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:-k if there is a god what exactly is he telling us when a fucking rapist can win 7 mill on the lottery :-k

_39940950_hoare_24hruse_20330.jpg :evil: the world is fuckt up man :evil:

Absolutely right Paul.

Though I understand that the victims are now going to sue the fucker, so maybe some good will come out of it.

What I don't understand is that how was this man allowed out to buy a ticket in the first place?

yep i completely agree, it's awfull :evil: i hope the bastard ends up with nothing. if he doesnt pay for what he's done with money, he will with other things. what goes around comes around

  • Moderator

That B@stard only deserves 1 thing.........

To be Hung by his Balls! :evil:

Absolutely hang him by the balls and let him watch his victims spend the money!!

:lol: N... your avatar and sig is f**kin class 8) :D:lol:

Stop buddying up to N Tart Alan.

She's got her eyes on me you know! 8)

I'll get her scraping her kneesliders allright! :lol:


8) 8) 8)

Boys! :roll:

the boys are back in town dooo do do dooo 8) :lol: or in petes case, the boyo's 8) :lol:

And don't forget the Scottish version of that Stones classic...."Jumping Jock Flash". :lol:

  • Moderator

steady on there chaps...Caroline only has eyes for one....and it aint you two :finger

  • Moderator

back on topic though....what concerns me...is that if this guy is a lifer then what the hell was he doing out on bail roaming around the streets of smoggyville :shock:

LIFE should MEAN LIFE :evil:

Caroline? You're on first name terms? :cry:

Be careful NT....he'll be feeding you black pudding and showing you his ferrets next! :lol:

Cool I like black pudding and own 7 ferrets!!!

  • Moderator

Caroline? You're on first name terms?  :cry:  

Be careful NT....he'll be feeding you black pudding and showing you his ferrets next!  :lol:

we're having secret PM sex :shock: ..shit let the cat out of the bag now

Is PM sex is better than chocolate?

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