised at how good the bike is considering its been stood for so long - even got the original tool set untouched! The frame as revealed so far has surface rust but no holes yet.

I've removed so far:

Front mudguard



Side panels except the front pair (seized screws)

Chain guard

Headlight surround

Coolant reservoir

Air filter - not dirty just smelt of petrol and fell apart

Millions of screws

I do however need a source to replace all the nuts, screws and rubber bushings that have perished as there is no way these are going back in. Reasons - there rusty, fragile and why not replace them with new when you’re going this far?


Unless your really keen on originality Mr Fastner do packs with all sorts in, i bought a tub of various stainless nuts and bolts for 25 quid that has done quite a lot of the bike, definitely all the corroded stuff around the engine, sw arm and such.

Have you tryed photobucket.com for the pics its what i use and its free.

also take pics of everything and where it came from belive me it`ll help when you come to put it all back together.

If you find a company selling the bolts n screws let us know as im looking for them too

good luck

Well thanks for the welcome - I was going to upload photos but realised you need to pay £10 a year? I was going to do the £5 but £10 a year to upload photos?

Well the first problem I've got is stubborn screws. 2x screws on the side panels won't come out and 3x screws that have just snapped inside the frame when removing them. It's off to screw fix for a screw extractor set to continue the dissection.


Wd40 on the screws first then leave to soak, then on the one you want to undo---- First tighten it a bit then give it a quick jerk backwards to loosen.

Check out FAQ's in the fourms for posting pic's

8K!!! u lucky git! on a H plate..thats awsome!..

all elbow grease rally.gunk every thing!.. power wash every thing. new oil, clean carb, free brakes!.service all the cables. grease gun the swing arm linkage, check bearings for play..

Spend a bit on tyres . chain..pads.. give one hell of a service!. U will have a great bike!.

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ok i hope this works


its only one picture at the moment as all the other pictures are on my mobile and im looking for the usb cable.

I'm struggling with bolts being stuck or just breaking clean off at the moment. tried wd40, pb blaster, shock and blah blah, stuff from work. stuck with the exhaust screws (allen key) front brake disk cover and the 2 front air intake covers.

I fitted a battery to see what was working before i go any further and i have indicators and a horn - its a start, the ignition lights work ie indicator but not much else yet no headlight. The spark plug was clean considering, the oil was ok, brake fluid fine. Its just the bolts being so fragile and tight thats holding me back.

wow, a rarer red one, not often u see many that colour now adays. Yup you will have fun with seized bolts n stuff, its an art to get them out for sure, if u can, give them a alot of heat too if ya can, the stuff i use is a PLUSGAS, its a spray we use at work. Hit it with the blow torch too..

other than that is drilling the little buggers out, tap n die set and some new fresh bolts pref stainless..

good luck, its all fun, u`ll work through it.. great lookin bike chap..

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i did forget - bolts that are going to be replaced. I did find on ebay a place in dudley/woverhapton that does bolts for bikes so ill post that when i get that off my other pc at my misses house - i did ask my old man as he makes bolts for aircraft but sadly he only makes them in titanium and they might be just a bit dearer than what im looking to pay for and worth more than the bike - they would look good though.

I was a bit miffed (my own fault) i'm trawlling ebay constantly for anything good that comes up and a genuine yamaha full fork rebuild kit came up dealer price at £90+ - i forgot to bid and it sold for £16!

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it looks like power valve servos kits are officialy no longer available from yamaha. I think i have found a supplier though from the states. I've managed to order everything except the 2 pulleys but i've ordered them from another company.

I'll give all the details when i get the parts through as i need to be sure its the correct stuff but the part numbers all entered correctly and details matched so fingers crossed.

Came to $86 about £50 in total without shipping.

Yeah as someone else said, PlusGas seems to be the best stuff in my opinion. Mine is a can that you drip down the thread though, rather than a spray. Might have to keep an eye out for the spray version!

Looks fantastic, you've got yourself a top bike there it seems!

Keep us posted about the powervalve set as well, my brother bought an 89 DTR 2 nights ago and im looking to get the powervalve working.

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I'm a lucky git to say the least! I screwed the carb up trying to get it off? The cable was stuck so i cut the cable above the housing and then tried to disasemble the carb but all the screws were rusty. Gave the screws some taps with the hammer.... and knackered it. Got another off fleabay and an airbox for £50 and it looks better (carb) than the original one. Also found a 3 wire servo from a dtr on flebay for £40 so i had that delivered this morning.

I should hopefully get the parts from america next week after paying the import tax, also the pulleys should arrive from holland.

I can get the pluggas from buck&hickman in coventry so i'll give that a go.

I'ts costing a fair bit of dosh so far but oh well.

If i remember rightly i'm sure i saw another servo for sale on ebay at the same time as mine - just keep checking as often as you can.

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