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My name is Ryan, I commonly go by 'TheRealFatShady' on forums.

I'm from Worcester, MA.

For bikes, I have:

82 Suzuki GS1100GL - Turned into a GK model, essentially (new seat, fairings, KG hard bags, etc)

And my newly acquired 1986 Radian 600. Needs some work, new fuel filter (gas not getting through) and some clutch work. Also seems to have an oil leak near the valves.

The valve cover says Yamaha, but it's brass/gold colored. The bolts also look new. I don't know much about Radians, but that looks like it was replaced. Thoughts?

The bike is small, but I like it. I traded my Yamaha TTR90 dirt bike for it. (I'm much too big for that dirt bike, haha)

Anyway, hoping to become a well known contributing member on here, but first I have a lot to learn.

- Ryan

EDIT: I will try to get the Radian pics up soon, but here is the GS:


  • Author

Thanks. I got to look at the bike a little more. Clutch is bad, wants to go even with the cable adjusted and handle all the way in. I'm thinking clutch plates, need to find some online....

Thanks for the welcome

Hello Ryan

From whereabout are you from?

  • Author

Greetings Ryan, thats an odd place to park the bike. :P

Yes it is. Basically that bike weighed around 700 pounds, possibly a little more. Myself and one other used a piece of wood to get it onto a wall, then from the wall into a small truck.

It was very, very difficult. Didn't wanna push it down a ramp, the damage would be severe if it fell over. Plus those KG boxes are expensive.

We backed up near the pile of sand/dirt, then pulled the bike back and truck forward. No harm done, removed successfully.

Hello Ryan

From whereabout are you from?

Massachusetts. Worcester to be more specific. (USA)

Notice there doesn't appear to be too many from the US here.

Massachusetts. Worcester to be more specific. (USA)

Notice there doesn't appear to be too many from the US here.

Sorry Ryan, I should have realised. There is a Worcester in England (famous for it's secretive sauce.)

When you explained that you are from Massachusetts it brought back memories of one of my favourite song from the Bee Gees.

As for not being many Yanks on board, the forum is predominatly British, there are at least a couple of your fellow countrymen "Little Dave" from Nevada and "Yamahead" from Milwaukie.

I hope some more will read this and introduce themselves to you.

But anyway welcome to the forum.

  • Author

Ah, my apologies.

Thanks for the warm welcome, here's some pictures (They aren't the best, but they show both bikes)




The good:

Running currently, I rode it home

The Bad:

Tank has some damage from being dumped.

The Ugly:

Someone WELDED a socket to the oil drain plug. Then spraypainted it + the engine.

Forks may be bent, the bike feels like it's turning one way always. Not sure if I can do anything, aside from just get used to it.

Had carbs rebuilt, new fuel filter, clutch problem = missing a washer. What a relief!

I had a mechanic friend working on it. The clutch wasn't working at all. We were looking up new plates and springs when he noticed the diagram showing a washer which I didn't have. $.31 and some time with a dremel to make it fit perfect = fixed clutch.

It's pretty strong, a lot more so than expected.

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