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Hi Guys,

I've been trying to get some bike insurance quotes all day and was wondering how should be paying? I tried Norwich Union at for for a quote on a 2003 Yamaha R6 and it came out with £3000 TPF&T!!!! WTF!!!! :shock:

I came across Insurance2000, which I found on the back of Ride Magazine and gave it a go with the following bikes (All are TPF&F quotes):

2003-2004 Yamaha R6 = £761.00 per annual :D

2004 Honda CBR600RR = £761.00 per annual

2004 Suzuki GSXR600 = £680.00 per annual

2004 Honda CBR125R = £450.00 per annual

What do you think? Are these good prices?? :D

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Thanks for that XTreme, I think with YIS I have to ring them up and will probably do that closer to the time when I get a bike (probably next year). :D

Anyway, I think YIS offer FREE TPF&T for anyone who buys a brand new R6 or FZ6 from any approved Yamaha dealler! Might have to look into that to if they will still be doing that offer next year.

Also, I know I'll be buying a bike earliest is next year, so should I do the DAS course soon and then I can say to Insurance companies next year that I've had my license for 1 year. Or shall I do the DAS next year just before I get the bike so the course would be FRESH in my head? 8)

In terms of insurance companies John they dont care if you've been riding in the time you've had your liscence or not. I would say that if they did then half of the weekend riders wouldn't scrape together a years experience :lol: .

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Yes, I suppose some people have bike insurances for like over 2 years but they've probably only been actually riding for no more than 2 months literally..........doesn't mean they are safer than someone whos had insurance for 1 year but has been riding every day to work etc. :D

If that's the case, I might just go a do the DAS closer to the time when I'll get my bike, which would be after Christmas.........gives me more time to save more money too. :)

My brother just had insurance on his 2002 R6 for £380p.a. Third party only though, but he never leaves it anywhere, only ever chained in his garage or secure compund at work. Bennets were the best for him. He's only just passed his DAS.

The Yamaha insurance has got a few clauses on new bikes, think the R6 is limited to people who've held a full license for over 12mths, the FZ6 for over 2months.

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Hi dai21t, :D

I got a quote with Bennetts and it's no good for me......£1350 for R6 TPF&T!! :shock:

I think Insurance 2000 is good enought.......did a requote this morning and R6 for TPF&T = £72.15 per month (£18 a week) thats not bad. :lol:

  • Moderator

Hi dai21t,  :D  

I got a quote with Bennetts and it's no good for me......£1350 for R6 TPF&T!!  :shock:  

I think Insurance 2000 is good enought.......did a requote this morning and R6 for TPF&T = £72.15 per month (£18 a week) thats not bad.  :lol:

your easily pleased...no way would i pay over £500 for insurance.

i pay £170 for the xj600 with carol nash. not too bad really as i'm only 22 :roll:

  • Author

It's just that £700 ish is the cheapest I can find at the moment. And all the big insurance companies like norwich union Zurich etc all quote me stupid price like £1500 for TPF&T!!! :shock:

  • Moderator

try these


or give Dyer&Holmes a ring...they're in Maidstone, was with them for years back in the early 90's

Got a quote from carol nash for £149 for me divvi......played them off against bennets ( both were quoting from eagle red star ) and got it down to £97 .......... Play hard for insurance and get what ya deserve, not what they wanna give you!!!!

  • Admin

click quote/ choice quote were the cheapest for me 2 years in a row.

[god this fecking keyboard is driving me mad, im in a internet cafe on a decent pc for a change with broadband, but still taking ages to type the posts, as a im used to the MS natural keyboards, and also this has all the text rubbed of the keys!!! :shock: ]

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I think insurance for sports bikes are going to be high where ever you go. If they are not get trashed then they're being nicked! can't win! But £712pa is the best I can find so far. Haven't tried Carol Nash nor YIS but will do closer to the time.

I'm also having a hard time trying to decide which is the better bike too out of the R6, CBR600RR and the GSXR600

I like the R6 but the CBR600RR does looks slightly better, but apparently it has a f*cking rock solid seat and comfort would be a big issue on the Honda. R6 is probably the most comfortable out of the 3. GSXR600 is a good bike but I don't like it's big head front and don't really like Suzuki's.

Carole Nash is'nt too bad, Because you get a years full brakedown cover with any (i think) new policy which would cost a extra £50 with Bennetts.

I'm still paying £600 tho :cry: and thats with 2 years no claims, But i am 24 so still "High Risk" Pah!! :evil:

I pay £480 third party on my R1, i enquired about part-exing it against the new 04 and getting finance on the difference, but i would haft to be fully comp, i rang my ins for a quote £3200!!!!!!!!!!!!!, is that to put you off, or do they seriously expect people to pay that? so i can either get a bank loan & risk riding a £9000 bike on third party ins or keep my 02 for the time being! I think i'll keep the 02 and let the no-claims build up....

  • Author

I though for bikes, not like cars, you can buy Third Party for brand new bikes? Is this the case??

Say if I got a brand new 04 R6, I would have to buy fully comp and not TPF&T?? :? Surely not??

  • Admin

Most insurance companys wont let you insure something TPFT if its over a certain value

  • Author

I see! :( I'll probably get a 1-2 year old bike anyway.........might only go for a new one if the dealers offer free insurance. :)

I just got my r6 insured for £206 fully comp with £100 excess.....carol nash.......But it does help being 36 yo and max no claims and owning the bike for over 4 years.... :D

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